- Rename the config/main.js.dist to config/main.js
- Populate the file
module.exports = {
'port': process.env.PORT || 3000, /* Your service port, we suggest 3000 */
'aws': {
'region': "us-east-1", /* You aws region */
'endpoint': "https://dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" /* Use localhost if you want to test before going live*/
'twitch': {
'client_id': "pb61xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdr9u", /* You need to have a Twitch App - Get the data in https://dev.twitch.tv/console */
'client_secret': "jws7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi0h0ic", /* You need to have a Twitch App - Get the data in https://dev.twitch.tv/console */
'redirect_uri': "http://twitc-ecsal-it3rj1p6kk2r-780238624.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/api/v1/users/singup" /* Twitch redirect url for complete the handshake */
'profile_redirect': "", /* Se a url redirection after the login complete */
'secret': "SUPER-SECRET-VALUE" /* Make sure to have the same value also in history/config/main.js https://passwordsgenerator.net/ */
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name twich-analytica/users
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <YOUR-AWS_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
docker build -t twich-analytica/users .
docker tag twich-analytica/users:latest <YOUR-AWS_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/twich-analytica/users:latest
docker push <YOUR-AWS_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/twich-analytica/users:latest
- From the Amazon ECS left navigation menu, select Task Definitions.
- Select Create new Task Definition.
- On the Select launch type compatibility page, select the EC2 option then select Next step.
- On the Configure task and container definitions page, do the following:
- In the Task Definition Name field, enter users.
- Scroll down to Container Definitions and select Add container.
- In the Add container window:
- Parameters that are not defined can be either left blank or with the default settings.
- In the Container name field, enter users.
- In the Image field, enter <YOUR-AWS_ID>.dkr.ecr..amazonaws.com/user:latest
- In the Memory Limits field, verify Hard limit is selected and enter 256 as the value.
- Under Port mappings, Host port = 0 and Container port = 3000.
- Scroll to ENVIRONMENT, CPU units = 256.
- Scroll to STORAGE AND LOGGING, check Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs
- Select Add., You will return to the Configure task and container definitions page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Create.
aws elbv2 create-target-group \
--name users \
--region <YOUR-REGION>\
--port 80 \
--protocol HTTP \
--target-type Instance \
--vpc-id <YOUR-VPC-ID> \
--health-check-interval-seconds 30 \
--health-check-path /api/v1/users \
--health-check-protocol HTTP \
--healthy-threshold-count 5 \
--unhealthy-threshold-count 2
- Navigate to the Amazon ECS console and select Clusters from the left menu bar.
- Select you cluster, select the Services tab then select Create.
- On the Configure service page, edit the following parameters (and keep the default values for parameters not listed below):
- For the Launch type, select EC2.
- For the Task Defintion, select users.
- For the Service name, enter users.
- For the Number of tasks, enter 1.
- Select Next step.
- On the Configure network page, Load balancing section, select Application Load Balancer
- In the Container to load balance section, select users:3000 and then Add to load balancer.
- In the users:3000 section, do the following:
- For the Production listener port field, select 80:HTTP.
- For the Target group name, select your group: users.
- Select Next step.
- On the Set Auto Scaling page, leave the default setting and select Next step.
- On the Review page, review the settings then select Create Service.
- After the service has been created, select View Service.