Any classification is automatically upgraded to the next level (including from 5 to 6) when a nuclear device is about to go off or a PowerCreep is present.
- Neutral - No Owners or Reservers
- Undefended - Room has no towers.
- Developing - Is less than RCL6, or does not have at least two towers or storage.
- Established - At least RCL6 with at least two towers and storage (or terminal).
- Fortified - At least RCL8 with at least five towers and storage (or terminal).
- High Level Room (Fortified)
- Multiple Attacking Players and/or 10+ Attacker Creeps
- Boosted Creeps and/or Massive Amount of Healers
- High Level Room (>= Established)
- Boosted Creeps and/or Massive Amount of Healers
- High Level (>= Established) Room
- Small Squad (Minimal Healers and no Boosts) OR
- Low Level (Developing) Room
- Boosted Creeps and/or Massive Amount of Healers OR
- Reserved Room
- Boosted Creeps and/or Massive Amount of Healers
- Multiple Attacking Players
- Reserved Room
- Boosted Creeps and/or Massive Amount of Healers OR
- Low Level (Undefended)
- Small Squad (Minimal Healers and no Boosts)
- Reserved or Undefnded Room
- Small Squad (Minimal Healers and no Boosts) OR
- Neutral Room
- Boosted Creeps and/or Massive Amount of Healers
- Any PVP actions that do not meet above qualifications