This pm2 module sends notifications in various channels on the occasion of service restarts.
pm2 install pm2-restart-notifier
pm2 set pm2-restart-notifier:[KEY] [VALUE]
pm2 set pm2-restart-notifier:errorLines 50
- errorLines - number of error lines to include in the alert (default is 50 lines)
- logLines - number of log lines to include in the alert (default is 50 lines)
- pollInterval - number of ms between pm2 polling operations (default is 30 sec)
- prefix - A prefix to show on every message (default is the host name)
- pagerdutyServiceKey - pager duty service key (required in order to turn on the pagerDuty notifier)
- pagerdutyNotificationInterval - minimal interval between alerts for the same service (default to 60 seconds)
- slackToken - slack webhook token, in the form of xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (required in order to turn on the slack notifier)
- slackNotificationInterval - minimal interval between alerts for the same service (default to 60 seconds)
- slackEmoji - an emoji to show on slack alerts (default to 💥)