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Andrea Gazzarini edited this page Jul 1, 2018 · 9 revisions

What is RRE?

The Rated Ranking Evaluator (RRE) is a search quality evaluation tool which, as the name suggests, evaluates the quality of results coming from a search infrastructure. Shortly, it can be outlined as follows:

  • A set of search quality evaluation tools
  • A search quality evaluation framework (currently targeting Apache Solr and Elasticsearch)
  • Multi (search) platform
  • Written in Java
  • It can be used also in non-Java projects
  • Licensed under Apache 2.0
  • Open to contributions!

What it offers out of the box?

The current implementation provides a rich ecosystem, with

  • a rich Domain Model for modelling your evaluation context
  • a core module that can be used programmatically in your application
  • a Maven Plugin which allow you to inject the evaluation process as part of the build cycle
  • a Maven Archetype for creating a project skeleton with everything configured (useful also if you don't use Java as main programming language)
  • a Maven Report Plugin for producing different kinds of output
  • a server module called RRE Server which allows you to have a real-time updated view of the executed evaluation processes.

What are the currently supported metrics?

You can see an updated list here.

How can I implement a custom metric?

Other than the metrics above, which are available as part of the system itself, RRE comes with a kind of mini-framework for building and pluggin-in new metrics. You can information about the metric frameworks here. After the custom metric has been implemented you must inform RRE about it. This process actually depends on the runtime container where RRE is running; for example, if you're using the Maven Plugin, then configuring a new metric is trivial, just add its FQDN in the configuration section of the plugin, in the pom.xml:
