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Package Naming

Philippe Marschall edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 2 revisions


Below a rough EBNF grammar of how Seaside and Monticello expect packages and versions to be named (no spaces allowed anywhere):

Package     = PackageName VersionInfo
PackageName = Name "-" [ Purpose "-" ] [ Platform "-" ] Rest
VersionInfo = { "." Branch } "-" Author "." Version

Package Name

Token Required Explanation Examples
Name mandatory The top level package name Seaside, Scriptaculous, ...
Purpose optional Present for tests or examples only Tests, Examples, ...
Platform optional Present for platform specific code only Pharo, GemStone, ...
Rest mandatory The second level package name (avoid $- in the name) Core, Canvas, ...


The package ...

  • Seaside-Canvas contains he canvas implementation.
  • Seaside-Pharo-Canvas contains the platform specific code of the canvas implementation.
  • Seaside-Examples-Canvas contains example code showing of the canvas implementation.
  • Seaside-Tests-Canvas contains the tests for the canvas implementation.
  • Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Canvas contains the platform specific tests of the canvas implementation.

Version Info

Token Required Explanation Examples
Branch zero-or-more The branch name starts with a lowercase letter and should not contain hyphens ($-). Several branches may be combined with periods ($.). issue123, configcleanup, ...
Author mandatory The author initials are a short sequence of lowercase letters. lr, jf, pmm, ...
Version mandatory The version numbering starts at 1 and is sequentially counting upwards with every commit. 1, 2, 3, ...


The version ...

  • Seaside-Core-pmm.2 is the second version of the package Seaside-Core committed by pmm.
  • Seaside-Core.configcleanup-jf.3 is the third version of the package Seaside-Core committed by jf into the configcleanup branch.
  • Seaside-Core.configcleanup.extraspeedup-lr.69 is the version 69 of the package Seaside-Core committed by lr, and is possibly a merge of the branches configcleanup and extraspeedup.
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