cemu_UI is a simple, material design graphical frontend for cemu, a Wii U emulator. Downloads can be found here.
cemu_UI moved from github to our own gitea instance, for future updates visit https://git.mosad.xyz/Seil0/cemu_UI
Since Microsoft is buying Github i decided to move the projects source to our own gitea instance (https://git.mosad.xyz). This github repo will only contain the readme, wiki and releases page from now on.
Simply download the cemu_UI.jar from Releases, make sure you have the latest version of java 8 oracle jre/jdk installed and open the file. cemu_UI creats a new directory "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\cemu_UI", where the database, settings and covers are stored. first start can take while!
If you want to use the cloud sync function read the wiki carefully!