Releases: SeleniumHQ/htmlunit-driver
HtmlUnit Driver 4.5.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 4.5.0.
If you still use Selenium 3 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 2.65.0 release.
- use Selenium 4.5.0
- use HtmlUnit 2.65.1
- support for switchTo().newWindow() added
HtmlUnit Driver 2.65.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 3.141.59.
If you use Selenium 4 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 4.5.0 release.
- use HtmlUnit 2.65.1
HtmlUnit Driver 3.64.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 4.4.0.
If you still use Selenium 3 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 2.64.0 release.
- use Selenium 4.4.0
- use HtmlUnit 2.64.0
- HtmlUnitDriver.getCurrentWindow() is now public
HtmlUnit Driver 2.64.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 3.141.59.
If you use Selenium 4 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 3.64.0 release.
- use HtmlUnit 2.64.0
- HtmlUnitWebElement.getElement() is now public
- HtmlUnitDriver.getWebClient() and HtmlUnitDriver.getCurrentWindow() are now public
HtmlUnit Driver 3.63.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 4.3.0.
If you still use Selenium 3 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 2.63.0 release.
- use Selenium 4.3.0
- use HtmlUnit 2.63.0
- rewritten actions support based on the web driver api
- window handling is back in sync with selenium
- reorganized test suite
- major code cleanup, checkstyle and spotbugs added to the build process
HtmlUnit Driver 3.62.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 4.2.1.
If you still use Selenium 3 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 2.61.0 release.
- use Selenium 4.2.1
- use HtmlUnit 2.62.0
- use new setValue instead of setValueAttribute for input elements
- gson 2.8.9
HtmlUnit Driver 2.63.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 3.141.59.
If you use Selenium 4 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 3.63.0 release.
- use HtmlUnit 2.63.0
HtmlUnit Driver 2.62.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 3.141.59.
If you use Selenium 4 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 3.62.0 release.
- use HtmlUnit 2.62.0
- use new setValue instead of setValueAttribute for input elements
- gson 2.8.9
HtmlUnit Driver 3.61.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 4.1.3.
If you still use Selenium 3 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 2.61.0 release.
- update for Selenium 4.1.3
- use HtmlUnit 2.61.0
HtmlUnit Driver 2.61.0
This driver is compatible with Selenium 3.141.59.
If you use Selenium 4 please download the HtmlUnit Driver 3.61.0 release.
- use HtmlUnit 2.61.0