Welcome to the ultimate collection of C Programming Programs and Exercises!
🎓 This repository is tailored for students and beginners who want to build a strong foundation in C programming. Whether you're just starting out or exploring advanced topics, this repository is your go-to resource for a smooth and engaging learning experience.
What You’ll Find Here:
✅ Basic Concepts: Programs to practice data types, variables, constants, and operators.
✅ Control Statements: Exercises on if-else, loops (for, while, do-while), and switch-case logic.
✅ Functions: Learn how to define and call functions, implement recursion, and handle parameter passing.
✅ Arrays & Strings: Practical examples for working with arrays and manipulating strings.
✅ Pointers: Step-by-step practice on memory management and pointer arithmetic.
✅ File Handling: Examples to read and write files, manage data storage, and handle file streams.
✅ Advanced Concepts: In-depth programs on structures, unions, and dynamic memory allocation.
✅ Interview Questions: A collection of popular problems and solutions to prepare for technical interviews.
Why Use This Repository?
🌟 Step-by-Step Learning: Start with foundational programs and gradually tackle more complex challenges.
📘 Well-Commented Code: Every program is clearly explained with comments to ensure you understand each step.
🎯 Practical Focus: Build skills that are directly applicable to exams, interviews, and real-world coding projects.
🔄 Contributions Welcome: Collaborate and grow with a community of learners by contributing your ideas and solutions.
How to Get Started?
Clone this repository: gh repo clone ShaliniVerma21/C-Programming-Programs-and-Excersizes
Open any topic folder to explore programs and exercises.
Compile and run the code on your preferred IDE or terminal.
Contribute & Collaborate
💡 Have a program idea or spotted a bug?
Fork this repository and submit a pull request.
Share your insights or request features by creating an issue.
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