From d3220c9ba9ca8682a522097e2bc1205abaa97a29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SierraKomodo <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 15:26:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [MIRROR] Ammo Boxes
baystation12.dme | 1 +
.../objects/items/weapons/storage/ | 438 ++++++++++++++++++
.../objects/items/weapons/storage/ | 2 +-
code/modules/projectiles/ | 316 +++++++++++--
.../modules/projectiles/ammunition/ | 9 +
code/modules/psionics/equipment/ | 1 +
6 files changed, 735 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/
diff --git a/baystation12.dme b/baystation12.dme
index 599d6e5c7b72a..2fba2bc8ddc0b 100644
--- a/baystation12.dme
+++ b/baystation12.dme
@@ -1205,6 +1205,7 @@
#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\material\"
#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\melee\"
#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\melee\"
+#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\storage\"
#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\storage\"
#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\storage\"
#include "code\game\objects\items\weapons\storage\"
diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c25e8270e737f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ name = "ammo box"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/weapons/ammo_boxes.dmi'
+ icon_state = "ammo"
+ desc = "A sturdy metal box with several warning symbols on the front.
WARNING: Live ammunition. Misuse may result in serious injury or death."
+ /// Path (Subtypes of `/obj/item/ammo_casing`). The ammo type this ammo box holds. Generally, you should not modify directly. See `set_ammo_type()`
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_type
+ /// Boolean. Whether or not the box is carrying spent or unspent rounds.
+ var/ammo_spent = FALSE
+ /// Positive Integer. The amount on ammunition currently in this box. Generally, you should not modify directly. See `insert_casing()` and `remove_casing()`.
+ var/ammo_count
+ /// Positive Integer. The maximum amount of ammunition this box can hold.
+ var/ammo_max = 100
+ ammo_type = /obj/item/ammo_casing/pistol
+ ammo_count = 100
+ . = ..()
+ return
+ if (!ammo_count)
+ ammo_type = null
+ ammo_spent = null
+ update_name()
+/obj/item/ammobox/examine(mob/user, distance, is_adjacent)
+ . = ..()
+ if (!ammo_count)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("It is empty."))
+ else
+ var/remaining_space = ammo_max - ammo_count
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("It is currently holding [ammo_count] [initial(]\s and has room for [remaining_space] more."))
+ if (user.get_inactive_hand() != src)
+ return ..()
+ if (!ammo_count)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is empty.")
+ return TRUE
+ if (!do_after(user, 0.25 SECONDS, src, DO_PUBLIC_UNIQUE) || !user.use_sanity_check(src))
+ return TRUE
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/casing = remove_casing(user, get_turf(user))
+ user.put_in_hands(casing)
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] removes \a [casing] from \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You remove \a [casing.get_ammo_casing_name()] from \the [src]. [ammo_count ? "It now holds [ammo_count] more." : "It is not empty."]")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ if (!ammo_count)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is empty.")
+ return
+ var/confirm = alert(user, "Dump \the [src]'s contents on the floor?" , name, "Yes", "No")
+ if (confirm != "Yes" || !user.use_sanity_check(src))
+ return
+ var/turf/target = get_turf(user)
+ while (ammo_count)
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_casing = remove_casing(user, target)
+ ammo_casing.set_dir(pick(GLOB.alldirs))
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] dumps \a [src] all over the floor."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You dump \the [src] all over the floor.")
+ )
+/obj/item/ammobox/use_tool(obj/item/tool, mob/living/user, list/click_params)
+ // Ammo Box - Transfer contents
+ if (istype(tool, /obj/item/ammobox))
+ var/obj/item/ammobox/donor_box = tool
+ if (!donor_box.ammo_count)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [donor_box] is empty.")
+ return TRUE
+ if (ammo_count >= ammo_max)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is full.")
+ return TRUE
+ if (ammo_count && (donor_box.ammo_type != ammo_type || donor_box.ammo_spent != ammo_spent))
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [donor_box]'s contents can't be mixed with the rounds already in \the [src].")
+ return TRUE
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] starts dumping \a [tool] into \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You start dumping \the [tool] into \the [src].")
+ )
+ var/partial = FALSE // Alters the visible message to say "partially" if there was a casing that halted the loop
+ while (donor_box.ammo_count > 0 && ammo_count < ammo_max)
+ if (!do_after(user, 0.5 SECONDS, src, DO_PUBLIC_UNIQUE) || !user.use_sanity_check(src, tool))
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ if (!insert_casing(new donor_box.ammo_type(src, donor_box.ammo_spent)))
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ donor_box.remove_casing()
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] [partial ? "partially " : null]dumps \a [tool] into \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You [partial ? "partially " : null]dump \the [tool] into \the [src]. The target box now holds [ammo_count] round\s. [partial ? "The donor box has [donor_box.ammo_count] round\s remaining." : null]")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ // Ammo Casing - Attempt to add to the box.
+ if (istype(tool, /obj/item/ammo_casing))
+ if (!can_insert_casing(tool, user))
+ return TRUE
+ if (!do_after(user, 0.5 SECONDS, src, DO_PUBLIC_UNIQUE) || !user.use_sanity_check(src, tool))
+ return TRUE
+ if (!insert_casing(tool, user))
+ return TRUE
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_casing = tool
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] adds \a [tool] to \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You add \a [ammo_casing.get_ammo_casing_name()] to \the [src]. It now holds [ammo_count] round\s.")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ // Ammo Magazine - Attempt to feed the rounds to the box.
+ if (istype(tool, /obj/item/ammo_magazine))
+ var/obj/item/ammo_magazine/magazine = tool
+ if (!length(magazine.stored_ammo))
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [tool] is empty.")
+ return TRUE
+ if (ammo_count >= ammo_max)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is full.")
+ return TRUE
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/casing = magazine.stored_ammo[length(magazine.stored_ammo)]
+ if (!can_insert_casing(casing, user))
+ return TRUE
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] starts emptying \a [tool] into \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You start emptying \the [tool] into \the [src].")
+ )
+ var/partial = FALSE // Alters the visible message to say "partially" if there was a casing that halted the loop
+ while (length(magazine.stored_ammo))
+ casing = magazine.stored_ammo[length(magazine.stored_ammo)]
+ if (!can_insert_casing(casing, user))
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ if (!do_after(user, 0.25 SECONDS, src, DO_PUBLIC_UNIQUE) || !user.use_sanity_check(src, tool))
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ casing = magazine.remove_casing(user, src)
+ if (!casing)
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ insert_casing(casing)
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] [partial ? "partially " : null]empties \a [tool] into \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You [partial ? "partially " : null]empty \the [tool] into \the [src].")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ return ..()
+/obj/item/ammobox/use_after(atom/target, mob/living/user, click_parameters)
+ // Magazine - Load magazine
+ if (istype(target, /obj/item/ammo_magazine))
+ if (!ammo_count)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is empty.")
+ return TRUE
+ var/obj/item/ammo_magazine/magazine = target
+ if (magazine.caliber != initial(ammo_type.caliber))
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src]'s ammunition does not fit into \the [target].")
+ return TRUE
+ if (length(magazine.stored_ammo) >= magazine.max_ammo)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [target] is full.")
+ return TRUE
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] starts loading \a [target] from \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You start loading \the [target] from \the [src].")
+ )
+ var/partial = FALSE
+ var/count = 0
+ while (ammo_count > 0 && length(magazine.stored_ammo) < magazine.max_ammo)
+ if (!do_after(user, 0.5 SECONDS, src, DO_PUBLIC_UNIQUE) || !user.use_sanity_check(target, src))
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ if (length(magazine.stored_ammo) >= magazine.max_ammo)
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ var/casing = remove_casing(user, magazine)
+ if (!casing)
+ partial = TRUE
+ break
+ count++
+ magazine.load_casing(casing, user)
+ if (!count)
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] fails to load any rounds from \a [src] to \a [target]."),
+ SPAN_WARNING("You fail to load any rounds from \the [src] to \the [target].")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] [partial ? "partially " : null]loads \a [target] with \a [src]."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You [partial ? "partially " : null]load \the [target] with [count] round\s from \the [src].
\The [src] now has [ammo_count] round\s remaining.
\The [target] now has [length(magazine.stored_ammo)] round\s loaded.")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ // Try to scoop bullets up
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/clicked
+ var/turf/target_turf
+ var/obj/item/ammo_casing/target_type
+ var/target_spent = FALSE
+ if (isturf(target))
+ target_turf = target
+ else if (istype(target, /obj/item/ammo_casing) && isturf(target.loc))
+ clicked = target
+ target_turf = target.loc
+ target_type = target.type
+ target_spent = !clicked.BB
+ else
+ return ..()
+ if (ammo_count >= ammo_max)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is full.")
+ return TRUE
+ if (ammo_count && target_type)
+ if (target_type != ammo_type || ammo_spent != !clicked.BB)
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("The [clicked.get_ammo_casing_name()] can't be mixed with the rounds already in \the [src].")
+ return TRUE
+ var/list/candidates = list()
+ for (var/obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_casing in target_turf)
+ if (!ammo_count)
+ target_type = ammo_casing.type
+ target_spent = !ammo_casing.BB
+ else if (ammo_count && (ammo_casing.type != target_type || target_spent != !ammo_casing.BB))
+ continue
+ candidates += ammo_casing
+ if (!length(candidates))
+ USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("There are no bullets \the [src] can hold here.")
+ return TRUE
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] starts loading \a [src] with loose rounds."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You start loading \the [src] with loose rounds.")
+ )
+ var/count = 0
+ for (var/obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_casing as anything in candidates)
+ if (ammo_casing.loc != target_turf)
+ continue
+ if (ammo_count && (ammo_casing.type != ammo_type || ammo_spent != ammo_casing.BB))
+ continue
+ if (!do_after(user, 0.25 SECONDS, src, DO_PUBLIC_UNIQUE) || !user.use_sanity_check(src, ammo_casing, SANITY_CHECK_DEFAULT & ~SANITY_CHECK_TOOL_IN_HAND))
+ break
+ if (!insert_casing(ammo_casing, user))
+ break
+ count++
+ if (!count)
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] fails to load \a [src] with loose rounds."),
+ SPAN_WARNING("You fail to load \the [src] with loose rounds.")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ user.visible_message(
+ SPAN_NOTICE("\The [user] loads \a [src] with loose rounds."),
+ SPAN_NOTICE("You load \the [src] with loose rounds.")
+ )
+ return TRUE
+ return "
A specialized box dedicated to holding loose ammunition. These boxes can only hold a single type of ammunition at a time.
" + + +/obj/item/ammobox/get_interactions_info() + . = ..() + .["Ammo Box"] = "Transfers the contents of the held box to the clicked box, if the ammo types match." + .["Bullet Casing"] = "Adds the bullet casing to the box, if the ammo types match." + .["Magazine"] = "Transfers the contents of the magazine to the box, if the ammo types match." + + +/** + * Sets the box's `ammo_type` to the given type, updating its name in the process. + * + * **Parameters**: + * - `new_ammo_type` (Path - Subtype of `obj/item/ammo_casing`). + * - `casing_spent` (Boolean). Only used if `new_ammo_type` is a path. Whether or not the casing is considered spent. + * + * Has no return value. + */ +/obj/item/ammobox/proc/set_ammo_type(obj/item/ammo_casing/new_ammo_type, casing_spent = FALSE) + if (isatom(new_ammo_type)) + if (!istype(new_ammo_type)) + return + casing_spent = !new_ammo_type.BB + new_ammo_type = new_ammo_type.type + + if (!ispath(new_ammo_type, /obj/item/ammo_casing)) + return + + if (ammo_type == new_ammo_type) + return + + ammo_type = new_ammo_type + ammo_spent = casing_spent + update_name() + + +/** + * Checks if the casing can be added to the box. + * + * Provides user feedback messages on failure. + * + * **Parameters**: + * - `ammo_casing` (Object or path. Subtypes of `/obj/item/ammo_casing`) - The casing to insert. Has to be the same type as `ammo_type`, unless `ammo_count` is `0`. + * - `user` - The mob attempting to insert the casing. Used for feedback messages. If not set, no feedback messages are sent. + * - `casing_spent` (Boolean). Only used if `ammo_casing` is a path. Whether or not the casing is considered spent. + * + * Returns boolean. `TRUE` if the casing was successfully inserted, `FALSE` otherwise. + */ +/obj/item/ammobox/proc/can_insert_casing(obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_casing, mob/user, casing_spent = FALSE) + var/obj/item/ammo_casing/casing_type + var/casing_name = _get_ammo_casing_name(ammo_casing, casing_spent) + if (ispath(ammo_casing)) + casing_type = ammo_casing + else + casing_type = ammo_casing.type + casing_spent = !ammo_casing.BB + + if (!ispath(casing_type, /obj/item/ammo_casing)) + if (user) + USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] isn't designed to hold \the [casing_name].") + return FALSE + + if (ammo_count && (ammo_type != casing_type || ammo_spent != casing_spent)) + if (user) + USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [casing_name] can't be mixed with the rounds already in \the [src].") + return FALSE + + if (ammo_count >= ammo_max) + if (user) + USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is full.") + return FALSE + + return TRUE + + + +/** + * Adds `ammo_casing` to the ammo box's inventory. Checks `can_insert_casing()`. + * + * **Parameters**: + * - `ammo_casing` - The casing to insert. Has to be the same type as `ammo_type`, unless `ammo_count` is `0`. + * - `user` - The mob attempting to insert the casing. Used for feedback messages. If not set, no feedback messages are sent. + * - `skip_check` (Boolean, default `FALSE`) - If set, skips `can_insert_casing()` checks. Useful if you're already checking outside this proc, or simply want to force a casing. + * **Be warned this will also force update the ammoboxe's ammo type to the new casing.** + * + * Returns boolean. `TRUE` if the casing was successfully inserted, `FALSE` otherwise. + */ +/obj/item/ammobox/proc/insert_casing(obj/item/ammo_casing/ammo_casing, mob/user, skip_check = FALSE) + if (!skip_check && !can_insert_casing(ammo_casing, user)) + return FALSE + ammo_count++ + if (ammo_type != ammo_casing.type) + set_ammo_type(ammo_casing.type) + playsound(src, 'sound/weapons/guns/interaction/bullet_insert.ogg', 10, TRUE) + qdel(ammo_casing) + return TRUE + + +/** + * Removes a casing and places it in `target`. + * + * Provides user feedback messages on failure. + * + * **Parameters**: + * - `user` - The mob removing the casing. If not set, there will be no feedback messages. + * - `target` - The atom to place the casing in. If not set, the casing is not spawned and the round is simply removed. + * + * Returns the removed casing if one was created or `null`. + */ +/obj/item/ammobox/proc/remove_casing(mob/user, atom/target) + RETURN_TYPE(/obj/item/ammo_casing) + if (!ammo_count) + if (user) + USE_FEEDBACK_FAILURE("\The [src] is empty.") + return + + var/obj/item/ammo_casing/casing + ammo_count-- + if (target) + casing = new ammo_type(target, ammo_spent) + . = casing + + if (casing && isturf(target)) + playsound(src, pick(casing.fall_sounds), 10, TRUE) + else if (ismob(target)) + playsound(src, 'sound/weapons/guns/interaction/bullet_insert.ogg', 10, TRUE) + // Any other target type, i.e. magazine, already has its own sound effect + + if (!ammo_count) + ammo_type = null + ammo_spent = null + update_name() + + +/obj/item/ammobox/proc/update_name() + if (!ammo_count) + SetName("empty [initial(name)]") + return + SetName("[initial(name)] - [get_ammo_casing_name()]") + + +/obj/item/ammobox/proc/get_ammo_casing_name() + return _get_ammo_casing_name(ammo_type, ammo_spent) diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/ index 9d4cef4a36566..46448f451d3a1 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/ +++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/ @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ /obj/item/storage/box/ammo - name = "ammo box" + name = "magazine box" icon = 'icons/obj/weapons/ammo_boxes.dmi' icon_state = "ammo" desc = "A sturdy metal box with several warning symbols on the front.