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Enum Name Description
OK The transaction passed the precheck validations.
INVALID_TRANSACTION For any error not handled by specific error codes listed below.
PAYER_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Payer account does not exist.
INVALID_NODE_ACCOUNT Node Account provided does not match the node account of the node the transaction was submitted to.
TRANSACTION_EXPIRED Pre-Check error when TransactionValidStart + transactionValidDuration is less than current consensus time.
INVALID_TRANSACTION_START Transaction start time is greater than current consensus time
INVALID_TRANSACTION_DURATION valid transaction duration is a positive non zero number that does not exceed 120 seconds
INVALID_SIGNATURE The transaction signature is not valid
MEMO_TOO_LONG Transaction memo size exceeded 100 bytes
INSUFFICIENT_TX_FEE The fee provided in the transaction is insufficient for this type of transaction
INSUFFICIENT_PAYER_BALANCE The payer account has insufficient cryptocurrency to pay the transaction fee
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION This transaction ID is a duplicate of one that was submitted to this node or reached consensus in the last 180 seconds (receipt period)
BUSY If API is throttled out
NOT_SUPPORTED The API is not currently supported
INVALID_FILE_ID The file id is invalid or does not exist
INVALID_ACCOUNT_ID The account id is invalid or does not exist
INVALID_CONTRACT_ID The contract id is invalid or does not exist
INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID Transaction id is not valid
RECEIPT_NOT_FOUND Receipt for given transaction id does not exist
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Record for given transaction id does not exist
INVALID_SOLIDITY_ID The solidity id is invalid or entity with this solidity id does not exist
UNKNOWN Transaction hasn't yet reached consensus, or has already expired
SUCCESS The transaction succeeded
FAIL_INVALID There was a system error and the transaction failed because of invalid request parameters.
FAIL_FEE There was a system error while performing fee calculation, reserved for future.
FAIL_BALANCE There was a system error while performing balance checks, reserved for future.
KEY_REQUIRED Key not provided in the transaction body
BAD_ENCODING Unsupported algorithm/encoding used for keys in the transaction
INSUFFICIENT_ACCOUNT_BALANCE When the account balance is not sufficient for the transfer
INVALID_SOLIDITY_ADDRESS During an update transaction when the system is not able to find the Users Solidity address
INSUFFICIENT_GAS Not enough gas was supplied to execute transaction
CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED contract byte code size is over the limit
LOCAL_CALL_MODIFICATION_EXCEPTION local execution (query) is requested for a function which changes state
CONTRACT_EXECUTION_EXCEPTION For any contract execution related error not handled by specific error codes listed above.
INVALID_RECEIVING_NODE_ACCOUNT In Query validation, account with +ve(amount) value should be Receiving node account, the receiver account should be only one account in the list
MISSING_QUERY_HEADER Header is missing in Query request
ACCOUNT_UPDATE_FAILED The update of the account failed
INVALID_KEY_ENCODING Provided key encoding was not supported by the system
NULL_SOLIDITY_ADDRESS null solidity address
CONTRACT_UPDATE_FAILED update of the contract failed
INVALID_QUERY_HEADER the query header is invalid
INVALID_FEE_SUBMITTED Invalid fee submitted
INVALID_PAYER_SIGNATURE Payer signature is invalid
KEY_NOT_PROVIDED The keys were not provided in the request.
INVALID_EXPIRATION_TIME Expiration time provided in the transaction was invalid.
NO_WACL_KEY WriteAccess Control Keys are not provided for the file
FILE_CONTENT_EMPTY The contents of file are provided as empty.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_AMOUNTS The crypto transfer credit and debit do not sum equal to 0
EMPTY_TRANSACTION_BODY Transaction body provided is empty
INVALID_TRANSACTION_BODY Invalid transaction body provided
INVALID_SIGNATURE_TYPE_MISMATCHING_KEY the type of key (base ed25519 key, KeyList, or ThresholdKey) does not match the type of signature (base ed25519 signature, SignatureList, or ThresholdKeySignature)
INVALID_SIGNATURE_COUNT_MISMATCHING_KEY the number of key (KeyList, or ThresholdKey) does not match that of signature (SignatureList, or ThresholdKeySignature). e.g. if a keyList has 3 base keys, then the corresponding signatureList should also have 3 base signatures.
EMPTY_LIVEHASH_BODY the claim body is empty
EMPTY_LIVE_HASH the hash for the claim is empty
EMPTY_LIVEHASH_KEYS the key list is empty
INVALID_LIVE_HASH_SIZE the size of the claim hash is not 48 bytes
EMPTY_QUERY_BODY the query body is empty
EMPTY_LIVE_QUERY the crypto claim query is empty
LIVEHASH_NOT_FOUND the crypto claim doesn't exists in the file system. It expired or was never persisted.
ACCOUNT_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST the account id passed has not yet been created.
LIVEHASH_ALREADY_EXISTS the claim hash already exists
INVALID_FILE_WACL File WACL keys are invalid
SERIALIZATION_FAILED Serialization failure
TRANSACTION_OVERSIZE The size of the Transaction is greater than transactionMaxBytes
TRANSACTION_TOO_MANY_LAYERS The Transaction has more than 50 levels
CONTRACT_DELETED Contract is marked as deleted
PLATFORM_NOT_ACTIVE the platform node is either disconnected or lagging behind.
KEY_PREFIX_MISMATCH one public key matches more than one prefixes on the signature map
PLATFORM_TRANSACTION_NOT_CREATED transaction not created by platform due to either large backlog or message size exceeded transactionMaxBytes
INVALID_RENEWAL_PERIOD auto renewal period is not a positive number of seconds
INVALID_PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID the response code when a smart contract id is passed for a crypto API request
ACCOUNT_DELETED the account has been marked as deleted
FILE_DELETED the file has been marked as deleted
ACCOUNT_REPEATED_IN_ACCOUNT_AMOUNTS same accounts repeated in the transfer account list
SETTING_NEGATIVE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE attempting to set negative balance value for crypto account
OBTAINER_REQUIRED when deleting smart contract that has crypto balance either transfer account or transfer smart contract is required
OBTAINER_SAME_CONTRACT_ID when deleting smart contract that has crypto balance you can not use the same contract id as transferContractId as the one being deleted
OBTAINER_DOES_NOT_EXIST transferAccountId or transferContractId specified for contract delete does not exist
MODIFYING_IMMUTABLE_CONTRACT attempting to modify (update or delete a immutable smart contract, i.e. one created without a admin key)
FILE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION Unexpected exception thrown by file system functions
ERROR_DECODING_BYTESTRING Decoding the smart contract binary to a byte array failed. Check that the input is a valid hex string.
CONTRACT_FILE_EMPTY File to create a smart contract was of length zero
CONTRACT_BYTECODE_EMPTY Bytecode for smart contract is of length zero
INVALID_INITIAL_BALANCE Attempt to set negative initial balance
INVALID_RECEIVE_RECORD_THRESHOLD attempt to set negative receive record threshold
INVALID_SEND_RECORD_THRESHOLD attempt to set negative send record threshold
ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_GENESIS_ACCOUNT Special Account Operations should be performed by only Genesis account, return this code if it is not Genesis Account
PAYER_ACCOUNT_UNAUTHORIZED The fee payer account doesn't have permission to submit such Transaction
INVALID_FREEZE_TRANSACTION_BODY FreezeTransactionBody is invalid
FREEZE_TRANSACTION_BODY_NOT_FOUND FreezeTransactionBody does not exist
TRANSFER_LIST_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Exceeded the number of accounts (both from and to) allowed for crypto transfer list
RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Smart contract result size greater than specified maxResultSize
NOT_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT The payer account is not a special account(account 0.0.55)
CONTRACT_NEGATIVE_GAS Negative gas was offered in smart contract call
CONTRACT_NEGATIVE_VALUE Negative value / initial balance was specified in a smart contract call / create
INVALID_FEE_FILE Failed to update fee file
INVALID_EXCHANGE_RATE_FILE Failed to update exchange rate file
INSUFFICIENT_LOCAL_CALL_GAS Payment tendered for contract local call cannot cover both the fee and the gas
ENTITY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_DELETE Entities with Entity ID below 1000 are not allowed to be deleted
AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Violating one of these rules: 1) treasury account can update all entities below 0.0.1000, 2) account 0.0.50 can update all entities from 0.0.51 - 0.0.80, 3) Network Function Master Account A/c 0.0.50 - Update all Network Function accounts & perform all the Network Functions listed below, 4) Network Function Accounts: i) A/c 0.0.55 - Update Address Book files (0.0.101/102), ii) A/c 0.0.56 - Update Fee schedule (0.0.111), iii) A/c 0.0.57 - Update Exchange Rate (0.0.112).
FILE_UPLOADED_PROTO_INVALID Fee Schedule Proto uploaded but not valid (append or update is required)
FILE_UPLOADED_PROTO_NOT_SAVED_TO_DISK Fee Schedule Proto uploaded but not valid (append or update is required)
FEE_SCHEDULE_FILE_PART_UPLOADED Fee Schedule Proto File Part uploaded
EXCHANGE_RATE_CHANGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The change on Exchange Rate exceeds Exchange_Rate_Allowed_Percentage
MAX_CONTRACT_STORAGE_EXCEEDED Contract permanent storage exceeded the currently allowable limit
MAX_GAS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Gas exceeded currently allowable gas limit per transaction
MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED File size exceeded the currently allowable limit
INVALID_TOPIC_ID The Topic ID specified is not in the system.
UNAUTHORIZED An attempted operation was not authorized (ie - a deleteTopic for a topic with no adminKey).
INVALID_TOPIC_MESSAGE A ConsensusService message is empty.
INVALID_AUTORENEW_ACCOUNT The autoRenewAccount specified is not a valid, active account.
AUTORENEW_ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED An adminKey was not specified on the topic, so there must not be an autoRenewAccount.
TOPIC_EXPIRED The topic has expired, was not automatically renewed, and is in a 7 day grace period before the topic will be deleted unrecoverably. This error response code will not be returned until autoRenew functionality is supported by HAPI.