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File metadata and controls

313 lines (231 loc) · 15.2 KB


Version 1.0.2 Beta

Copyright (C) 2012 Felix Wiemuth, Anton Pirogov


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


ShopTool is a tool for SimpleServer to create Minecraft in-game shops based on SimpleServer Events. The result is a vendor bot showing up in the world with whom can be interacted. In fact the user in a first step creates pricelists to be able to create shops from these lists in a second step. To get started you can refer to the Quickstart guide below.

Setup: Preperations to use the shop system with SimpleServer

Since the shop system is implemented via events, first make sure that the enableEvents flag in is set to true. Now the server needs additional code which is located in the static.xml file that comes with ShopTool. In general, the content can simply by copied into the <config> section of SimpleServers config.xml. If you already have a onServerStart event, just add the line launch storeBotsRestartService to initialize the shops and delete the copied onServerStart event.



ShopTool is a command-line program that works by passing commands with options and arguments. You can run the program by executing

$ java -jar ShopTool.jar <ShopTool command> <command options, arguments>

inside a console at the directory where your ShopTool.jar file is. If you use Linux you can run

$ ./ <ShopTool command> <command options, arguments>

instead. If you are a (Windows) user who doesn´t know how to deal with the command line or how to edit text files with extensions other than ".txt" you should inform yourself about these things before using ShopTool.

Basic steps

To create a shop for your Minecraft SimpleServer server you have to follow these steps

  1. Create a pricelist
  2. Create a shop file
  3. Create event code from a shop file
  4. Put event code into SimpleServer´s config.xml file


Pricelists are files containing entries with items to be bought and sold. Each line in a .pricelist file represents one item. A line (with all keys used) may look like this:

ID=35:6 NAME=pinkwool PRICE_BUY=2000 PRICE_SELL=1800 NORMAL=12 MAX=64 TIME=6000 #This is a comment
  • ID the block id of the minecraft item (see for information on IDs)
  • NAME [opt.] an alias for the item - this is only for convenience in the text files and currently not used by ShopTool or SimpleServer
  • PRICE_BUY the price you have to pay for buying an item of this type
  • PRICE_SELL the amout you get for selling an item of this type
  • PRICE can be used instead of PRICE_BUY and PRICE_SELL indicating the price for both
  • NORMAL the amount of items the shop tends to have (the stock is changing towards this amount while time passes)
  • MAX the maximum of items the shop can hold - this means you cannot sell infinitely
  • TIME time interval in seconds it takes to change the current stock by one item towards 'NORMAL'

Note: Leaving out a price means that this item is not available for selling or buying. Use this feature to make some items only available for purchase and others only for selling.

Note: Not all of these keys must be given - if something is left out, default values are used (either those specified in commands or internal defaults).

To start, you can use the different basic pricelists available for download. For example, the "items.pricelist" file contains all IDs and the corresponding SimpleServer aliases. Copy a pricelist, delete item lines you don´t want to use and add lines that are missing.

You can generate a new pricelist based on existing pricelists. In this process, all items given in the different lists are thrown together to build the new list (if items occur twice, only the first one ist taken). This is especially useful if you want to apply some values to all items of a pricelist, e.g. interests or default stock or refill time values. It is also useful to create a raw assortment of a new shop - for this purpose there are basic pricelists that contain only items of a special group, e.g. ore or wool. After creating a pricelist like this you can go into the file an manually adapt some items.

Note that pricelists are revised before being processed: If an item line is incorrect ShopTool tries to make it valid but if that fails, the item is discarded.

Syntax of the pricelist command

pl [factor] [interest buy] [interest sell] [[-n][-N]] normalStock [[-max][-MAX]] maxStock [[-t][-T]] stockUpdateTime [dest] [file 1] [file 2] ...
  • factor factor all prices with this constant
  • interest buy add an interest to all buy prices
  • interest sell subtract an interest from all sell prices
  • dest path to the file the new pricelist should be saved to
  • file n a correct pricelist file

The switches -n, -max and -t set the corresponding values for each item where they are not already set. Using a switch in capital letters forces the value for all items (existing values are overwritten). Note that all switches are optional but must be given in the shown order.

Example of using the pricelist command

We start with two pricelist files:

Pricelist 1: general.pricelist

ID=3 NAME=dirt PRICE=10
ID=4 NAME=cobblestone PRICE=20
ID=5 NAME=wood PRICE=25
ID=12 NAME=sand PRICE=40
ID=13 NAME=gravel PRICE=30
ID=24 NAME=sandstone PRICE=70

Pricelist 2: metal.pricelist

#Metal ingot / ore
ID=263 NAME=coal PRICE=250
ID=331 NAME=redstone PRICE=1000
ID=265 NAME=iron PRICE=10000
ID=348 NAME=glowstone PRICE=13000
ID=22 NAME=lapiz PRICE=25000
ID=266 NAME=gold PRICE=100000
ID=264 NAME=diamond PRICE=2000000

As you see, these lists only include id, name and a single price per item. This is perfectly ok, making it easy to build special pricelists from these general forms.

Let´s say we want all the items of both lists, subtract an interest of 0.1 from the sell price and have all prices be 25% higher. The normal stock should be 20, the maximum 64 and the time interval of stock changing 2 minutes. Our new pricelist should be saved to the file mix.pricelist. No problem:

pl 1.25 0 0.1 -n 20 -max 64 -t 120 mix.pricelist general.pricelist metal.pricelist

The result: mix.pricelist

ID=22 NAME=lapiz PRICE_BUY=31250 PRICE_SELL=28125 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=24 NAME=sandstone PRICE_BUY=88 PRICE_SELL=78 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=331 NAME=redstone PRICE_BUY=1250 PRICE_SELL=1125 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=348 NAME=glowstone PRICE_BUY=16250 PRICE_SELL=14625 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=4 NAME=cobblestone PRICE_BUY=25 PRICE_SELL=22 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=266 NAME=gold PRICE_BUY=125000 PRICE_SELL=112500 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=265 NAME=iron PRICE_BUY=12500 PRICE_SELL=11250 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120
ID=264 NAME=diamond PRICE_BUY=2500000 PRICE_SELL=2250000 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=120

ShopTool calculated the factorization of all prices, inserted buy and sell prices seperately and added the normal, max and time values.

Now we think our prices are too high and it takes too long to refill - let´s change our pricelist: 10% lower prices and only 30 seconds stock update time. We don´t have to start all over again, we can simply run the pricelist command ontop of the current list:

pl 0.9 0 0 -T 30 mix2.pricelist mix.pricelist

Note that we had to use the -T option instead of -t because we wanted to overwrite the old values.

Result: mix2.pricelist

ID=22 NAME=lapiz PRICE_BUY=28125 PRICE_SELL=25312 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=24 NAME=sandstone PRICE_BUY=80 PRICE_SELL=70 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=331 NAME=redstone PRICE_BUY=1125 PRICE_SELL=1012 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=348 NAME=glowstone PRICE_BUY=14625 PRICE_SELL=13162 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=4 NAME=cobblestone PRICE_BUY=23 PRICE_SELL=19 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=266 NAME=gold PRICE_BUY=112500 PRICE_SELL=101250 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=265 NAME=iron PRICE_BUY=11250 PRICE_SELL=10125 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30
ID=264 NAME=diamond PRICE_BUY=2250000 PRICE_SELL=2025000 NORMAL=20 MAX=64 TIME=30


You don´t actually define shops with ShopTool. Shops are simply built by a file containing the following information:

  • NAME how the shop should be called in the game
  • STARTCOORD, ENDCOORD specify two points in the world between which an own area for the shop will be created
  • BOTCOORD the coordinates where the vendor bot will stand
  • VENDORNAME the name of the shop vendor
  • PRICELIST the pricelist the shop should use - a path (starting from the location of the shop file) to a correct .pricelist file must be given, leaving out the extension

Note: All "coords" are minecraft coordinates and must be given in the form x,y,z.

Note: The keys (words in capital letters until the equal sign) must occur exactly in the shown order and one key per line.

Shop events

To use a shop with SimpleServer the script code for SimpleServer Events must be generated. This is simply done with the event command.

Syntax of the event command:

ev [-s] [dest] [file 1] [file 2] ...
  • dest path to the file the generated code should be saved to
  • file n a correct shop file

The switch -s is optional, it adds the code of static.xml to the output. If the setup is already done it shouldn´t be used. It can be used when generating shops for the first time to do setup and shops in one step.

Use generated event code with SimpleServer

The generated code must be copied into the <config> section of your SimpleServer config.xml. The generated areas have to be manually merged with your own areas. To do so, move the content of the generated <dimension> section into your own.

If everything has been set up correctly, you will see the NPCs spawning at the specified locations after starting the server and you can test your shops. Just follow the in-game instructions when entering a shop area or see the SimpleServer wiki.

Quickstart guide

This will give a quick overview of how creating shops works. We won´t cover the useful pricelist command here, see above for that!

First read the "Setup" and "Usage" (general) sections at the beginning of this file, it is necessary that you did the setup and know how to use the ShopTool program for this tutorial!

Let´s create a shop! We start by searching or building a good place in our Minecraft world (in-game). Then we write down the following coordinates:

  • start and end coordinates of a new 3D area that will be created for the shop like with the SimpleServer myarea command (imagine the two coords spanning a box)
  • the coordinates where the vendor bot should be placed

For this tutorial we assume all files created and needed to be in the same directory as the ShopTool.jar file.

The pricelist

Now we need to say what we want to sell and buy in our shop and how much it should cost. That´s where pricelists come into play. We have two options: create our pricelist manually or generate it from existing ones. We will do it manually here, but note that the pricelist command is quite useful to make creating pricelists convenient. See the pricelists section above for an example.

First we create a new file called list1.pricelist.

If the shop should sell iron ingots for 500, buy them for 400 and buy birch wood for 200 but should not sell it we put these lines into the file:

ID=265 NAME=iron-ingot PRICE_BUY=500 PRICE_SELL=400 NORMAL=12 MAX=20 TIME=400
ID=17:2 NAME=birch-wood PRICE_BUY= PRICE_SELL=200 NORMAL=0 MAX=64 TIME=600

We also stated that the shop should normally have 12 iron ingots available, can store a maximum of 20 and updates its stock towards 12 every 400 seconds. The same applies for the second entry respectively.

The shop file

It´s time to create our shop file which contains the general information about our shop by writing the following lines into a new file


We replace the coordinates with the ones we wrote down before.

Final steps

Now lets create the code for our shop by executing

ev code.xml

Finally, we open the code.xml file that was created by ShopTool and copy its content. Then we open the config.xml file of our SimpleServer server and paste the code inside the <config> section. If you were already using areas you will have to merge them (see above for help).

Now the shop can be tested by starting the server and entering the shop area. Just follow the in-game instructions!

If you have any problems you could read the more detailed descriptions above and refer to the troubleshooting section below.



  • Is enableEvents=true in
  • Did you try to read the output of ShopTool to get information about what´s wrong?
  • Did you merge the generated code correctly into config.xml? Check the SimpleServer console for errors!

If you still have problems, you can consult the ShopTool forum page (see "Qustions and comments") to look for solutions or ask questions!


We´d like to know how you like ShopTool and if you have any suggestions to improve it.


If you find any bugs in ShopTool, please report them using the Github issue system.

Questions and comments

Visit the ShopTool forum page at the Minecraft forums to ask questions, discuss features or leave comments!