diff --git a/source/includes/_courses.md b/source/includes/_courses.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25a4417f26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/includes/_courses.md
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Courses
+## Get course
+curl https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/courses/GetCourse?id=123 \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "course": {
+ // Course details
+ },
+ "slides": [
+ // Course slides
+ ],
+ "embeds": [
+ {
+ "name": "Embed",
+ "logo": "example.png",
+ "privacy_policy": "https://example.com/privacy",
+ "allowed_url": "https://example.com/embed",
+ "how_to_embed_guide": "https://example.com/embed_guide"
+ }
+ ]
+| Required permission | Description |
+| `courses_view` | Required to view courses. |
+| `courses_manage` | Required for teacher view. |
+`GET /{id}/courses/GetCourse`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `id` | integer | The ID of the course to retrieve. |
+| `teacher_view` | boolean | Whether to retrieve the course in teacher view mode. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `course` | object | The course details. |
+| `slides` | array | The slides of the course. |
+| `embeds` | array | The embed types for the course. |
+## Delete course
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/courses/DeleteCourse \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "id": 123
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+| Required permissions |
+| `courses_manage` |
+`POST /{id}/courses/DeleteCourse`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `id` | integer | The ID of the course to delete. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+## Move course
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/courses/MoveCourse \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "course": 123,
+ "category": 456
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+| Required permissions |
+| `courses_manage` |
+`POST /{id}courses/MoveCourse`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `course` | integer | The ID of the course to move. |
+| `category` | integer | The ID of the new category. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+## Publish/unpublish course
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/courses/PublishCourse \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "id": 123
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+| Required permissions |
+| `courses_manage` |
+`POST /{id}/courses/PublishCourse`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Description |
+| `unpublish` | Set if the course should be unpublished (no value required). |
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `id` | integer | The ID of the course to publish. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+## Create/update category
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/courses/CreateCategory \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "name": "New Category",
+ "public": true
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "category": {
+ "id": 123,
+ "name": "New Category",
+ "public": true
+ }
+| Required permissions |
+| `courses_manage` |
+`POST /{id}/courses/CreateCategory`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `language` | string | The language code (2 characters) (optional). |
+| `id` | integer | The ID of the category to update (optional to update existing category). |
+| `name` | string | The name of the category. |
+| `public` | boolean | Whether the category is public. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `category` | object | The created or updated category details. |
+## Delete category
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/courses/DeleteCategory \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "id": 123
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+| Required permissions |
+| `courses_manage` |
+`POST /{id}/courses/DeleteCategory`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `id` | integer | The ID of the category to delete. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
diff --git a/source/includes/_partner.md b/source/includes/_partner.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..323b5ef7122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/includes/_partner.md
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+# Partner
+## Get companies
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/GetCompanies \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "page": 1,
+ "page_size": 10,
+ "search": "example",
+ "sort_id": "name",
+ "sort_dir": "asc"
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "data": [
+ // List of companies
+ ],
+ "total": 100,
+ "page_amount": 10
+`POST /{id}/partner/GetCompanies`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `page` | integer | The page number to retrieve. |
+| `page_size` | integer | The number of items per page (between 1 and 100). |
+| `search` | string | Search term to filter companies (max 50 chars). |
+| `sort_id` | string | The field to sort by. |
+| `sort_dir` | string | The direction to sort (asc or desc). |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `data` | array | The list of companies. |
+| `total` | integer | The total number of companies. |
+| `page_amount` | integer | The total number of pages. |
+## Get company
+curl https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/GetCompany?company=123&initial=true \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "data": {
+ "id": 123,
+ "name": "Example Company",
+ "vat": "12345678",
+ "ean": "1234567890123",
+ "trial_until": "2023-12-31T23:59:59",
+ "country": "US",
+ "uid": "unique-id",
+ "created": "2023-01-01T00:00:00",
+ "active": true,
+ "sponsored": false,
+ "public_edu": true,
+ "plan": "premium",
+ "type": "business",
+ "max_printers": 10,
+ "max_users": 50,
+ "user_max_gb": 100,
+ "address": "123 Example St",
+ "contact_person": "John Doe",
+ "contact_email": "john.doe@example.com",
+ "contact_phone": "+1234567890",
+ "user_count": 25,
+ "printers_count": 5,
+ "online_printers": 3,
+ "week_jobs": 10,
+ "total_jobs": 100,
+ "filament": 20,
+ "success_jobs": 8,
+ "online_user_count": 15,
+ "user_space_used": 50
+ },
+ "users_data": {
+ // Initial user data if applicable
+ }
+`GET /{id}/partner/GetCompany`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `company` | integer | The ID of the company to retrieve. |
+| `initial` | boolean | Whether to include initial user data (optional). |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `data` | object | The company details. |
+| `users_data` | object | Initial user data if `initial` is `true`. |
+## Get overview stats
+curl https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/GetOverviewStats \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "total_active_managed_companies": 10,
+ "total_trial_managed_companies": 2,
+ "total_inactive_managed_companies": 3,
+ "total_printers": 50,
+ "total_online_printers": 30,
+ "total_print_jobs": 200,
+ "total_print_jobs_last_7_days": 20,
+ "total_users": 100,
+ "total_users_online_last_7_days": 15
+`GET /{id}/partner/GetOverviewStats`
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `total_active_managed_companies` | integer | Total number of active managed companies. |
+| `total_trial_managed_companies` | integer | Total number of managed companies in trial. |
+| `total_inactive_managed_companies` | integer | Total number of inactive managed companies. |
+| `total_printers` | integer | Total number of printers for all managed companies. |
+| `total_online_printers` | integer | Total number of online printers for all managed companies. |
+| `total_print_jobs` | integer | Total number of print jobs for all managed companies. |
+| `total_print_jobs_last_7_days` | integer | Total number of print jobs in the last 7 days. |
+| `total_users` | integer | Total number of users for all managed companies. |
+| `total_users_online_last_7_days` | integer | Total number of users online in the last 7 days. |
+## Create/update company
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/CreateCompany \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "name": "Example Company",
+ "uid": "unique-id",
+ "active": 1,
+ "trial_until": "2023-12-31",
+ "public_edu": true,
+ "extra_printers": 5,
+ "extra_users": 50,
+ "extra_gb": 100,
+ "active_plan": 5,
+ "type": 1,
+ "contact_email": "contact@example.com",
+ "contact_phone": "+1234567890",
+ "att_person": "John Doe",
+ "uni_login": true,
+ "uni_login_ids": "id1,id2",
+ "address_stuff": {
+ "street": "123 Example St",
+ "city": "Example City",
+ "country": "US",
+ "postal_code": "12345"
+ }
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "id": 123
+`POST /{id}/partner/CreateCompany`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `edit` | integer | The ID of the company to edit (optional). |
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `name` | string | The name of the company (required, max 128 characters). |
+| `uid` | string | The unique identifier for the company (required, max 32 characters). |
+| `active` | integer | Whether the company is active (required, 0 or 1). |
+| `trial_until` | date | The trial end date in `Y-m-d` format (optional). |
+| `public_edu` | boolean | Whether the company is a public educational institution (required). |
+| `extra_printers` | integer | The number of extra printers (required, min 0). |
+| `extra_users` | integer | The number of extra users (required, min 0). |
+| `extra_gb` | integer | The amount of extra storage in GB (required, min 0). |
+| `active_plan` | integer | The active plan ID (required, must be 4 or 5). |
+| `type` | integer | The type of company (required, must be 0, 1, 2, or 3). |
+| `contact_email` | string | The contact email for the company (required, valid email format). |
+| `contact_phone` | string | The contact phone number (optional, max 32 characters). |
+| `att_person` | string | The name of the contact person (required, max 128 characters). |
+| `uni_login` | boolean | Whether UniLogin is enabled (optional). |
+| `uni_login_ids` | string | Comma-separated UniLogin IDs (optional). |
+| `address_stuff` | array | The address details (required). |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `id` | integer | The ID of the created or updated company. |
+## Delete company
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/DeleteCompany?company=123 \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+`POST /{id}/partner/DeleteCompany`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `company` | integer | The ID of the company to delete. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+## Validate printer (partner-wide printer search)
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/move/ValidatePrinter \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "ids": [1, 2, 3],
+ "search": "example",
+ "not_in": [4, 5]
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "name": "Printer 1",
+ "sku": "SKU123",
+ "org_id": 10,
+ "image": "https://example.com/printer1.jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "name": "Printer 2",
+ "sku": "SKU456",
+ "org_id": 11,
+ "image": "https://example.com/printer2.jpg"
+ }
+ ]
+Searches for printers across all partner-companies.
+Useful for finding printers to move between companies.
+`POST /{id}/partner/move/ValidatePrinter`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `ids` | array | List of printer IDs to search (optional). |
+| `ids.*` | integer | Each printer ID must be an integer. |
+| `search` | string | Search term to filter printers (optional, max 256 chars). |
+| `not_in` | array | List of printer IDs to exclude (optional). |
+| `not_in.*` | integer | Each printer ID to exclude must be an integer. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `items` | array | List of validated printers. |
+| `items.*.id` | integer | The ID of the printer. |
+| `items.*.name` | string | The name of the printer. |
+| `items.*.sku` | string | The SKU of the printer. |
+| `items.*.org_id` | integer | The ID of the company owning the printer. |
+| `items.*.image` | string | URL of the printer's image. |
+## Move printer
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/move/MovePrinter \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "moveTo": 123,
+ "moveToGroup": 456,
+ "ids": [1, 2, 3]
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+Find printers to move with `ValidatePrinter` endpoint.
+`POST /{id}/partner/move/MovePrinter`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `moveTo` | integer | The ID of the target company (required). |
+| `moveToGroup` | integer | The ID of the target printer group (required). |
+| `ids` | array | List of printer IDs to move (required). |
+| `ids.*` | integer | Each printer ID must be an integer. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+## Validate filament (partner-wide filament search)
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/move/ValidateFilament \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "ids": [1, 2, 3],
+ "search": "example filament",
+ "not_in": [4, 5]
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null,
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "uniq_id": "UNIQ123",
+ "color_name": "Red",
+ "color_hex": "#FF0000",
+ "org_id": 10,
+ "brand": "Example Brand",
+ "type_id": 1,
+ "type_name": "PLA"
+ }
+ ]
+Searches for filaments across all partner-companies.
+Useful for finding filaments to move between companies.
+`POST /{id}/partner/move/ValidateFilament`
+### Request Body
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `ids` | array | List of filament IDs to search (optional). |
+| `ids.*` | integer | Each filament ID must be an integer. |
+| `search` | string | Search term to filter filament (optional, max 256 chars). |
+| `not_in` | array | List of filament IDs to exclude (optional). |
+| `not_in.*` | integer | Each filament ID to exclude must be an integer. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
+| `items` | array | List of validated filaments. |
+| `items.*.id` | integer | The ID of the filament. |
+| `items.*.uniq_id` | string | The unique ID of the filament. |
+| `items.*.color_name` | string | The name of the filament color. |
+| `items.*.color_hex` | string | The hex code of the filament color. |
+| `items.*.org_id` | integer | The ID of the company owning the filament. |
+| `items.*.brand` | string | The brand of the filament. |
+| `items.*.type_id` | integer | The ID of the filament type. |
+| `items.*.type_name` | string | The name of the filament type. |
+## Move filament
+curl -X POST https://api.simplyprint.io/{id}/partner/move/MoveFilament \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'X-API-KEY: {API_KEY}' \
+ -d '{
+ "moveTo": 123,
+ "moveToFilamentType": 456,
+ "filamentMoveTypeClean": false,
+ "ids": [1, 2, 3]
+ }'
+> Success response
+ "status": true,
+ "message": null
+Find filament to move with `ValidateFilament` endpoint.
+`POST /{id}/partner/move/MoveFilament`
+### Request Parameters
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `moveTo` | integer | The ID of the target company (required). |
+| `moveToFilamentType` | integer | The ID of the target filament type (required). |
+| `filamentMoveTypeClean` | boolean | Whether to only change the filament company, or also change the type (optional). |
+| `ids` | array | List of printer IDs to move (required). |
+| `ids.*` | integer | Each printer ID must be an integer. |
+### Response
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `status` | boolean | `true` if the request was successful. |
+| `message` | string | Error message if `status` is `false`. |
diff --git a/source/includes/_printers.md b/source/includes/_printers.md
index 825550d8a71..dba81a8aa36 100644
--- a/source/includes/_printers.md
+++ b/source/includes/_printers.md
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ state.
`POST /{id}/printers/actions/CreateJob`
-To start a print job you must either specify a `filesystem` ID, a `queue_file` ID file or set `next_queue_item` to true.
+To start a print job you must either specify a `filesystem` ID, a `queue_file` ID file, a `file_id` or set `next_queue_item` to true.
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
diff --git a/source/index.html.md b/source/index.html.md
index 758303724c1..a5977e34fbf 100644
--- a/source/index.html.md
+++ b/source/index.html.md
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ includes:
- printers
- filament
- jobs
+ - api_files
- queue
- printer_groups
- files
- - api_files
- account
- users
- schools
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ includes:
- custom_fields
- webhooks
- gcode_macros
+ - courses
+ - partner
- permissions_scopes
- errors