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01 Getting Started

aligma edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 67 revisions

For previous versions of Habitat on Sitecore 8, refer to prior revisions of the Getting Started guide.

Software Versions

This version of Habitat uses the following versions of this software:

Software Version
Sitecore 9.0.2 rev. 180604 (9.0 Update-2)
Solr 6.6.2
Sitecore Installation Framework 1.2.1

Locations and settings

This project assumes the following settings:

Setting Value Change in 1 see below
Source location C:\projects\Habitat\ Habitat.Dev.config
Website location C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\ gulp-config.js, settings.ps1, xconnect-XP0.json, sitecore-XP0.json, sitecore-ssl.json
Website URL publishsettings.targets, settings.ps1
SQL Server . settings.ps1
SQL Server Admin sa settings.ps1
SQL Server Password 12345 settings.ps1
Solr Location c:\solr\ settings.ps1
Solr URL https://localhost:8983/solr (Note https) settings.ps1
Solr Windows Service Name Solr settings.ps1

1 Files referred are:

  • .\src\Project\Habitat\code\App_Config\Environment\Project\Habitat.Dev.config
  • .\gulp-config.js
  • .\publishsettings.targets
  • .\settings.ps1
  • .\build\assets\sitecore-XP0.json
  • .\build\assets\xconnect-XP0.json
  • .\build\Certificates\sitecore-ssl.json


Important!: Check the prerequisites before starting the installation.

  • Do check the prerequisites of Sitecore Experience Platform in the release notes available on
  • Do check the Resources page for the tools needed
  • Always run your Visual Studio or PowerShell Command Line with elevated privileges or As Administrator

The Sitecore install script will check some prerequisites.


The installation requires the Apache Solr search engine. Solr must be running as a Windows Service. This can be accomplished through running NSSM. Furthermore, Sitecore is secure by default and therefore Solr must be running as https. If your Solr environment is not currently running with HTTPS, you can create an SSL certificate for Solr by following these steps (make sure your Solr settings are correctly configured in settings.ps1):

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell command line.
  2. Run .\build\GenerateSolrCertificate.ps1 to generate the certificate file in the correct location.
  3. Add the following lines to the bin\ file in Solr:
    • set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
    • set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks


1. Installing Sitecore

  1. Clone the Habitat repository to your local file system.
  2. Download the correct version of Sitecore from and place it in the .\build\assets folder.
    • Habitat will install by default on an Sitecore XP Single, i.e. a standalone version of Sitecore CMS including xConnect.
    • The currently supported version is defined in the .\settings.ps1 file
    • The installation requires the following files:
      • Sitecore package: .\build\assets\Sitecore X.X.X rev. XXXXXX (OnPrem)
      • Sitecore configuration: .\build\assets\sitecore-XP0.json
      • Sitecore Solr configuration: .\build\assets\sitecore-solr.json
      • xConnect package: .\build\assets\Sitecore X.X.X rev. XXXXXX (OnPrem)
      • xConnect configuration: .\build\assets\xconnect-XP0.json
      • xConnect Solr configuration: .\build\assets\xconnect-solr.json
      • xConnect certificate configuration: .\build\assets\xconnect-createcert.json
      • Sitecore license: .\build\assets\license.xml
  3. Are you using system settings other than the defaults specified at the top of this page?
    • If yes, you need to update the files accordingly.
    • Include or omit trailing slashes as per the default setting in each file!
  4. Open an elevated privileges PowerShell command prompt (started with Run as administrator)
  5. Run .\install-xp0.ps1

2. Build and Deploy Habitat

  1. Restore Node.js modules
    • Open an elevated privileges command prompt (started with Run as administrator)
    • Run npm install in the root of repository.
  2. If gulp has not been installed globally, you can do so by running npm install -g gulp
  3. Build and publish the solution using either:
    • Open an command prompt with elevated privileges and run gulp in the root of repository.
    • Use Visual Studio:
      • Open Visual Studio 2017 in administrator mode by right-clicking on its icon and selecting Run as administrator.
      • Open the Habitat solution.
      • Open the Visual Studio 2017 Task Runner Explorer pane (View | Other Windows | Task Runner Explorer).
      • Switch to "Solution 'Habitat'"
        • Run the "default" task

3. Rebuild search indexes

  1. Rebuild the sitecore_master_index and sitecore_web_index to deploy the updated schema to Solr and index the deployed content.
    • This is required for Habitat search-based features to work properly.

Additional Information


The project is configured to run Gulp through the command line or using the Task Runner Explorer pane in Visual Studio.

In the initial installation running the default task will execute all the configuration and building tasks for the solution. If for some reason setup fails, it is possible to run the install tasks one by one:

  • Publish-All-Projects builds and publishes all the Visual Studio projects to the Sitecore website in the right order
  • Apply-Xml-Transform makes the needed changes to the web.config and other existing configs in the Sitecore website
  • Sync-Unicorn runs a complete synchronization of Unicorn for all projects in the right order

Helper tasks

  • The Auto-Publish-[...] tasks help by automatically publishing files when they are changed.
    • The Auto-Publish-Css automatically publishes .css files when changed (Configure Sass compilation in Visual Studio)
    • The Auto-Publish-Assemblies task publishes assemblies as they are built using the standard Visual Studio build process
    • The Auto-Publish-Views task publishes .cshtml files when they are changed.
  • The Publish-[...] tasks helps you by manually publishing different types of files or project types to your website.

SMTP Settings

Habitat project uses the default Sitecore helpers to send emails. For this to work, you need to set the SMTP settings in Sitecore.config.

NOTE: If you are planning to use secure connections with your SMTP server you need to add following section to your web.config.

   <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
     <network enableSsl="true" />

Facebook Login

Habitat demonstrates utilizing the Federated Authentication features of Sitecore to allow login via Facebook account. To enable this functionality:

  1. Register a Facebook App using a Facebook Developer Account.
  2. Add the domain under which you are running Habitat to the App Domains setting of your Facebook App. By default this is
  3. Use the App ID and App Secret from your app settings to populate the Sitecore.Feature.Accounts.Facebook.AppId and Sitecore.Feature.Accounts.Facebook.AppSecret settings, by default found in Feature\Accounts\code\App_Config\Include\Feature\Feature.Accounts.config.
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