This test cases are based on real instrumentation, and verify the segments which are generated by the plugin and agent core. By that, the test framework will call the HTTP endpoint provided by test case, and use mock-collector¹ to simulate the backend, which could receive and log all generated segments. Then the test framework will check the trace segments that whether they are same as expected.
Test case repository includes all the test cases. Each case is in an independent folder, and also an independent maven project. The maven project is used to build a docker image, which is required to provide a HTTP endpoint as an entry.
Each test case should look like this.
|__ [config]
| |__ docker-compse.yml
| |__ expectedData.yaml
|__ [src]
| |__ [main]
| | ...
| |__ [resources]
| | ...
|__ pom.xml
|__ testcase.yml
[] = directory
The following setting files are required.
File Name | Usage |
docker-compose.xml | Define the docker compose env used in test |
expectedData.yaml | Define the check rules about the expected trace segment. |
testcase.yml | Define the metadata of test, such as test case name, version |
- Code the test case
- Build and package test case. Test the image and make sure the agent and your plugin work.
- Set your expected segment data check rules.
- Build your test case metadata file.
- Run the test case.
Here we are using HttpClient plugin as an example.
HttpClient plugin is required to test two important points.
- Span generated by HttpClient plugin.
- The context propagation across HttpClient plugin works.
So the test including two servlets Case Servlet
and ContextPropagateServlet
The Case Servlet
use HttpClient componenent to a distributed call to ContextPropagateServlet
+-------------+ +------------------+ +-------------------------+
| Browser | | Case Servlet | | ContextPropagateServlet |
| | | | | |
+-----|-------+ +---------|--------+ +------------|------------+
| | |
| | |
| WebHttp +-+ |
+------------------------> |-| HttpClient +-+
| |--------------------------------> |-|
| |-| |-|
| |-| |-|
| |-| <--------------------------------|
| |-| +-+
| <--------------------------| |
| +-+ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
+ + +
Best practice in pom.xml:
- The target component version should be set by maven properties
- The image version should be set by maven properties
- Keep image version as same as target component version
Take this as the example
- Add maven docker plugin.
Pay attention the following fields.
Field | Comment |
imageName | Image name, recommend style skywalking/xxx-scenario , Such as httpClient case should be named skywalking/httpclient-scenario |
dockerDirectory | The folder used to build image, recommend ${project.basedir}/docker |
imageTags | The image version, use maven properties, and as same as target component version. |
- Prepare Dockerfile. This is totally based on your case scenario.
HttpClient test case DockerFile is here
Prepare docker-compose.xml. Create Docker-compose.xml in config folder
Run maven docker plugin
mvn package docker:build
- Test the case
- Run
docker-compose up
folder. - Open the browser and access the HTTP endpoint opened in your case.
of agent in Dockerfile, example is here -
in your startup script
HttpClient test is hosted in Tomcat, so the -javaagent
should be added in ${project.basedir}/docker/
Example is here
- Add mock-collector image¹
- Add mock-collector in your docker-compose
- Set your test case use mock-collector as backend
Example is here
- Adjust the port and image version in docker-compose.xml to variables.
- Set version to
- Set port to
- Add
for agent in docker-compose
Example is here
- Run test after we finish the expected data rule settings.
HttpClient test case expected data file --- expectedData.yaml
Expected data file is used to describe the agent data, cinluding register and segment data. In segment verify, include verifying span, segment number, etc.
Before we introduce the expected data file format, we should new the verify OP(s)
Verify OP(s) for number
描述符 | 描述 |
nq |
not equal |
eq |
equal(default) |
ge |
greater and equal |
gt |
greater than |
Verify OP(s) for String
描述符 | 描述 |
not null |
not null |
null |
null or empty string |
eq |
equal(default) |
Now, let's see the expected data format.
Register expected data format
Field | Comment |
applications | Service Code and its register id, but since it can't be expected in many cases, just set not 0 |
instances | The number of service instace |
operationNames | Expected OperationNames of Span, which are sent to register |
Segments expected data format
applicationCode: SERVICE_CODE(string)
segmentSize: SEGMENT_SIZE(int)
- segmentId: SEGMENT_ID(string)
Field | Comment |
applicationCode | Service code of segment, the application code is the name used in 5.x. |
segmentSize | The number of segment in this service |
segmentId | segment ID. |
spans | segment span list |
Span expected data format
Attention: Expected data span list should be sorted by the finished time.
operationName: OPERATION_NAME(string)
operationId: SPAN_ID(int)
parentSpanId: PARENT_SPAN_ID(int)
spanId: SPAN_ID(int)
startTime: START_TIME(int)
endTime: END_TIME(int)
isError: IS_ERROR(string: true, false)
spanType: SPAN_TYPE(string: Exit, Entry, Local )
componentName: COMPONENT_NAME(string)
componentId: COMPONENT_ID(int)
- {key: TAG_KEY(string), value: TAG_VALUE(string)}
- {key: LOG_KEY(string), value: LOG_VALUE(string)}
peer: PEER(string)
peerId: PEER_ID(int)
- {
parentSpanId: PARENT_SPAN_ID(int),
parentTraceSegmentId: PARENT_TRACE_SEGMENT_ID(string),
entryServiceName: ENTRY_SERVICE_NAME(string),
networkAddress: NETWORK_ADDRESS(string),
parentServiceName: PARENT_SERVICE_NAME(string),
entryApplicationInstanceId: ENTRY_APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ID(int)
Field | Comment |
operationName | Span Operation Name |
operationId | OperationName id, usually expected 0, because no request after register. |
parentSpanId | Paren span id. Attention: First Span's parentSpanId is -1 |
spanId | Span Id. Attention: ID starts with 0. |
startTime | Span start time, not 0 should be enough |
endTime | Span end time, not 0 should be enough |
isError | Whether error happens. |
componentName | Match the Component define,In most case, it is null. ID is used for performance consideration. |
componentId | Match the Component define, |
tags | Span Tag. Attention: Order sensitive, keep as same as you do in codes |
logs | Span log. Attention: Order sensitive, keep as same as you do in codes |
SpanLayer | Span Layer, including DB, RPC_FRAMEWORK, HTTP, MQ, CACHE |
SpanType | Span type, including Exit, Entry, Local |
peer | Remote address in exit span, should be not null. |
peerId | 0 for now, use peer in every first request. |
Span ref expected data format
Field | Comment |
parentSpanId | Span ID of Parent segment. |
parentTraceSegmentId | Parent segment id. Format ${SERVICE_CODE[SEGMENT_INDEX]}, SEGMENT_INDEX in the INDEX in expected data. |
entryEndpoint | OperationName of entry name in Segment. For example in HttpClient case, entryEndpoint is /httpclient-case/case/httpclient |
networkAddress | The address is used to call this service. For example, CaseServlet uses to call ContextPropagateServlet. Then the value of this field in ContextPropagateServlet should be |
parentEndpoint | OperationName of entry name in parent segment |
entryServiceInstanceId | The instance id of entry service. Not 0 should be enough |
- RegistryItems
HttpClient test case is based on Tomcat, only one instance is running. Service id is not null.
And there are two entry endpoints, /httpclient-case/case/httpclient
and /httpclient-case/case/context-propagate
- {httpclient-case: nq 0}
- {httpclient-case: 1}
- httpclient-case: [/httpclient-case/case/httpclient,/httpclient-case/case/context-propagate]
- segmentItems
In HttpClient case, there are two segment created, one is caused by requesting CaseServlet
, named SegmentA
, and the other is caused by requesting ContextPropagateServlet
, named SegmentB
- applicationCode: httpclient-case
segmentSize: 2
Tomcat is supported, so in SegmentA
, there is 2 spans. One is Tomcat, the other is HttpClient.
- segmentId: not null
operationName: /httpclient-case/case/context-propagate
operationId: eq 0
parentSpanId: 0
spanId: 1
startTime: nq 0
endTime: nq 0
isError: false
spanLayer: Http
spanType: Exit
componentName: null
componentId: eq 2
- {key: url, value: ''}
- {key: http.method, value: GET}
logs: []
peer: null
peerId: eq 0
operationName: /httpclient-case/case/httpclient
operationId: eq 0
parentSpanId: -1
spanId: 0
startTime: nq 0
endTime: nq 0
spanLayer: Http
isError: false
spanType: Entry
componentName: null
componentId: 1
- {key: url, value: 'http://localhost:{SERVER_OUTPUT_PORT}/httpclient-case/case/httpclient'}
- {key: http.method, value: GET}
logs: []
peer: null
peerId: eq 0
is created by a internal request, but through network, HttpClient to ContextPropagateServlet
. So, in SegmentB
is created because of trace context continuation.
- segmentId: not null
operationName: /httpclient-case/case/context-propagate
operationId: eq 0
parentSpanId: -1
spanId: 0
- {key: url, value: ''}
- {key: http.method, value: GET}
logs: []
startTime: nq 0
endTime: nq 0
spanLayer: Http
isError: false
spanType: Entry
componentName: null
componentId: 1
peer: null
peerId: eq 0
- {parentSpanId: 1, parentTraceSegmentId: "${httpclient-case[0]}", entryServiceName: "/httpclient-case/case/httpclient", networkAddress: "",parentServiceName: "/httpclient-case/case/httpclient",entryApplicationInstanceId: nq 0 }
- Add testcase.yml
testcase.yml Format:
test_framework: TEST_FRAMEWORK_NAME
Field | Comment |
request_url | URL used to request, use {SERVER_OUTPUT_PORT} as port. |
test_framework | Case folder name |
running_mode | TOGETHER(default), SINGLE, WITH_OPTIONAL. WITH_OPTIONAL means need include optional plugins in this case |
support_versions | Tests should be run in these component versions. |
request_url: http://localhost:{SERVER_OUTPUT_PORT}/httpclient-case/case/httpclient
- 4.3
- 4.5.3
The whole example is here
- Add Profile in maven
In profiles
section in pom.xml. Each profile
represents a version in support_versions
in testcase.yaml
The format of profile id ${project.dir_name}-${support_version}
Add 14 profiles in pom.xml in HttpClient case.
- docker
- docker-compose
- maven
- git
# export project_name=httpclient-4.3.x-scenario
# bash ${SKYWALKING_AGENT_TESTCASES_HOME}/ --scenario ${scenario_name} ${agent_repo} ${agent_repo_branch}
Parameter | Comment |
--scenario scenario_name | Run specific test case. Default, all. |
agent_repo_branch | Repository branch |
agent_repo | Repository url |
The log is here.${SKYWALKING_AGENT_TESTCASES_HOME}/workspace/logs/test_report.log
If the test case validation failed, The Assert failed message should be found in the test_report.log
log file。
assert failed.
- span[-1, 0] /vertx-core-3-scenario/vertx-core/executeTest
Segment[1.159.15542729582940000] e
expected: Span[-1, 0] /vertx-core-3-scenario/vertx-core/executeTest
actual: span[-1, 0] #local-message-receiver
reason: [operation name]: expected=>{/vertx-core-3-scenario/vertx-core/executeTest}, actual=>{#local-message-receiver}
Please read the document if you want fix those assert exception
¹ mock-collector
is a simulator backend, source code