Additional API documentation regarding quick-start, development, endpoints, and the database.
- Java 17
- Gradle
- Docker (run
docker ps
to determine installation status)
The SBOM-in-a-Box back-end API. See Endpoints for detailed endpoint documentation.
First ensure Docker is installed and running and then deploy using the docker-compose script.
# Ensure Docker is installed and running
$ docker ps
# Start API & MySQL containers. Use --build to force rebuild the image with any updated source code
$ docker compose up
To modify and test this project, you will need to run the MySQL server in a Docker container and the API detached as either a compiled JAR file or with your IDE of choice.
# Build detached API jar (skip if running in IDE)
$ ./gradlew build
# Build and deploy MySQL server ONLY to allow running API outside of its container. Use -d to run detached.
$ docker compose up mysql
# Rename jar file
$ move api/build/libs/api-1.0.0-alpha.jar SVIP_API.jar
# Run detached jar file or in IDE
$ java -jar SVIP_API.jar
- Append
-x test
to the Gradle build command in the Dockerfile to skip Gradle tests. This makes it much faster as skipping the tests saves 1-2 minutes per build. - To edit the MySQL configuration/Docker port mappings, edit the
file in the repository root.
The API is located on http://localhost:8080/svip
- Upload SBOM
- Get SBOM File
- Get all SBOMs IDs
- Get SBOM Object
- Delete SBOMs
- Convert SBOM
- Compare SBOMs
- Merge SBOMs
- Generate Quality Report
- Generate SBOM with SBOM-in-a-Box
- Upload a project for OSI
- Get List of Open-Source Tools Supported By OSI
- Generate SBOM with OSI
- Generate VEX
Upload an SBOM file to the Database
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms
Request Method: POST
Request Body
Body | Type | Description | Is Required? |
fileName | String | The name of the SBOM file | YES |
contents | String | The contents of the SBOM file | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Long | The ID corresponding to the uploaded file |
400 | String | Invalid field(s) / Unable to process SBOM. Body contains error message |
curl -X POST -d '{"fileName":"mySBOM","contents":"SBOM Data"}' http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms
Get the contents of an SBOM object from the Database
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/content
Request Method: GET
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
id | Long | The ID of the SBOM file to retrieve | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | SBOMFile | JSON File containing SBOM name and contents |
404 | String | SBOM with given ID does not exist |
curl -X GET -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/content -d 'id=1'
Get all SBOM ids stored in the database
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms
Request Method: GET
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Long[] | Array of SBOM IDs |
204 | --- | No data in the database |
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms
Get a single deserialized SBOM object from the database using its ID
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sbom
Request Method: GET
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
id | Long | The ID of the SBOM file to retrieve | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | SBOM | A JSON of the SBOM Object |
404 | String | SBOM with given ID does not exist |
500 | String | Failed to deserialize content |
curl -X GET -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sbom -d 'id=1'
Delete an SBOM file from the SQL Database using its ID
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms
Request Method: DELETE
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
id | Long | The ID of the SBOM file to retrieve | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Long | The id of the deleted SBOM |
404 | --- | SBOM with given ID does not exist |
curl -X DELETE -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms 'id=1'
Convert an SBOM to a desired format and schema
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms
Request Method: PUT
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
id | Long | The ID of the SBOM file to convert | YES |
schema | Serializer.Schema | Schema to convert to | YES |
format | Serializer.Format | Format to convert to | YES |
overwrite | Boolean | Overwrite given file | YES |
Supported Schema Params: CDX14
, SPDX23
Supported Format Params: JSON
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | String | Converted SBOM |
204 | --- | No content found |
404 | --- | SBOM with given ID does not exist |
500 | --- | SBOM Failed to convert |
curl -X PUT -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/content \
-d 'id=1' \
-d 'schema=SPDX23' \
-d 'format=TAGVALUE' \
-d 'overwrite=true'
Compares two or more given SBOMs (split into filename and contents), with the first one used as the baseline, and returns a comparison report.
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/compare
Request Method: POST
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
ids | Long[] | Array of SBOM IDs | YES |
targetIndex | Integer | Index of target SBOM in array | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Comparison | A Comparison report of all provided SBOMs |
400 | String | A list of invalid fields received from the client |
500 | String | SBOM Failed to be deserialized |
curl -X POST -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/compare \
-d 'ids=[1,2]' \
-d 'targetIndex=0'
Merge 2 SBOMs together, regardless of origin format
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/merge
Request Method: POST
Request Body
Body | Type | Description | Is Required? |
ids | Long[] | Array of SBOM IDs | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Long | ID of the merged SBOM |
400 | --- | SBOM has null properties |
404 | --- | Error in merging SBOMs |
500 | String | SBOM Failed to be deserialized |
curl -X POST -d '{"ids":[1,2]}' http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/merge
Analyze a given SBOM file and return a QualityReport
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/qa
Request Method: GET
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
id | Long | The ID of the SBOM file to run QA tests on | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | QualityReport | JSON QualityReport of the SBOM |
404 | --- | SBOM with given ID does not exist |
500 | String | SBOM Failed to be deserialized |
curl -X GET -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/qa -d 'id=1'
Generates an SBOM with a given schema and format from project source files using SBOM-in-a-Box parsers. Request body contains an array of multiple objects with properties fileName and contents (one for each source file)
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/parsers
Request Method: POST
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
zipFile | MultipartFile | Zipped folder of project | YES |
projectName | String | Name of SBOM to generate | YES |
schema | Serializer Schema | Schema to convert to | YES |
format | Serializer Format | Format to convert to | YES |
Note: Request must be sent using type multipart/form-data
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Long | ID from Generated SBOM from supported project |
404 | String | Description of error during generation |
400 | String | Schema, format or body contents invalid |
curl -X POST -G http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/parsers \
-d 'projectName=Java_Project_1' \
-d 'schema=SPDX23' \
-d 'format=TAGVALUE' \
-d '[{"fileName": "", "contents": "..."}, {"fileName": "", "contents": "..."}]'
Upload a code project to generate SBOMs for using OSI
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi/project
Request Method: POST
Request Body
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
project | MultipartFile | Zipped folder of project | YES |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | String[] | A list of tools relevant to the uploaded project |
400 | String | Error message, project file is bad |
404 | String | Error message, OSI is disabled |
Example |
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi/project \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'project=path\to\'
Gets a list of all tool names currently supported by Open Source Integration that can then be passed into /generators/osi.
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi/tools
Request Method: GET
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
list | String | Either all (default) or project |
NO |
: Get all tools installed on OSIproject
: Get all tools relevant to the project uploaded to OSI
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | String[] | A list of all tool names |
404 | String | Error message, OSI is disabled |
500 | String | Error message, failed to get tool list from OSI |
curl -X GET -G http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi/tools
curl -X GET -G http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi/tools?list=project
Generates an SBOM with a given schema and format from project source files using Open Source Integration. Request body contains an array of multiple objects with properties fileName and contents (one for each source file) Use the http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi/project endpoint to upload a project before generation
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi
Request Method: POST
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
projectName | String | Name of SBOM to generate | YES |
schema | Serializer Schema | Schema to generate | YES |
format | Serializer Format | Format to generate | YES |
toolNames | String[] | JSON-formatted string array of open-source tool names to use when generating SBOMs. If not provided, defaults to all. | NO |
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | Long | ID from Generated SBOM from supported project |
204 | No SBOMs were generated by the OSI container or able to be parsed | |
400 | String | Schema, format or body contents invalid |
404 | String | Description of error during generation |
500 | String | Error message |
curl --request POST \
--url 'http://localhost:8080/svip/generators/osi?projectName=foo&schema=SPDX23&format=TAGVALUE'
Generate a VEX document using an SBOM's components and information
Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/vex
Request Method: GET
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
apiKey | String | The user's NVD API Key to use | NO |
Parameter | Type | Description | Is Required? |
id | Long | The ID of the SBOM file to get information for VEX | YES |
format | String | The format of the VEX Document | YES |
client | String | The API Client to use | YES |
Supported format Params: [CycloneDX
](, CSAF
Supported Client Params: nvd
, osv
Response Code | Type | Description |
200 | VEXResult | A VEX and HashMap of any errors that occurred |
400 | --- | Invalid Format or Client |
404 | --- | SBOM with given ID does not exist |
500 | --- | The message of the error that occurred |
curl -X GET -G http://localhost:8080/svip/sboms/vex \
-H 'apiKey: 0imfnc8mVLWwsAawjYr4Rx-Af50DDqtlx' \
-d 'id=1' \
-d 'format=CSAF' \
-d 'client=OSV'
Located at localhost:3306
while the svip-mysql
Docker container is running.
Use the following command to interact with the MySQL server instance:
$ docker exec -it svip-mysql mysql -uroot -psvipMySQL -D svip -e "<YOUR SQL STATEMENT HERE>"
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
contents | longtext | YES | NULL | ||
file_name | text | YES | NULL |