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Diabetes Prediction System

About the Project

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This project titled “Machine Learning Powered Diabetes Detection Django Web App” is a simple web application wherein anyone can fill up few fields regarding existing health condition such Blood Pressure, Glucose Level etc. that one can easily find out at home and get a quick diagnosis of diabetes. This application is an efficient option for an estimate diabetes detection since it eliminates the need to visit a hospital, getting tested and waiting for days to receive the diagnosis result. One can easily use this app sitting at home and find out the possibility of diabetes so that they can fix an appointment with the doctor and get started on the medications as soon as possible.

Have a look at the project here


Technologies Used

  1. The project uses Machine Learning Binary Classification model Random Forest Classifier to find an accurate result.
  2. It is built using HTML, CSS and Javascript for the frontend and python-based framework Django for the backend.
  3. It is connected to Azure SQL Database Server in the backend.
  4. Azure Blob Storage is used for storing static files.
  5. The project is hosted on Azure App Service.

How to use the Application

This Application can be used to detect the possibility of Diabetes in an individual in just 2 easy steps.

  1. Fill in all the details accurately to the best of your knowledge and click submit.

Predict Page

  1. Now view the result and voila! you are done.

Result Page