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File metadata and controls

131 lines (101 loc) · 6.21 KB

NOTE: This is not abandoned code, it's just that is so simple, it really doesn't need much maintenance. Still, any issues will be treated with due diligence.


dinant is an attempt, like may others, to make regular expressions more readable and, like many others, it fails miserably... but we try anyways.

You can find many examples in the source file, which includes unit tests to make sure we don't make things worse. Because it's implementation is currently very, very simple, it does not make any checks, so you can shoot your own foot. Also, because it doesn't even attempt to, it does not makes any optimizations, and resulting regexps can be more complex to read and less efficient. But the idea is that you would never see them again. For instance:

capture( one_or_more(any_of('a-z')) ) + zero_or_more(then('[') + capture( zero_or_more(any_of('a-z')) ) + then(']'))

becomes ((?:[a-z])+)(?:\[((?:[a-z])*)\])* and not ([a-z]+)(?:\[([a-z]*)\])*.

dinant has evolved a bit, trying to give alternatives that might please other points of view, so you can write the above as:

any_of('a-z', times=[1, ], capture=True) + zero_or_more( '[' + any_of('a-z', times=[0, ], capture=True) + ']' )

or even:

any_of('a-z', times=[1, ], capture=True) + ( '[' + any_of('a-z', times=[0, ], capture=True) + ']' )(times=[0, ])

You might say that that expression is more difficult to read than a regular expression, and I half agree with you. You could split your expression in its components:

name = one_or_more(any_of('a-z'))
key = zero_or_more(any_of('a-z'))
subexp = ( capture(name, 'name') + zero_or_more(then('[') + capture(key, 'key') + then(']')) )

That version of capture can be rewritten as:

subexp = ( name(name='name') + zero_or_more(then('[') + key(name='key') + then(']')) )

One cool feature: a Dinant expression (object) can tell you which part of your expression fails:

# this is a real world example!
In [1]: import dinant as d
In [2]: line = """36569.12ms (cpu 35251.71ms)\n"""
# can you spot the error?
In [3]: render_time_re = ( d.bol + d.capture(d.float, name='wall_time') + 'ms ' +
...:                       '(cpu' + d.capture(d.float, name='cpu_time') + 'ms)' + d.eol )

In [4]: print(render_time_re.match(line))

In [5]: print(render_time_re.debug(line))
# ok, this is too verbose (I hope next version will be more human readable)
# but it's clear it's the second capture
Out[5]: '^(?P<wall_time>(?:(?:\\-)?(?:(?:\\d)+)?\\.(?:\\d)+|(?:\\-)?(?:\\d)+\\.|(?:\\-)?(?:\\d)+))ms\\ \\(cpu(?P<cpu_time>(?:(?:\\-)?(?:(?:\\d)+)?\\.(?:\\d)+|(?:\\-)?(?:\\d)+\\.|(?:\\-)?(?:\\d)+))'

debug()'s result is the first subexpression that does not match; in this case it's the second d.capture(d.float, ...), so the bug is either there or in the previous subexpression. It turns out to be that (cpu needs an extra space:

In [6]: render_time_re = ( d.bol + d.capture(d.float, name='wall_time') + 'ms ' +
...:                       '(cpu ' + d.capture(d.float, name='cpu_time') + 'ms)' + d.eol )

In [7]: print(render_time_re.match(line))
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 27), match='36569.12ms (cpu 35251.71ms)'>

If the module is run as a script, it will accept such an expression and print to stdout the generated regexp:

$ python3 -m dinant "bol + 'run' + any_of('-_ ') + 'test' + maybe('s') + eol"
^run[-_ ]test(?:s)?$

What about the name? It's a nice town in België/Belgique/Belgien that I plan to visit some time. It also could mean 'dinning person' in French[1], which makes sense, as I wrote this during dinner.


dinant builds regular expressions (regexps) by concatenating and composing its parts. Here's a list of available elements, following Python's re page. Here, re is a dinant regexp; m and n are integers; and s and name are strings.

  • anything is ..
  • bol is ^ (begin of line).
  • eol is $ (end of line).
  • zero_or_more(re) is (re)*, matching re zero or more times. I can be also be written as re(times=[0 ]).
  • one_or_more(re) is (re)+; also re(times=[1, ]).
  • maybe(re) is (re)?; also re(times=[..., 1] or re(times=[0, 1].
  • Non-greedy versions are generated by adding greedy=False to the parameters of the regexp: zero_or_more(re, greedy=False).
  • exactly(m, re) is (re){m}; also re(times=m).
  • between(m, n, re) is (re){m. n}; also re(times=[m, n]; with non greedy version: between(m, n, re, greedy=False).
  • at_most(m, re) and at_least(m, re) are shortcuts for between(None, m, re) and between(m, None, re); also re(times=[..., m]) and re(times[m, ...]). Here ... is the actual Ellipsis literal.
  • text(s) and then(s) match exactly s, so it's escaped. You can also concatenate the string: s + re or re + s. This means you don't have to escape your strings.
  • any_of(s) is [s], where s has to be in adequate format to be between []s. Check re's doc if unsure.
  • none_of(s) is [^s].
  • either(re, ...) is (re|...).
  • capture(re, [name=name]) captures the subexpression, optionally with a name; also re(capture=True) or re(capture=name) for the named version.
  • By default no subexpression is captured unless wrapped in capture() or capture is passed as parameter.
  • backref(name), comment(s), lookahead(re), neg_lookahead(re), lookbehind(re) and neg_lookbehind(re) work as expected.
  • regexp(s) treats s as a pure regexp, so no escaping here.

Nothing strange so far, just alternative ways to express the same. Now the real potential of dinant starts to show.

  • digit matches any (ascii) digit. digits too (think of one_or_more(digits)).
  • uint matches any positive (plus 0) integer.
  • int and integer match any integer.
  • Guess what float, hex and hexa do (hint: the last two are the same).
  • datetime([format], [buggy_day=False]) matches datetimes using format, which is conveniently written in strptime() language. buggy_day is there because %d matches 08 but not 8.
  • IPv4() matches IPv4 addresses!
  • IP_port matches strings in format IPv4:port.

That's all for now. More will come soon, see and the issued for a preview.

[1] but the real word is 'dîneur'.