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139 lines (91 loc) · 3.94 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (91 loc) · 3.94 KB

RAG Experiments

Ingestion Pipeline

  • Queue webpage(s) to ingest
  • Scrape HTML
    • Cleanup HTML and convert to markdown
  • Send cleaned up markdown content to an LLM (mixtral-8x7b via Groq) to summarize
  • Vectorized summarized content (OpenAI text-embedding-3-small)
  • Store webpage embeddings in pgvetor
    • with summarized content + webpage url as metadata

Ingestion Queue

  • Webpage ingestion is handled asynchronously by a FIFO queue
    • The queue takes in a user_id and a url to scrape as payload
  • Failures are handled by re-processing the same message with exponential backoff up to a configurable maxRetries number of times.
    • Any error thrown by the handler function is consider a failure


The scraping flow supports bespoke scraping logic for different hostnames

Code Reference -> app/services/webscraper

Query (& Retrieval) Flow

  • Submit a query
  • Vectorize user query (OpenAI text-embedding-3-small)
  • Find the most similar* document from the corpus of documents ingested by the user
    • * = Highest cosine similarity threshold
  • Send user query + retrieved context to LLM (OpenAI gpt-4o) to generate a response

Query Caching

LLM responses are semantically cached using an in-memory FAISS vector store such that unnecessary LLM requests are avoided for very similar queries...

Code References

Known Issues

  • Document retrieval is biased towards longer documents
  • Puppeteer instance disconnects from the browser instance on error
    • Need to build better mechanisms for connection recovery

Improvement Ideas

Query Caching

  • Integrate an LRU cache in the in-memory vector store to ensure a constant size

Ingestion Queue

  • Add support for concurrency
  • Implement a DLQ for finally failed messages
  • Decouple each step in the processing pipeline to increase resilience
    • Allow each step to fail and recover independently (with different retry policies since the nature of failure for different steps will be different)
    • A DAG dependency graph like structure for the processing flow


  • Better (re)ranking (with something like Cohere Command R)
  • More structured processing
    • Better chunking and text splitting
  • More structured retrieval system
    • Convert a user question to a more structured and expressive query object
      • Dynamically create a prompt with this object to improve precision and recall
  • Add Observability

RAG Answering System

  • Cite specific text chunks from source documents
  • Structured Model Responses
  • Stream model responses


Running the Project

Setting Up

Setup .env from the default values in .env.development

cp .env.development .env

Install node dependencies

pnpm i

Start dependencies in docker

make start

Running the service

Start the development server

pnpm run dev

Or, start the service alongside all dependencies in docker

make start-all

The service will start listening on port 4001

Managing database Migrations

Migrations files are tracked in the /migrations directory

make migrate [...args]

up [N]        Apply all or N up migrations
down [N]      Apply all or N down migrations

create NAME   Create a set of timestamped up/down migrations titled NAME

Migrations are internally handled with

This project was bootstrapped from