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This folder contains the utility codes to be used to access the main functionalities of the code. The available codes are the following.

  • AvailableDataSets: this code is run as follows:
./AvailableDataSets <path to data folder>

and displays the available datasets in the target folder <path to data folder>. The target folder has be to be filled in by using the Filter utility (see below) in such a way that the data files are in the appropriate format.

  • AvailableParameterisations: this code is run as follows:
./AvailableParameterisations [python]

and displays the available parameterisations that can be used in a TMD fit along with a brief description. The optional string python produces an output that is more easily readable by the python command line interface.

  • AvailableBstar: this code is run as follows:
./AvailableBstar [python]

and displays the available b* presciptions available that can be used for the production of interpolation tables. The optional string python produces an output that is more easily readable by the python command line interface.

  • CreateTables: this code produces interpolation tables and is run as follows:
./CreateTables <configuration file> <path to data folder> <output folder> [optional selected datasets]

where <configuration file> has to point a file that contains the necessary information to do the calculation (e.g. see config.yaml), <path to data folder> is the path to the processed data files, and <output folder> points to the forlder where the interpolation tables will be placed. Finally, it is possibile to select one or more data sets through [optional selected datasets] for which interpolation tables will be produced. If left empty, interpolation tables for all the data files in the target data folder will be produced.

  • Filter: this codes formats the raw data files in a way suitable for the code and is run as follows:
./Filter <path to raw-data folder> <path to processed data>

where <path to raw-data folder> is the path to the raw data files and <path to processed data> is the path to the folder where the processed data files will be placed.

  • RunFit: this code runs a fit and is run as follows:
./RunFit <output dir> <fit configuration file> <path to data folder> <path to tables folder> <replica ID>

where <output dir> is the output directory, <configuration file> points to the fit configuration file (e.g. see fitPV17.yaml), <path to data folder> is the path to the data files to be fitted , <path to tables folder> is the path to the corresponding interpolation tables to be used, and <replica ID> is the replica ID number (0 correcponds to central values).

  • ComputeMeanReplica: this code computes the mean replica, i.e. the average over some Monte Carlo replicas, and produces a report:
./ComputeMeanReplica <output dir> <fit configuration file> <path to data folder> <path to tables folder> [optional replicas to be discarded]

as above, <output dir> is the output directory, <configuration file> points to the fit configuration file, <path to data folder> is the path to the data files to be fitted , and <path to tables folder> is the path to the corresponding interpolation tables to be used. In addition, it is possible to provide a list of replicas that have to be discarded when computing the average.

  • PlotTMDs: this code produces plot of TMD distributions in transverse-momentum space and is run as follows:
./PlotTMDs <configuration file> <output file> <pdf/ff> <flavour ID> <Scale in GeV> <value of x> <parameters file>

where <configuration file> has to point a file that contains the necessary information to do the calculation (e.g. see config.yaml), <output file>is the output file, <pdf/ff> to plot either a TMDF PDF or a TMD FF, <flavour ID> is the flavour ID according to the LHAPDF nomenclature, <Scale in GeV> is the values of the final scale in GeV, <value of x> is the value of Bjorken x, and <parameters file> is the file containing the relevant information about the parameterisation and the sets of parameters to be used. For example:

Parameterisation: "PV19"
Parameters: [[0.015552259, 3.0373071, 21.251885, 5.6171274, 0, 0.81410783, 0.81823693, 64.628302, 4.0249303, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.017413234, 2], [0.015552259, 3.0373071, 21.251885, 5.6171274, 0, 0.81410783, 0.81823693, 64.628302, 4.0249303, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.017413234, 2]]

This will result in two sets of predictions, one for each set of parameters. The code produces a file in the YAML format reporting the relevant kinematics and the predictions for a fixed set of values of qT in GeV of x time the TMD distribution.