diff --git a/doc/installation/checkInstallation.html b/doc/installation/checkInstallation.html index d9e06d5d..1fbfd73a 100644 --- a/doc/installation/checkInstallation.html +++ b/doc/installation/checkInstallation.html @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@

 <h2><a name=SUBFUNCTIONS ^

  • function res = interpretResults(results)
  • function str = myStr(InputStr,len)
  • function status = makeBinaryExecutable(ravenDir)
  • function printOrange(stringToPrint)

    0001 function currVer = checkInstallation(developMode)
    @@ -91,328 +91,327 @@ 

    SOURCE CODE ^%Get the RAVEN path 0030 [ST, I]=dbstack('-completenames'); 0031 [ravenDir,~,~]=fileparts(fileparts(ST(I).file)); -0032 status = makeBinaryExecutable(); -0033 -0034 % Do not print first few lines if only version should be reported -0035 if ~versionOnly -0036 fprintf('\n*** THE RAVEN TOOLBOX ***\n\n'); -0037 %Print the RAVEN version if it is not the development version -0038 fprintf([myStr(' > Installing from location',40) '%f']); -0039 fprintf('%s\n',ravenDir) -0040 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking RAVEN release',40) '%f']); -0041 end -0042 if exist(fullfile(ravenDir,'version.txt'), 'file') == 2 -0043 currVer = fgetl(fopen(fullfile(ravenDir,'version.txt'))); -0044 fclose('all'); -0045 if ~versionOnly -0046 fprintf([currVer '\n']); -0047 try -0048 newVer=strtrim(webread('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SysBioChalmers/RAVEN/main/version.txt')); -0049 newVerNum=str2double(strsplit(newVer,'.')); -0050 currVerNum=str2double(strsplit(currVer,'.')); -0051 for i=1:3 -0052 if currVerNum(i)<newVerNum(i) -0053 fprintf([myStr(' > Latest RAVEN release available',40) '%f']) -0054 printOrange([newVer,'\n']) -0055 hasGit=isfolder(fullfile(ravenDir,'.git')); -0056 if hasGit -0057 printOrange(' Run git pull in your favourite git client\n') -0058 printOrange(' to get the latest RAVEN release\n'); -0059 else -0060 printOrange([myStr(' Instructions on how to upgrade',40) '%f']) -0061 fprintf('<a href="https://github.com/SysBioChalmers/RAVEN/wiki/Installation#upgrade-to-latest-raven-release">here</a>\n'); -0062 end -0063 break -0064 elseif i==3 -0065 fprintf(' > You are running the latest RAVEN release\n'); -0066 end -0067 end -0068 catch -0069 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking for latest RAVEN release',40) '%f']) -0070 printOrange('Fail\n'); -0071 printOrange(' Cannot reach GitHub for release info\n'); -0072 end -0073 end -0074 else -0075 currVer = 'develop'; -0076 if ~versionOnly; fprintf('DEVELOPMENT\n'); end -0077 end -0078 if strcmp(developMode,'versionOnly') -0079 return; -0080 end -0081 -0082 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking MATLAB release',40) '%f']) -0083 fprintf([version('-release') '\n']) -0084 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking system architecture',40) '%f']) -0085 fprintf([computer('arch'),'\n']) -0086 -0087 fprintf([myStr(' > Set RAVEN in MATLAB path',40) '%f']) -0088 subpath=regexp(genpath(ravenDir),pathsep,'split'); %List all subdirectories -0089 pathsToKeep=cellfun(@(x) ~contains(x,'.git'),subpath) & cellfun(@(x) ~contains(x,'doc'),subpath); -0090 try -0091 addpath(strjoin(subpath(pathsToKeep),pathsep)); -0092 fprintf('Pass\n'); -0093 fprintf([myStr(' > Save MATLAB path',40) '%f']) -0094 try -0095 savepath -0096 fprintf('Pass\n') -0097 catch -0098 printOrange('Fail\n') -0099 fprintf([' You might have to rerun checkInstallation again\n'... -0100 ' next time you start up MATLAB\n']) -0101 end -0102 catch -0103 printOrange('Fail\n') -0104 end -0105 -0106 if isunix -0107 fprintf([myStr(' > Make binaries executable',40) '%f']) -0108 status = makeBinaryExecutable(); -0109 if status == 0 -0110 fprintf('Pass\n') -0111 else -0112 printOrange('Fail\n') -0113 end -0114 end -0115 -0116 %Check if it is possible to parse an Excel file -0117 fprintf('\n=== Model import and export ===\n'); -0118 fprintf([myStr(' > Add Java paths for Excel format',40) '%f']) -0119 try -0120 %Add the required classes to the static Java path if not already added -0121 addJavaPaths(); -0122 fprintf('Pass\n') -0123 catch -0124 printOrange('Fail\n') -0125 end -0126 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking libSBML version',40) '%f']) -0127 try -0128 evalc('importModel(fullfile(ravenDir,''tutorial'',''empty.xml''))'); -0129 try -0130 libSBMLver=OutputSBML; % Only works in libSBML 5.17.0+ -0131 fprintf([libSBMLver.libSBML_version_string '\n']); -0132 catch -0133 printOrange('Fail\n') -0134 fprintf(' An older libSBML version was found, update to version 5.17.0 or higher for a significant improvement of model import\n'); -0135 end -0136 catch -0137 printOrange('Fail\n') -0138 fprintf(' Download libSBML from http://sbml.org/Software/libSBML/Downloading_libSBML and add to MATLAB path\n'); -0139 end -0140 fprintf(' > Checking model import and export\n') -0141 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('importExportTests.m');"); -0142 -0143 fprintf([myStr(' > Import Excel format',40) '%f']) -0144 if res(1).Passed == 1 -0145 fprintf('Pass\n') -0146 else -0147 printOrange('Fail\n') -0148 addList = matlab.addons.installedAddons; -0149 if any(strcmpi(addList.Name,'Text Analytics Toolbox')) -0150 fprintf([' Excel import/export is incompatible with MATLAB Text Analytics Toolbox.\n' ... -0151 ' Further instructions => https://github.com/SysBioChalmers/RAVEN/issues/55#issuecomment-1514369299\n']) -0152 end -0153 end -0154 -0155 fprintf([myStr(' > Export Excel format',40) '%f']) -0156 if res(3).Passed == 1 -0157 fprintf('Pass\n') -0158 else -0159 printOrange('Fail\n') -0160 end -0161 -0162 fprintf([myStr(' > Import SBML format',40) '%f']) -0163 if res(2).Passed == 1 -0164 fprintf('Pass\n') -0165 else -0166 printOrange('Fail\n') -0167 end -0168 -0169 fprintf([myStr(' > Export SBML format',40) '%f']) -0170 if res(4).Passed == 1 -0171 fprintf('Pass\n') -0172 else -0173 printOrange('Fail\n') -0174 end -0175 -0176 if res(1).Passed~=1 && res(3).Passed~=1 && exist('vaderSentimentScores.m','file')==2 -0177 fprintf([' > MATLAB Text Analytics Toolbox found. This should be\n'... -0178 ' uninstalled if you want to read/write Excel files.\n'... -0179 ' See RAVEN GitHub Issues page for instructions.\n']) -0180 end -0181 -0182 %Check if it is possible to import an YAML model -0183 % fprintf(' > Checking import of model in YAML format:\t\t\t'); -0184 % try -0185 % readYaml(ymlFile,true); -0186 % fprintf('Pass\n'); -0187 % catch -0188 % printOrange('Fail\n'); -0189 % end -0190 -0191 fprintf('\n=== Model solvers ===\n'); -0192 -0193 %Get current solver. Set it to 'none', if it is not set -0194 fprintf(' > Checking for LP solvers\n') -0195 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('solverTests.m');"); -0196 -0197 fprintf([myStr(' > glpk',40) '%f']) -0198 if res(1).Passed == 1 -0199 fprintf('Pass\n') -0200 else -0201 printOrange('Fail\n') -0202 end -0203 -0204 fprintf([myStr(' > gurobi',40) '%f']) -0205 if res(2).Passed == 1 -0206 fprintf('Pass\n') -0207 else -0208 printOrange('Fail\n') -0209 end -0210 -0211 fprintf([myStr(' > scip',40) '%f']) -0212 if res(3).Passed == 1 -0213 fprintf('Pass\n') -0214 else -0215 printOrange('Fail\n') -0216 end -0217 -0218 fprintf([myStr(' > cobra',40) '%f']) -0219 if res(4).Passed == 1 -0220 fprintf('Pass\n') -0221 else -0222 printOrange('Fail\n') -0223 end -0224 fprintf([myStr(' > Set RAVEN solver',40) '%f']) -0225 try -0226 oldSolver=getpref('RAVEN','solver'); -0227 solverIdx=find(strcmp(oldSolver,{'glpk','gurobi','scip','cobra'})); -0228 catch -0229 solverIdx=0; -0230 end -0231 % Do not change old solver if functional -0232 if solverIdx~=0 && res(solverIdx).Passed == 1 -0233 fprintf([oldSolver '\n']) -0234 % Order of preference: gurobi > glpk > soplex > cobra -0235 elseif res(2).Passed == 1 -0236 fprintf('gurobi\n') -0237 setRavenSolver('gurobi'); -0238 elseif res(1).Passed == 1 -0239 fprintf('glpk\n') -0240 setRavenSolver('glpk'); -0241 elseif res(3).Passed == 1 -0242 fprintf('soplex\n') -0243 setRavenSolver('soplex'); -0244 elseif res(4).Passed == 1 -0245 fprintf('cobra\n') -0246 setRavenSolver('cobra'); -0247 else -0248 fprintf('None, no functional solvers\n') -0249 fprintf(' The glpk should always be working, check your RAVEN installation to make sure all files are present\n') -0250 end -0251 -0252 fprintf('\n=== Essential binary executables ===\n'); -0253 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking BLAST+',40) '%f']) -0254 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('blastPlusTests.m');"); -0255 res=interpretResults(res); -0256 if res==false -0257 fprintf(' This is essential to run getBlast()\n') -0258 end -0259 -0260 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking DIAMOND',40) '%f']) -0261 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('diamondTests.m');"); -0262 res=interpretResults(res); -0263 if res==false -0264 fprintf(' This is essential to run the getDiamond()\n') -0265 end -0266 -0267 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking HMMER',40) '%f']) -0268 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('hmmerTests.m')"); -0269 res=interpretResults(res); -0270 if res==false -0271 fprintf([' This is essential to run getKEGGModelFromHomology()\n'... -0272 ' when using a FASTA file as input\n']) -0273 end -0274 -0275 if developMode -0276 fprintf('\n=== Development binary executables ===\n'); -0277 fprintf('NOTE: These binaries are only required when using KEGG FTP dump files in getKEGGModelForOrganism\n'); -0278 -0279 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking CD-HIT',40) '%f']) -0280 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('cdhitTests.m');"); -0281 interpretResults(res); -0282 -0283 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking MAFFT',40) '%f']) -0284 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('mafftTests.m');"); -0285 interpretResults(res); -0286 end -0287 -0288 fprintf('\n=== Compatibility ===\n'); -0289 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking function uniqueness',40) '%f']) -0290 checkFunctionUniqueness(); -0291 -0292 fprintf('\n*** checkInstallation complete ***\n\n'); -0293 end -0294 -0295 function res = interpretResults(results) -0296 if results.Failed==0 && results.Incomplete==0 -0297 fprintf('Pass\n'); -0298 res=true; -0299 else -0300 printOrange('Fail\n') -0301 fprintf(' Download/compile the binary and rerun checkInstallation\n'); -0302 res=false; +0032 +0033 % Do not print first few lines if only version should be reported +0034 if ~versionOnly +0035 fprintf('\n*** THE RAVEN TOOLBOX ***\n\n'); +0036 %Print the RAVEN version if it is not the development version +0037 fprintf([myStr(' > Installing from location',40) '%f']); +0038 fprintf('%s\n',ravenDir) +0039 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking RAVEN release',40) '%f']); +0040 end +0041 if exist(fullfile(ravenDir,'version.txt'), 'file') == 2 +0042 currVer = fgetl(fopen(fullfile(ravenDir,'version.txt'))); +0043 fclose('all'); +0044 if ~versionOnly +0045 fprintf([currVer '\n']); +0046 try +0047 newVer=strtrim(webread('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SysBioChalmers/RAVEN/main/version.txt')); +0048 newVerNum=str2double(strsplit(newVer,'.')); +0049 currVerNum=str2double(strsplit(currVer,'.')); +0050 for i=1:3 +0051 if currVerNum(i)<newVerNum(i) +0052 fprintf([myStr(' > Latest RAVEN release available',40) '%f']) +0053 printOrange([newVer,'\n']) +0054 hasGit=isfolder(fullfile(ravenDir,'.git')); +0055 if hasGit +0056 printOrange(' Run git pull in your favourite git client\n') +0057 printOrange(' to get the latest RAVEN release\n'); +0058 else +0059 printOrange([myStr(' Instructions on how to upgrade',40) '%f']) +0060 fprintf('<a href="https://github.com/SysBioChalmers/RAVEN/wiki/Installation#upgrade-to-latest-raven-release">here</a>\n'); +0061 end +0062 break +0063 elseif i==3 +0064 fprintf(' > You are running the latest RAVEN release\n'); +0065 end +0066 end +0067 catch +0068 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking for latest RAVEN release',40) '%f']) +0069 printOrange('Fail\n'); +0070 printOrange(' Cannot reach GitHub for release info\n'); +0071 end +0072 end +0073 else +0074 currVer = 'develop'; +0075 if ~versionOnly; fprintf('DEVELOPMENT\n'); end +0076 end +0077 if strcmp(developMode,'versionOnly') +0078 return; +0079 end +0080 +0081 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking MATLAB release',40) '%f']) +0082 fprintf([version('-release') '\n']) +0083 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking system architecture',40) '%f']) +0084 fprintf([computer('arch'),'\n']) +0085 +0086 fprintf([myStr(' > Set RAVEN in MATLAB path',40) '%f']) +0087 subpath=regexp(genpath(ravenDir),pathsep,'split'); %List all subdirectories +0088 pathsToKeep=cellfun(@(x) ~contains(x,'.git'),subpath) & cellfun(@(x) ~contains(x,'doc'),subpath); +0089 try +0090 addpath(strjoin(subpath(pathsToKeep),pathsep)); +0091 fprintf('Pass\n'); +0092 fprintf([myStr(' > Save MATLAB path',40) '%f']) +0093 try +0094 savepath +0095 fprintf('Pass\n') +0096 catch +0097 printOrange('Fail\n') +0098 fprintf([' You might have to rerun checkInstallation again\n'... +0099 ' next time you start up MATLAB\n']) +0100 end +0101 catch +0102 printOrange('Fail\n') +0103 end +0104 +0105 if isunix +0106 fprintf([myStr(' > Make binaries executable',40) '%f']) +0107 status = makeBinaryExecutable(ravenDir); +0108 if status == 0 +0109 fprintf('Pass\n') +0110 else +0111 printOrange('Fail\n') +0112 end +0113 end +0114 +0115 %Check if it is possible to parse an Excel file +0116 fprintf('\n=== Model import and export ===\n'); +0117 fprintf([myStr(' > Add Java paths for Excel format',40) '%f']) +0118 try +0119 %Add the required classes to the static Java path if not already added +0120 addJavaPaths(); +0121 fprintf('Pass\n') +0122 catch +0123 printOrange('Fail\n') +0124 end +0125 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking libSBML version',40) '%f']) +0126 try +0127 evalc('importModel(fullfile(ravenDir,''tutorial'',''empty.xml''))'); +0128 try +0129 libSBMLver=OutputSBML; % Only works in libSBML 5.17.0+ +0130 fprintf([libSBMLver.libSBML_version_string '\n']); +0131 catch +0132 printOrange('Fail\n') +0133 fprintf(' An older libSBML version was found, update to version 5.17.0 or higher for a significant improvement of model import\n'); +0134 end +0135 catch +0136 printOrange('Fail\n') +0137 fprintf(' Download libSBML from http://sbml.org/Software/libSBML/Downloading_libSBML and add to MATLAB path\n'); +0138 end +0139 fprintf(' > Checking model import and export\n') +0140 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('importExportTests.m');"); +0141 +0142 fprintf([myStr(' > Import Excel format',40) '%f']) +0143 if res(1).Passed == 1 +0144 fprintf('Pass\n') +0145 else +0146 printOrange('Fail\n') +0147 addList = matlab.addons.installedAddons; +0148 if any(strcmpi(addList.Name,'Text Analytics Toolbox')) +0149 fprintf([' Excel import/export is incompatible with MATLAB Text Analytics Toolbox.\n' ... +0150 ' Further instructions => https://github.com/SysBioChalmers/RAVEN/issues/55#issuecomment-1514369299\n']) +0151 end +0152 end +0153 +0154 fprintf([myStr(' > Export Excel format',40) '%f']) +0155 if res(3).Passed == 1 +0156 fprintf('Pass\n') +0157 else +0158 printOrange('Fail\n') +0159 end +0160 +0161 fprintf([myStr(' > Import SBML format',40) '%f']) +0162 if res(2).Passed == 1 +0163 fprintf('Pass\n') +0164 else +0165 printOrange('Fail\n') +0166 end +0167 +0168 fprintf([myStr(' > Export SBML format',40) '%f']) +0169 if res(4).Passed == 1 +0170 fprintf('Pass\n') +0171 else +0172 printOrange('Fail\n') +0173 end +0174 +0175 if res(1).Passed~=1 && res(3).Passed~=1 && exist('vaderSentimentScores.m','file')==2 +0176 fprintf([' > MATLAB Text Analytics Toolbox found. This should be\n'... +0177 ' uninstalled if you want to read/write Excel files.\n'... +0178 ' See RAVEN GitHub Issues page for instructions.\n']) +0179 end +0180 +0181 %Check if it is possible to import an YAML model +0182 % fprintf(' > Checking import of model in YAML format:\t\t\t'); +0183 % try +0184 % readYaml(ymlFile,true); +0185 % fprintf('Pass\n'); +0186 % catch +0187 % printOrange('Fail\n'); +0188 % end +0189 +0190 fprintf('\n=== Model solvers ===\n'); +0191 +0192 %Get current solver. Set it to 'none', if it is not set +0193 fprintf(' > Checking for LP solvers\n') +0194 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('solverTests.m');"); +0195 +0196 fprintf([myStr(' > glpk',40) '%f']) +0197 if res(1).Passed == 1 +0198 fprintf('Pass\n') +0199 else +0200 printOrange('Fail\n') +0201 end +0202 +0203 fprintf([myStr(' > gurobi',40) '%f']) +0204 if res(2).Passed == 1 +0205 fprintf('Pass\n') +0206 else +0207 printOrange('Fail\n') +0208 end +0209 +0210 fprintf([myStr(' > scip',40) '%f']) +0211 if res(3).Passed == 1 +0212 fprintf('Pass\n') +0213 else +0214 printOrange('Fail\n') +0215 end +0216 +0217 fprintf([myStr(' > cobra',40) '%f']) +0218 if res(4).Passed == 1 +0219 fprintf('Pass\n') +0220 else +0221 printOrange('Fail\n') +0222 end +0223 fprintf([myStr(' > Set RAVEN solver',40) '%f']) +0224 try +0225 oldSolver=getpref('RAVEN','solver'); +0226 solverIdx=find(strcmp(oldSolver,{'glpk','gurobi','scip','cobra'})); +0227 catch +0228 solverIdx=0; +0229 end +0230 % Do not change old solver if functional +0231 if solverIdx~=0 && res(solverIdx).Passed == 1 +0232 fprintf([oldSolver '\n']) +0233 % Order of preference: gurobi > glpk > soplex > cobra +0234 elseif res(2).Passed == 1 +0235 fprintf('gurobi\n') +0236 setRavenSolver('gurobi'); +0237 elseif res(1).Passed == 1 +0238 fprintf('glpk\n') +0239 setRavenSolver('glpk'); +0240 elseif res(3).Passed == 1 +0241 fprintf('soplex\n') +0242 setRavenSolver('soplex'); +0243 elseif res(4).Passed == 1 +0244 fprintf('cobra\n') +0245 setRavenSolver('cobra'); +0246 else +0247 fprintf('None, no functional solvers\n') +0248 fprintf(' The glpk should always be working, check your RAVEN installation to make sure all files are present\n') +0249 end +0250 +0251 fprintf('\n=== Essential binary executables ===\n'); +0252 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking BLAST+',40) '%f']) +0253 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('blastPlusTests.m');"); +0254 res=interpretResults(res); +0255 if res==false +0256 fprintf(' This is essential to run getBlast()\n') +0257 end +0258 +0259 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking DIAMOND',40) '%f']) +0260 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('diamondTests.m');"); +0261 res=interpretResults(res); +0262 if res==false +0263 fprintf(' This is essential to run the getDiamond()\n') +0264 end +0265 +0266 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking HMMER',40) '%f']) +0267 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('hmmerTests.m')"); +0268 res=interpretResults(res); +0269 if res==false +0270 fprintf([' This is essential to run getKEGGModelFromHomology()\n'... +0271 ' when using a FASTA file as input\n']) +0272 end +0273 +0274 if developMode +0275 fprintf('\n=== Development binary executables ===\n'); +0276 fprintf('NOTE: These binaries are only required when using KEGG FTP dump files in getKEGGModelForOrganism\n'); +0277 +0278 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking CD-HIT',40) '%f']) +0279 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('cdhitTests.m');"); +0280 interpretResults(res); +0281 +0282 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking MAFFT',40) '%f']) +0283 [~,res]=evalc("runtests('mafftTests.m');"); +0284 interpretResults(res); +0285 end +0286 +0287 fprintf('\n=== Compatibility ===\n'); +0288 fprintf([myStr(' > Checking function uniqueness',40) '%f']) +0289 checkFunctionUniqueness(); +0290 +0291 fprintf('\n*** checkInstallation complete ***\n\n'); +0292 end +0293 +0294 function res = interpretResults(results) +0295 if results.Failed==0 && results.Incomplete==0 +0296 fprintf('Pass\n'); +0297 res=true; +0298 else +0299 printOrange('Fail\n') +0300 fprintf(' Download/compile the binary and rerun checkInstallation\n'); +0301 res=false; +0302 end 0303 end -0304 end -0305 -0306 function str = myStr(InputStr,len) -0307 str=InputStr; -0308 lenDiff = len - length(str); -0309 if lenDiff < 0 -0310 warning('String too long'); -0311 else -0312 str = [str blanks(lenDiff)]; +0304 +0305 function str = myStr(InputStr,len) +0306 str=InputStr; +0307 lenDiff = len - length(str); +0308 if lenDiff < 0 +0309 warning('String too long'); +0310 else +0311 str = [str blanks(lenDiff)]; +0312 end 0313 end -0314 end -0315 -0316 function status = makeBinaryExecutable() -0317 if ispc -0318 status = 0; % No need to run on Windows -0319 return; -0320 end -0321 binDir = fullfile(findRAVENroot(),'software'); -0322 -0323 binList = {fullfile(binDir,'blast+','blastp'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','blastp.mac'); -0324 fullfile(binDir,'blast+','makeblastdb'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','makeblastdb.mac'); -0325 fullfile(binDir,'cd-hit','cd-hit'); fullfile(binDir,'cd-hit','cd-hit.mac'); -0326 fullfile(binDir,'diamond','diamond'); fullfile(binDir,'diamond','diamond.mac'); -0327 fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmbuild'); fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmbuild.mac'); -0328 fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmsearch'); fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmsearch.mac'); -0329 fullfile(binDir,'GLPKmex','glpkcc.mexa64'); fullfile(binDir,'GLPKmex','glpkcc.mexglx'); fullfile(binDir,'GLPKmex','glpkcc.mexmaci64'); -0330 fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','TranslateSBML.mexa64'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','TranslateSBML.mexglx'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','TranslateSBML.mexmaci64'); -0331 fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','OutputSBML.mexa64'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','OutputSBML.mexglx'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','OutputSBML.mexmaci64'); -0332 fullfile(binDir,'mafft','mafft-linux64','mafft.bat'); -0333 fullfile(binDir,'mafft','mafft-mac','mafft.bat');}; -0334 -0335 for i=1:numel(binList) -0336 [status,cmdout] = system(['chmod +x "' binList{i} '"']); -0337 if status ~= 0 -0338 warning('Failed to make %s executable: %s ',binList{i},strip(cmdout)) -0339 end +0314 +0315 function status = makeBinaryExecutable(ravenDir) +0316 if ispc +0317 status = 0; % No need to run on Windows +0318 return; +0319 end +0320 binDir = fullfile(ravenDir,'software'); +0321 +0322 binList = {fullfile(binDir,'blast+','blastp'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','blastp.mac'); +0323 fullfile(binDir,'blast+','makeblastdb'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','makeblastdb.mac'); +0324 fullfile(binDir,'cd-hit','cd-hit'); fullfile(binDir,'cd-hit','cd-hit.mac'); +0325 fullfile(binDir,'diamond','diamond'); fullfile(binDir,'diamond','diamond.mac'); +0326 fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmbuild'); fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmbuild.mac'); +0327 fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmsearch'); fullfile(binDir,'hmmer','hmmsearch.mac'); +0328 fullfile(binDir,'GLPKmex','glpkcc.mexa64'); fullfile(binDir,'GLPKmex','glpkcc.mexglx'); fullfile(binDir,'GLPKmex','glpkcc.mexmaci64'); +0329 fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','TranslateSBML.mexa64'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','TranslateSBML.mexglx'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','TranslateSBML.mexmaci64'); +0330 fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','OutputSBML.mexa64'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','OutputSBML.mexglx'); fullfile(binDir,'libSBML','OutputSBML.mexmaci64'); +0331 fullfile(binDir,'mafft','mafft-linux64','mafft.bat'); +0332 fullfile(binDir,'mafft','mafft-mac','mafft.bat');}; +0333 +0334 for i=1:numel(binList) +0335 [status,cmdout] = system(['chmod +x "' binList{i} '"']); +0336 if status ~= 0 +0337 warning('Failed to make %s executable: %s ',binList{i},strip(cmdout)) +0338 end +0339 end 0340 end -0341 end -0342 -0343 function printOrange(stringToPrint) -0344 % printOrange -0345 % Duplicate of RAVEN/core/printOrange is also kept here, as this function -0346 % should be able to run before adding RAVEN to the MATLAB path. -0347 try useDesktop = usejava('desktop'); catch, useDesktop = false; end -0348 if useDesktop -0349 fprintf(['[\b' stringToPrint,']\b']) -0350 else -0351 fprintf(stringToPrint) -0352 end -0353 end

    +0341 +0342 function printOrange(stringToPrint) +0343 % printOrange +0344 % Duplicate of RAVEN/core/printOrange is also kept here, as this function +0345 % should be able to run before adding RAVEN to the MATLAB path. +0346 try useDesktop = usejava('desktop'); catch, useDesktop = false; end +0347 if useDesktop +0348 fprintf(['[\b' stringToPrint,']\b']) +0349 else +0350 fprintf(stringToPrint) +0351 end +0352 end
    Generated by m2html © 2005
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/installation/checkInstallation.m b/installation/checkInstallation.m index 79e4c326..ae0bf51f 100755 --- a/installation/checkInstallation.m +++ b/installation/checkInstallation.m @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ %Get the RAVEN path [ST, I]=dbstack('-completenames'); [ravenDir,~,~]=fileparts(fileparts(ST(I).file)); - status = makeBinaryExecutable(); % Do not print first few lines if only version should be reported if ~versionOnly @@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ if isunix fprintf([myStr(' > Make binaries executable',40) '%f']) - status = makeBinaryExecutable(); + status = makeBinaryExecutable(ravenDir); if status == 0 fprintf('Pass\n') else @@ -313,12 +312,12 @@ end end -function status = makeBinaryExecutable() +function status = makeBinaryExecutable(ravenDir) if ispc status = 0; % No need to run on Windows return; end -binDir = fullfile(findRAVENroot(),'software'); +binDir = fullfile(ravenDir,'software'); binList = {fullfile(binDir,'blast+','blastp'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','blastp.mac'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','makeblastdb'); fullfile(binDir,'blast+','makeblastdb.mac');