Students will be able to...
- Define and identify: script, print, run, output, variable
- Write a simple script and run it in the IDE or Text Editor.
- Print values out to the console (both composed values and from variables)
- Compare script mode vs interactive mode
- Know how to store a value into a variable
- 1.03 Slide Deck
- Do Now
- Lab - Printing & Variables (docx) (pdf)
- Associated Reading - section 1.2
- Read through the Do Now, Lab, and Lesson so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students.
- Video Resource -
Duration | Description |
5 Minutes | Do Now |
20 Minutes | Printing Lesson/Lab Part 1 |
20 Minutes | Variables Lesson/Lab Part 2 |
10 Minutes | Debrief |
- Project the Do Now on the board, circulate around the class to check that students are working and understand the instructions.
- Explain that the file is the center section of the screen. Sometimes this is called a script.
- Reminder questions:
- how do you save/run a file?
- What happened when you ran the file from the do now?
- Explain the purpose of the
statement, which will print whatever is in between the parentheses to the console. - Explain to students that what appears on the console is called output.
- Talk to students about reading a program and the order in which the computer executes statements.
- Ask students how they would print the following:
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
- Have students work on Part 1 of the lab for 10 Minutes.
- Variable: a name that refers to a value.
- An assignment statement creates new variables and gives them values:
>>> message = 'And now for something completely different'
>>> n = 17
>>> pi = 3.1415926535897932
- Ask the students what they think the assignment operator is.
- Using the example above, ask which are the variables, and which are the values.
- Tell students how assignments work from right to left, so the item on the right is assigned to the item on the left.
- Have students work on Part 2 of the lab for 10 Minutes.
- Four Fours is a mathematical puzzle where the goal is to find a mathematical expression for every whole number from 0 to some maximum, using only common mathematical symbols and the digit 4 (no other digit is allowed).
- In this version, students can use use 44 which counts as two fours even though equations for 0 to 4 can be solved without using 44.
- For example, zero can be solved with either: 44 - 44 or 4 + 4 - 4 - 4
- Students can easily be challenged by extending the limit from the 0-4 to 5 and above.
- Talk about the difference between interactive and script mode. Discuss why you might want to use the interpreted mode: sometimes it can be faster to debug a single line and make sure it works!
If students are moving quickly, ask students to come up with a way to print two lines with only one print statement. Allow for students to search the \n