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An ABC Guide to End-to-end MOT

We almost doubted ourselves when developing PF-Track: how can it be THAT hard to change a detection head for end-to-end MOT? If you are or will have the same struggle, please put down your work and read this guide carefully. It could save your three months or white flags.

1. Principles of Design

1.1 Separate Training and Inference Settings.

PF-Track first addresses the challenges in training and inference settings. Before delving into details, we would like to clarify the differences between single-frame detection, multi-frame detection, and MOT.

  • Single-frame detection:
    • Description. Predicting bounding boxes from single-frame input.
    • Training. Independent samples comprising of single-frame input.
    • Inference. Independent samples comprising of single-frame input.
  • Multi-frame detection:
    • Description. Predicting bounding boxes from $K$ frames of sensor inputs. Please note that $K$ is a fixed hyper-parameter.
    • Training. Independent samples comprising of video clips with $K$ frames.
    • Inference. Independent samples comprising of video clips with $K$ frames.
  • MOT:
    • Description: Predicting tracks (bounding boxes and IDs) from an unbounded streaming sequence.
    • Training. Independent samples comprising of video clips with $K$ frames.
    • Inference. Iteratively predict boxes and IDs on continuous frames of a streaming sequence with unbounded length.

As clearly illustrated, the challenges of MOT lies in the gap between training/inference stages and corresponding differences in their designs. (MOT cannot train on streaming sequences because of limited GPU memoeires and indepdendent sampling of data loaders.)

In the PF-Track framework, we resolve such challenge from the aspects of data loading and model:

  • Data loading:
    • We shuffle the indexes of frames during training, but sample iteratively following the indexes during inference. Therefore, we keep the order of video sequences intact.
    • As in configuration files, we sample $K=3$ frames per training sample, but only sample $K=1$ frame per inference sample.
    • For temporal coherence, the data augmentation for MOT is also different. For example, we disable random-flip so that neighboring frames will not disagree with each other.
  • Model:
    • We design two interfaces for training and inference: forward_train and forward_track.
    • The tracking function maintains the internal states of tracks and examines if the video sequence has shifted.

1.2 Modular Detection, Past Reasoining, and Future Reasoning

MOT is a complex system and a challenge to your software enginnering skills. In PF-Trak, we emulate a modular design.

  • constructs a Cam3DTracker object to maintain the internal states of tracks, call the detection heads self.pts_bbox_head(...), and conduct spatio-temporal reasoning.
  • is responsible for past and future reasoning. It receives the states of tracks (features, locations, etc.) as input and predicts refined bounding boxes, features, and future trajectories as output.
  • We use track_instances to record per-track information in a unified way. It ws originally developed in detectron2 and is a really handy tool when diverse information for an object is recorded. Please checkout generate_empty_instance in to learn about the states of tracks and frame_shift in about how we manipulate track_instances.

2. Framework

2.1 Interfaces of Components and Functions

The best way to understand end-to-end 3D MOT is to read the function forward_train and forward_track in We draw the sketch of modules and functions as below.

code flow

  • Image features. The function extract_feat(...) uses backbone CNNs to extract the feature maps of images.
  • Detection head. Then we deode the bounding boxes, confidence scores from the image features and the states of tracks. Notably, we use the reference points, query features, and query positional embeddings.
out = self.pts_bbox_head(img_feats[frame_idx], img_metas_single_frame, 
                         track_instances.query_feats, track_instan query_embeds, 
  • Saving detection results. We use load_detection_output_into_cache to record the detection results in the track_instances. As the detection results are not final, we save the detection results at a temporary buffer of cache fields, e.g., cache_reference_points.
  • Spatial-temporal Modeling. Use the forward function as track_instances = self.STReasoner(track_instances) to conduct past and future reasoning. In STReasoner:
    • The function frame_shift moves the information in hist and fut fields to align with the current frame.
    • forward_history_reasoning enhances the query features and forward_history_refine generate refined bounding boxes and scores. The results are also saved in the cache fields.
    • forward_future_reasoning and forward_future_prediction forecasts the future trajectories.
  • Results on the current frame. frame_summarization extracts the information from the cache fields and load them into the actual internal states of track_instances. For example, copying the cache_reference_points to reference_points. During the training stage, we update with all the cache information; while during the inference stage, only the objects with high scores are selected to update.
  • Propagate the queries. We manipulate the reference points of objects by first compensating the motions with update_reference_points and then transform the cross-frame ego motions via update_ego.
  • Start a new frame. We combine the tracks from the previous frame with the initialized detection queries via next_frame_track_instances =[empty_track_instances, active_track_instances]). Then the tracking process starts on the next frame.

The most notable design choice that simplifies my implementation is introducing the cache fields. It looks straighforward from a hindsight, but is actually not that easy to come up with.

2.2 Loss functions.

2.2.1 Description

The loss functions play a critical role in tracking-by-attention because they supervise the queries to capture temporal coherent objects. The key idea is to assign the same object to the same ground truth across frames. Please look at the paper MOTR for an intuitive explanation. In our code, please check, especially the parts of:

for trk_idx in range(len(track_instances)):
    obj_id = track_instances.obj_idxes[trk_idx].item()
    if obj_id >= 0:
        if obj_id in obj_idx_to_gt_idx:
            track_instances.matched_gt_idxes[trk_idx] = obj_idx_to_gt_i[obj_id]
            num_disappear_track += 1
            track_instances.matched_gt_idxes[trk_idx] = -2
        track_instances.matched_gt_idxes[trk_idx] = -1

2.2.2 Difference with MOTR

MOTR is a baseline tracking-by-attention project and we learn a lot from it. However, we would like to highlight an implementation difference compared to MOTR. Specifically, MOTR does not differentiate disappearing objects and emerging new objects, as in the code below. (Also at here).

for trk_idx in range(len(track_instances)):
    obj_id = track_instances.obj_idxes[trk_idx].item()
    if obj_id >= 0:
        if obj_id in obj_idx_to_gt_idx:
            track_instances.matched_gt_idxes[trk_idx] = obj_idx_to_gt_i[obj_id]
            num_disappear_track += 1
            # Pay attention to the line below.
            track_instances.matched_gt_idxes[trk_idx] = -1
        track_instances.matched_gt_idxes[trk_idx] = -1

This implies that we will not match disappearing objects with other GTs, unlike MOTR. we think it makes more sense.

2.3 Special Operations for Inference

While reading our code, please pay attention to how forward_track is different from forward_train.

  1. Deal with changing sequences. During the inference stage, the program tells if the incoming frame comes from a new video sequence, which implies the need for refreshing the RunTimeTracker and track_instances.
if self.runtime_tracker.timestamp is None or abs(timestamp[0] - self.runtime_tracker.timestamp) > 10:
    self.runtime_tracker.timestamp = timestamp[0]
    self.runtime_tracker.current_seq += 1
    self.runtime_tracker.track_instances = None
    self.runtime_tracker.current_id = 0
    self.runtime_tracker.l2g = None
    self.runtime_tracker.time_delta = 0
    self.runtime_tracker.frame_index = 0
self.runtime_tracker.time_delta = timestamp[0] - self.runtime_tracker.timestamp
self.runtime_tracker.timestamp = timestamp[0]
  1. Record tracking instances inside runtime tracker.

  2. Select tracking categories. In nuScenes, the 3D MOT challenge only concerns a subset of 7 categories in detection, leaving out the static objects like traffic cones. Therefore, we have the operations below to select the related objects for output.

max_cat = torch.argmax(out['all_cls_scores'][-1, 0, :].sigmoid(), dim=-1)
related_cat_mask = (max_cat < 7) 
track_instances = track_instances[related_cat_mask]
  1. Assign IDs to tracks.
active_mask = (track_instances.scores > self.runtime_tracker.threshold)
for i in range(len(track_instances)):
    if track_instances.obj_idxes[i] < 0:
        track_instances.obj_idxes[i] = self.runtime_tracker.current_id 
        self.runtime_tracker.current_id += 1
        if active_mask[i]:
            track_instances.track_query_mask[i] = True
out['track_instances'] = track_instances
  1. Filter by scores before output. We only output the bounding boxes with scores larger than a certain threshold output_threshold=0.2:
score_mask = (track_instances.scores > self.runtime_tracker.output_threshold)
out['all_masks'] = score_mask.clone()
  1. Training stage does not concern life cycles. Please check our frame_summarization:
# inference mode
if tracking:
    active_mask = (track_instances.cache_scores >= self.runtime_track.record_threshold)
# training mode
    track_instances.bboxes = track_instances.cache_bboxes.clone()
    track_instances.logits = track_instances.cache_logits.clone()
    track_instances.scores = track_instances.cache_scores.clone()
    active_mask = (track_instances.cache_scores >= 0.0)