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Releases: Taskana/taskana

Frontend Bugfix release

02 Sep 09:04
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Due to an issue in v4.0.0 the TASKANA admin UI was not usable. This Release contains a bugfix so that the UI is usable again.

TSK-1349: Tests for Administration component
TSK-1356: Add Cypress for E2E testing
TSK-1372: History Table does not render correctly
TSK-1374: Fix Travis pipeline script
TSK-1376: Taskana Admin not usable

Extended History

13 Aug 12:26
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Please update your database schema to use this version of TASKANA


  • TSK-1345: all API calls using any custom Attribute are now using the <Classification|Workbasket|Task>CustomField enum
    <Task|Attachement>#set/getCustomAttributes got renamed to set/getCustomAttributeMap
    pro.taskana.monitor.api.CustomFieldValueReport got renamed to pro.taskana.monitor.api.TaskCustomFieldValueReport
    All dedidacted getter/setter for permissions of a WorkbaksetAccessItem are now reduced to set/getPermission(WorkbasketPermission)
  • TSK-1267: WorkbasketReport#buildPlannedDateBasedReport → WorkbasketReport#buildReport(Timestamp)
    pro.taskana.task.api.Timestamp → pro.taskana.monitor.api.TaskTimestamp
    pro.taskana.monitor.api.reports.CategoryReport → pro.taskana.monitor.api.reports.ClassificationCategoryReport
    #categoryIn → #classificationCategoryIn
    listTaskIdsForSelectedItems now has an additional TaskTimestamp paramter
    pro.taskana.monitor.api.MonitorService#createCategoryReportBuilder → #createClassificationCategoryReportBuilder
    pro.taskana.monitor.api.SelectedItem was made immutable
  • TSK-1335: Add workbasket history events:
    Separated history events for entities task, workbasket and classification → HISTORY_EVENTS table removed, tables for all entities added
    Separate Query/Event mappers
    new prefixes for history events: THI → Task history events , WHI → workbasket history events


  • TSK-1250 On demand deletion of historical data
  • TSK-1267: All task timestamp based reports are now computable for every timestamp
  • TSK-1299: Wildfly example now works independently from Spring Security. Integration Tests on Wildfly include database access and LDAP access.
  • TSK-1331: Now supporting multiple order and sort-by statements in our REST Api
    Applies for
  • TSK-1333 : Add history events for cancelled/terminated tasks
  • TSK-1344: All reports now contain a displayName which is filled by the name of the given entity. When the given report does not show a taskana entity the displayName is equal to the report key.
  • TSK-1356: Added End to End testing into our Travis CI Pipeline.
  • TSK-1358: Audit-log for history events


  • TSK-981: Provide frontend formatter for common IDEs
  • TSK-996: Fix more advanced eslint-errors and / or adapt the rules
  • TSK-1041: The table header in Administration > Workbaskets > Access is fixed when scrolling
  • TSK-1068: Fixed workbaskets staying selected after being moved in workbasket distribution targets
  • TSK-1121: Fixed workbasket count displaying incorrectly during new pagination’s loading time
  • TSK-1155: Claiming a task and cancelling a claim works in UI/workplace
  • TSK-1215: Use NGXS Store as state management for workbasket component
  • TSK-1216: Storing access items management states in NGXS store
  • TSK-1287: Workbaskets owner field should work with typeahead again
  • TSK-1289: Upgraded to Angular 9
  • TSK-1310: Implement prettier in combination to existing eslint
  • TSK-1315: Added restriction to length for most input fields in frontend (matching the supported lengths from backend)
  • TSK-1328: Access Items Management now shows correct accessItems
  • TSK-1343: Migrate test framework from karma/jasmine to jest.
  • TSK-1354: Optimize webapp, reduce bundle size
  • TSK-1366: ExpandedEnd to End testing
  • Minor visual update for typeahead

List of tickets:
TSK-981: Provide frontend formatters for our common IDEs
TSK-999: Update deprecated taskana-web dependencies
TSK-1041: Workbasket admin: fixing accessID table header
TSK-1085: Hateoas self-links which contain variables are not working for Paged representationmodels
TSK-1121: Display Bug after clicking on another page
TSK-1144: provide a sample workbasket in our test data with a larger number of access items
TSK-1155: Claiming a task doesn't work in the TASKANA UI
TSK-1215: TASKANA admin > workbasket: Storing states in NGXS Store
TSK-1216: Access Items Component: Storing states in NGXS Store
TSK-1250: On-demand deletion of historical data
TSK-1267: Build Reports based on different TimeStamps
TSK-1289: Upgrade to Angular 10
TSK-1291: Remove and find alternative for SetActiveAction in ClassificationStore
TSK-1299: Wildfly example must use LDAP with given ldif structure
TSK-1315: The frontend input fields should validate text length
TSK-1318: Replace all individual thrown Exceptions with in all unit tests
TSK-1324: Renaming selectors in shared component
TSK-1325: Renaming selectors in administration component
TSK-1326: Provide valid logging configuration and remove old ones
TSK-1327: Access Item management does not consider userid
TSK-1328: List of belonging groups for a user is empty
TSK-1330: Cleanup hateoas dependencies
TSK-1331: Expand multiple sortingBy from Queries from API to REST service
TSK-1333: Add history events for task cancelled and terminated
TSK-1335: Add workbasket history events
TSK-1336: Remove unnecessary warn logging of changeDetails in updateTask()
TSK-1338: After refresh the selected workbasket should be visible
TSK-1340: The classification of a task should be visible
TSK-1342: MonitorController getTasksWorkbasketReport does not include states
TSK-1343: Rework unit test framework
TSK-1344: Add DisplayName for all report rows
TSK-1345: Unify usage of CustomX with entities
TSK-1346: Fix update scripts
TSK-1354: Optimize webapp size
TSK-1356: Add Cypress for E2E testing
TSK-1357: Fix Report SQL when using classification ID
TSK-1358: Audit-Log for history events
TSK-1359: add WorkbasketId filter for TaskStatusReport
TSK-1360: replace "domain" column for TaskStatusReport with workbasketKeys
TSK-1364: Create history table for classification history events
TSK-1366: Enhance UI E2E tests
TSK-1367: Fix history sample data
TSK-1368: Wrong URL to save access items and distribution targets
TSK-1369: Refactor TaskHistoryCustomField from /events package to events/task package
TSK-1373: Adjust WorkbasketHistoryQuery customIn/Like

SelectAndClaim API to support push use cases

02 Jul 15:47
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  • TSK-1301: pro.taskana.RestConfiguration moved to


  • TSK-1221: Added copy functionality to classifications
  • TSK-1279: The creation of subclassifications is enabled by selecting a classification and clicking the “add new classification”-button.
  • TSK-1275: Support select and claim in one API call
  • TSK-1286: The WorkingDaysToDaysConverter moved from pro.taskana.common.internal.util to pro.taskana.common.api and is part ob the Public API from now on.


  • TSK-1301: taskana-rest now uses the available LdapTemplate Bean, if available. This means that the ldap properties taskana.ldap.[serverUrl|baseDn|bindDn|bindPassword] are now optional. They are only needed if you want taskana to create the LdapTemplate bean for you.
  • TSK-1301: taskana now provides default beans for TaskanaEngineConfiguration and LdapTemple. They will only be created if they don’t exist.
  • TSK-1286: All public methods from the WorkingDaysToDaysConverter now work for every calendar year. Previously all easter related holidays were not always recomputed.
  • TSK-1283: WorkbasketService#deleteWorkbasketAccessItemsForAccessId is now case-insensitive regarding the access-id which should be deleted.
  • TSK-1308: LdapClient#searchGroupsAccessIdIsMemberOf now works properly

List of tickets:
TSK-1039: Focus AccessID field after adding a new accessID
TSK-1196: Users are detected as LDAP Groups
TSK-1214: TASKANA admin > classification: Storing states in NGXS Store
TSK-1221: Add copy function in admin > classifications
TSK-1248: Remove unnecessary GET call from classification store
TSK-1253: Prevent LDAP injection
TSK-1254: Support Base64 encoded users
TSK-1258: Refactoring of spring versions in maven pom files
TSK-1275: Support select and claim in one API call
TSK-1276: Filter selection for workbaskets should use radio buttons
TSK-1279: Enable the creation of subclassifications
TSK-1283: Adapt usernames to new ldap users
TSK-1284: Update the bot reminding us to update the documentation on each PR
TSK-1285: Provide a possibibility to use ask end states in combination with Queries
TSK-1286: Move WorkingDaysToDaysConverter to api and automatically configure it in the initalization of the taskanaEngine
TSK-1288: Enhance auto-comment bot with a checklist when creating a PR
TSK-1292: Rework of Classification Model
TSK-1295: Classification Tree should not expand automatically when selecting a category
TSK-1298: Fix error during the drag'n drop of classifications
TSK-1300: Update the autocomment bot, to provide better answers
TSK-1301: Cleanup ldap properties
TSK-1305: Deep link to a selected classification results in wrong classificationtype selection
TSK-1306: Cannot switch domain
TSK-1308: LDAP groups are not found properly
TSK-1312: Fix bug due to type change while creating a new classification
TSK-1313: Renaming selectors in monitor component
TSK-1317: Fix Authorization tests with embedded LDAP

Minor refactoring and bugfix release

07 Jun 14:41
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We fixed some bugs, did some internal refactoring and added some minor functionallity.

No known breaking changes.

TSK-1035: Merge taskana-simplehistory-spring-test with taskana-simplehistory-rest-spring
TSK-1184: Trace Logging in TaskanaWildfly does not work
TSK-1210: Replace custom LoginModule with Embedded Spring LDAP
TSK-1226: Make Corpus Christi (=Fronleichnam) configurable as custom holiday
TSK-1245: Drop Support for DB2 v10.5
TSK-1247: Remove pro.taskana.common.api.LoggerUtils
TSK-1257: bulk operation for forceCompleteTask
TSK-1261: Make task test data for create/update more robust
TSK-1265: Unify RepresentationModelAssembler#toModel and -#toEntityModel
TSK-1270: remove taskana-simplehistory-spring-test phyisically
TSK-1271: Migrate spring boot properties
TSK-1273: update checkstyle with google-java-format changes
TSK-1274: Automatically check that every commit contains a valid ticket
TSK-1276: Filter selection for workbaskets should use radio buttons
TSK-1280: Sort options for task comments in the REST-API
TSK-1281: Reduce open bugs and recent code smells

History Release

22 May 01:49
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TSK-746: Add simple history event tracking to update and create task method
TSK-1069: taskana admin > classifications: NaN priority
TSK-1083: Upgrade hateoas in taskana-rest-spring
TSK-1127: Pagination error - Selecting value other than Number
TSK-1180: Convert Hamcrest Asserts to Junit5 Assertionas (so that the convert script from assertJ is running)
TSK-1182: Fix disabled architecture tests
TSK-1187: Restructuring the Administration component
TSK-1188: Enable Combo-filter for tasks
TSK-1189: Restructuring the Workplace component
TSK-1190: Restructuring the Monitor component
TSK-1191: Restructuring the Shared modules
TSK-1192: Role-model for ADAPTER
TSK-1195: Secure the deleteTasks method in TaskServiceImpl
TSK-1197: Harmonize collation for database types
TSK-1198: Workbasket - All custom fields display the value from custom4
TSK-1199: adapt alert handling to error handling and use global notification handler
TSK-1205: Refine the toasts and popups with a more streamlined solution
TSK-1206: Create a meaningful ldif file to reflect a typical user and group structure
TSK-1207: allow tests to run multiple times with different accessIds
TSK-1208: Adapt the new HATEOAS terminology
TSK-1209: Refactor the package structure of taskana-rest-spring
TSK-1211: The test classes TaskHistoryEventControllerIntTest and TaskHistoryEventResourceAssemblerTest have test failures on macOS/Linux
TSK-1217: Remove orphaned titles.json
TSK-1218: Prevent unsecure access to TASKANA
TSK-1224: Remove year from customHoliday customization
TSK-1232: Replace ID Columns with VARCHAR
TSK-1233: Remove the unused serialization package from
TSK-1238: Bump version.spring from 5.2.5.RELEASE to 5.2.6.RELEASE
TSK-1241: Create a bot reminding us to update the documentation on each PR
TSK-1242: Prefix id's of workbaskets in test-data
TSK-1243: Make rest schema consistent for workbasket-distributionTargets
TSK-1244: Task creation computes planned date after due date
TSK-1246: Fix UpdateTaskComment in TaskCommentService
TSK-1249: Wrong driver class name in file taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly/src/test/resources/project-defaults.yml
TSK-1251: Upgrade hateoas to 1.1.0
TSK-1252: Fix new code smells from the last 30 days

Frontend Bugfix release

15 Apr 12:55
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This release contains a bug fix which made the taskana administration unusable:

TSK-1193: taskana admin [classification] not usable

Task Comments and bug fixes

13 Apr 20:54
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TSK-442: Optimize update of Classification.
TSK-652: The initial classification type "Task" in the drop down box is not of the configured types
TSK-1023: List of classification categories contains duplicate and wrong items
TSK-1029: Deletion of workbasket as business admin not possible without explicit permissions
TSK-1048: Fix the linting command
TSK-1143: Update Task with new Planned date sometimes calculates wrong due date
TSK-1145: checkstyle not verifying javadoc properly
TSK-1150: Verwaltungsm▒glichkeit f▒r Kommentare zu Aufgaben
TSK-1158: Spring Boot java process hangs after terminating maven build in Eclipse
TSK-1160: New Task states TERMINATED and CANCELLED
TSK-1162: Test failures after postgresql dependency bump
TSK-1163: Refactor all error messages to use new global error handler
TSK-1164: Formatting and Checkstyle rules for Java lambda do not match
TSK-1168: Make entities cloneable
TSK-1169: Refactoring of DaysToWorkingDaysReportConverter
TSK-1170: Refactor classification-categories.service
TSK-1177: Update of Task due not possible when planned exists
TSK-1178: Add externalId as search parameter to REST-API
TSK-1179: Fix the QueryTaskWithAttachment class
TSK-1183: Bump version.spring.boot from 2.2.5.RELEASE to 2.2.6.RELEASE

owner and planned bulk update

05 Mar 16:09
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TSK-931: Implement a global error handler
TSK-998: Activate more Eslint-settings and fix the errors
TSK-1018: AccessItem List does not show results after selecting a user
TSK-1024: Can't select ldap group as owner of workbasket
TSK-1034: Bump spring-restdocs-mockmvc from 2.0.2.RELEASE to 2.0.4.RELEASE
TSK-1103: Change vulnerable logging messages
TSK-1112: Add "method" parameter to @RequestMapping
TSK-1131: Bulk-Aktion zum Verändern von Task-Ownern
TSK-1135: Remove JUnit4 dependency in taskana-simplehistory-spring-test and convert to AssertJ
TSK-1137: Create Endpoint to cancel claim a task in REST-API
TSK-1138: Remove JUnit4 dependency in taskana-spring-example
TSK-1139: Bulk operation to change planned date for multiple tasks
TSK-1140: Correct ClassificationResourceAssembler
TSK-1141: Remove JUnit4 dependency in taskana-spring and convert to AssertJ
TSK-1146: Add ConstantNameCheck to checkstyle
TSK-1147: Use RestHelper.TEMPLATE
TSK-1148: Add Application-Entry-Point to ClassificationSummaryResource
TSK-1151: Example requests/responses should be printed readable in REST API doc

Brand new API

14 Feb 14:22
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TSK-883: Logout redirects to an undefined page on Wildfly
TSK-927: "Reserve" a task for a user in a group workbasket
TSK-991: Refactor public API to make it more modular
TSK-1024: Can't select ldap group as owner of workbasket
TSK-1030: Bump h2 from 1.4.197 to 1.4.200
TSK-1031: Bump version.spring.boot from 2.0.2.RELEASE to 2.2.4.RELEASE
TSK-1037: WorkbasketDefinitionController doesn't link to existing distributionTargets
TSK-1062: remove rawtype from MapTypeHandler
TSK-1064: Remove DeclarationOrderCheck from checkstyle
TSK-1065: Refactor WorkbasketImpl & TaskImpl
TSK-1077: ClassificationSummaryAssemblerTest
TSK-1088: No optimistic locking on workbasket update
TSK-1090: Refactor AttachementSummary
TSK-1094: Segregate entities into dedicated model package
TSK-1095: Final Review of classes for new package Structure
TSK-1097: move history package to spi/history
TSK-1100: Replace printStackTrace by logger
TSK-1101: Refactor report-sub-package
TSK-1105: Make attributes in ClassificationResource non-public
TSK-1106: Make attributes in ClassificationSummaryResource non-public
TSK-1107: Use userId-parameter in constructor of TaskanaHistoryEvent instead of calling CurrentUserContext
TSK-1108: Make attributes in WorkbasketAccessItemResource non-public
TSK-1109: Make attributes in WorkbasketResource non-public
TSK-1110: ClassificationController does not produce hal+json output
TSK-1111: Tests in TaskHistoryEventControllerIntTest are not found/executed
TSK-1123: Failure saving WorkbasketAccessItems
TSK-1125: Failure saving Distribution Targets
TSK-1128: Adjust script for refactoring

Minor improvement and LDAP stability release

31 Jan 16:46
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TSK-0987: Check and fix problems identified by spotbugs
TSK-0989: Query and filter tasks by planned timestamp
TSK-1024: Can't select ldap group as owner of workbasket
TSK-1025: Add AssertJ dependency and replace assertions for a single test.
TSK-1038: Creating multiple AccessItems for the same AccessID
TSK-1051: expose task description via rest
TSK-1053: refactor tests to show how to use assertj
TSK-1060: TaskQuery sort by taskId