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Releases: Tencent/QMUI_Android


26 Nov 12:01
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  1. Simplified the use of QMUIWebContainer.
  2. Refactored QMUITabSegment to handle operations such as reducing item.


22 Nov 07:11
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  1. Fixed an error that fitSystemWindows does not work in QMUIWebContainer.
  2. Fixed an error that swiping back would blink.


21 Nov 06:56
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  1. Implemented QMUIWebView (beta), where supports for env(safe-area-inset-*) in css were added.
  2. Feature: QMUIQQFaceView supports gravity(left/right/center-horizontal) attributes.
  3. Feature: allows setting shadow color on Android ROM version 9 and higher.
  4. Feature: allows control of the size of left icon in QMUIGroupListView.Section by calling the method setLeftIconSize.
  5. Feature: supports custom web url matcher in QMUILinkify.
  6. Fixed some bugs and increased code robustness.


13 Aug 06:22
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  1. Feature: QMUINotchHelper, a new helper class for notch compatibility.
  2. Added "more" click event to QMUIQQFaceView.
  3. Added text color setter for QMUITouchableSpan.
  4. The method startFragmentAndDestroyCurrent in QMUIFragment supports transfer of target fragment.
  5. Fixed issues: #334, and #352.


13 Jun 03:26
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  1. Code optimization for QMUIDialog.
  2. Added a return value to KeyboardVisibilityEventListener, which determines whether OnGlobalLayoutListener is deleted.
  3. Bug fix: getSignCount() in QMUITabSegment should return 0 if view is not visible.
  4. Bug fix: fixed incorrect layout of translucent status bar may appear in Android 4.4.
  5. Issue fixes: #304, and #308.


08 Jun 02:55
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  1. Added a new widget: QMUIPriorityLinearLayout.
  2. Bug fix: marginRight does not make sense for controlling the position of signCount, it should use marginLeft.
  3. Issue fixes: #165, and #247.


29 May 12:26
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  1. Feature: delay validation of QMUIFragment.canDragBack() until a pop gesture occurs. This feature allows you to control pop gesture on the fly.
  2. Replace QMUIMaterialProgressDrawable with CircularProgressDrawable, an official implementation.
  3. Issue fixes: #254, #258, #284, #285, #293, and #294.


26 Mar 11:55
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  1. Added QMUILayout, making it easy to implement shadows, radii, and separators.
  2. Refactored the theme usage of QMUITopbar.
  3. Refactored QMUIDialog for more flexible configuration.
  4. Updated arch library to 0.0.3 to provide methods runAfterAnimation and startFragmentForResult.
  5. Bug fixes: #125, #127, #132, #141, #177, #184, #198, #200, #209, and #213.


21 Dec 07:44
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[feature] with a new control parameter, different icon bounds can work in QMUITabSegment #117
[feature] added a method in QMUITabSegment to control icon position in java #116
[feature] added a new component called QMUIWrapContentScrollView, it's height is wrapContent but limited by maxHeight
[bugfix] the icon not displays in QMUITabSegment if the icon is positioned to bottom #116
[bugfix] QMUIDialog built by MessageDialogBuilder can not scroll when the message is long #114


15 Dec 16:57
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【更新】在 theme 中添加 dialog 的 backgroundDimAmount 属性
【更新】support 依赖包升级到 27.0.1
【更新】更改 QMUICommonListItemView.setDetailText 的参数类型为 CharSequence #83
【修复】QMUIFloatLayout 居左布局时换行时的Y轴偏移值计算错误 #61
【修复】QMUITopBar 内部间距计算存在的问题
【修复】MenuBaseDialogBuilder 的子类构建的 dialog 在内容列表过长时被截断的问题 #54 #67 #105
【修复】QMUITabSegment在滚动模式下 scrollOffset 在 selectIndex > 0 时错误 #71
【修复】QMUIQQFaceView 内容过多时存在的性能问题
【修复】删除 AndroidManifest 中无用的代码 #110
【修复】修复 QMUIBasePopup 中测量可能不准确的问题

support 依赖包升级到 27.0.1,如果您的项目的 compileSdkVersion 未升级到 26 及以上,并且由于某些原因暂时不能升级到 26 及以上,那么您需要在您的项目中覆盖 qmui 的 support 依赖版本

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force "$supportVersion"
        force "$supportVersion"
        force "$supportVersion"
        force "$supportVersion"