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The aim is to find all tuples of homotopy equivalent positively curved Eschenburg spaces E with bounded invariant |r|. This quest is divided into two tasks:

Task 1: Find all positively curved Eschenburg spaces with |r| ≤ R for some given bound R.
Task 2: Given a list of all such spaces, find all tuples on this list whose homotopy invariants agree.

The implementation of Task 1 is described in detail below. Task 2 is fairly straight-forward.

Implementation of Task 1

The task is to find all positively curved Eschenburg spaces E with |r| ≤ R, for some given positive bound R.

Lemma 1.4 of [CEZ07] shows that all positively curved Eschenburg spaces can be parametrized by quadruples (k₁, k₂, l₁, l₂) with

   k₁ ≥ k₂ > l₁ ≥ l₂ ≥ 0                              (1)

Moreover, these quadruples are required to satisfy a list of coprimacy conditions

  [CEZ07 (1.1)]                                       (2)

which we will spell out below. (The conditions of [CEZ07 (1.2)] for positive curvature are automatically satisfied in this parametrization.) The task is thus to find all quadruples satisfying (1), (2) and

  |r| ≤ R                                             (3)

for some given upper bound R. By [CEZ07, proof of Prop. 1.7], such an upper bound implies R ≥ k₁. So there is a straight-forward way of finding all such quadruples: simply iterate over all possible values of k₁, k₂ , l₁ and l₂ between 0and Rand check the conditions in each case. The problem with this approach is that it is very inefficient (i.e. very slow). We therefore use a slightly refined strategy, outlined below.

The algorithm

Instead of iterating over quadruples (k₁,k₂,l₁,l₂), the algorithm iterates over quadruples (d,n,k₁,k₂), where

n := k₂-l₁
d := k₁-l₂

In terms of these quadrauples, conditions (1) are above are equivalent to the following conditions:

d ≥ n > 0                                             (1'a)
k₁ ≥ d                                                (1'b)
k₁ ≥ k₂ ≥ k₁+n-d                                      (1'c)

(The condition d ≥ n is in fact superfluous, but it will be useful to know that it holds.) The additional conditions [CEZ07 (1.1)] that the quadruples (d,n, k₁, k₂) need to satisfy are:

(n,  d)    coprime                                    (2'a)
(k₁, n)    coprime                                    (2'b)
(k₂, d)    coprime                                    (2'c)
(k₂,    k₁-l₁)  (= (k₂, k₁+n))   coprime             \
(k₁,    k₂-l₂)  (= (k₁, k₂+d))   coprime              (2'd)
(k₁-l₁, k₂-l₂)  (= (k₁-k₂+n,k₂-k₁+d))   coprime      /

In terms of n and d, the formula for |r| can be written as:

|r| = k₁d + nd + nk₂

Thus, condition (3) is equivalent to:

R ≥ k₁d + nd + nk₂                                     (3')

As k₁ ≥ d and k₂ ≥ n ≥ 1, this implies in particular that:

R ≥ d² + d + 1                                         (3'a)
R ≥ k₁d + nd + n²                                      (3'b)
Step (a): Find all coprime pairs (n,d) with D ≥ d ≥ n > 0, where D := sqrt(R-3/4) - 1/2

We employ the standard algorithm for generating Farey sequences to find these. (The pairs are interpreted as reduced fractions 0 < n/d ≤ 1. This explains our choice of letters: n for numerator and d for denominator.) The value of the upper bound D follows from (3'a).

Step (b): Find all k₁ such that (k₁,n) coprime with K₁ ≥ k₁ ≥ d, where K₁ := (R-n²)/d - n.

The value of K₁ follows from (3'b). To find all these k₁, proceed in two substeps:

(b.1) First, search only in the range d+n > k₁ ≥ d. We can of course make use of the upper bound, so really we search in the range min(d+n-1, K₁) ≥ k₁ ≥ d.

(b.2) All remaining k₁ with (k₁,n) coprime will be of the form k₁ = k₁' + in for some positive integer i, where k₁' is one of the values found in (b.1).

Step (c): Find all  k₂ such that (k₂, d) coprime such that k₁ ≥ k₂ ≥ k₁+n-d and such that (3') is satisfied.

Condition (3') is equivalent to (R-k₁d)/n - d ≥ k₂. So the range we need to search in is K₂ ≥ k₂ ≥ k₁+n-d with

K₂ := min((R-k₁d)/n - d, k₁).

Again, to find these k₂, we proceed in two substeps:

(c.1) First, search only in the range k₁+n > k₂ ≥ k₁+n-d. Again, we should also take into account our upper bound, so the actual search will be in the range min(k₁+n-1, K₂) ≥ k₂ ≥ k₁+n-d.

(c.2) All remaining k₂ with (k₂,d) coprime will be of the form k₂ = k₂' + id for some positive integer i, where k₂'is one of the values found in (c.1).

Step (d): Check the remaining conditions (2'd).

To save memory, in the actual algorithm the steps are interlaced -- as soon as we've found a Farey pair (n,d), we look for a possible value of k₁, as soon as we've found that value, we look for k₂, etc. until we run out of possibilities; then we proceed to the next Farey pair.