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Snowy Coniferous Forest

coderbot edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 7 revisions

Snowy Coniferous Forest

Snowy Coniferous Forest Image

Like the other one, but uh, snowy!

The Snowy Coniferous Forest biome is home to the Fir tree, a tall but thin tree with dark logs and leaves. Fir trees can vary greatly in height from about 15 to 30 blocks tall! The base Snowy Coniferous Forest biome has a moderate height, but the Snowy Coniferous Wooded Hills biome has a much higher elevation.

Snowy High Coniferous Forest

Snowy High Coniferous Forest Image

The Snowy High Coniferous Forest is nearly identical to the normal Snowy Coniferous Forest, but it has a much higher elevation than even the highest peaks of the Snowy Coniferous Wooded Hills.


Snowy Coniferous Forest

The Snowy Coniferous Forest generates half as often as Snowy Taigas in snowy climates:

  • Snowy Coniferous Forest (traverse:snowy_coniferous_forest): the primary biome
  • Snowy Coniferous Wooded Hills (traverse:snowy_coniferous_wooded_hills): the raised variant of the Snowy Coniferous Forest

Snowy High Coniferous Forest

The Snowy High Coniferous Forest (traverse:snowy_high_coniferous_forest) generates 1/4 as often as the Snowy Coniferous Forest


Snowy Coniferous Forests are cold biomes covered in a layer of snow. Some of the grass frosts a bit and gives it a bluer color than its sister biome, the Coniferous Forest.

Also check out the Coniferous Forest, which features... no snow!


The Snowy Coniferous Forest is a biome inspired by a biome from the mod Extra Biomes, the Temperate Rainforest Snow, which looked like this:

Image credit: Original Extra Biomes creator, MrFibre

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