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Type Annotations, Backlinks

Chapter 14 - A ray of hope

Finally there is some good news: Jonathan Harker is alive. It seems that he managed to escape Castle Dracula, after which he found his way to Buda-Pesth (Budapest) in August and then to a hospital. The staff at the hospital are worried about Jonathan's mental health and send Mina a letter in which they say that he had "had some fearful shock and continues to talk about wolves and poison and blood, of ghosts and demons."

Poor Jonathan! Sitting in the hospital he begins to wonder if he has just gone insane. Was Count Dracula real? Were the vampire women real too? Or did he just imagine the whole thing? How can Mina marry a man who is slowly going insane?

Mina takes a train to the hospital where Jonathan is recovering, after which they take a train back to England to the city of Exeter where they get married. Mina sends Lucy a letter from Exeter about the good news...but it arrives too late and Lucy never opens it.

Meanwhile, Van Helsing continues to contact his associates in universities around Europe to search for information on vampires and their activities. The men visit the graveyard as planned and see vampire Lucy walking around. When Arthur sees Lucy he finally believes Van Helsing, and so do the rest of the men. They now know that vampires are real, and manage to destroy her. Arthur is sad but also happy to see that Lucy is no longer forced to be a vampire and can now die in peace.

Looks like we have a new city called Exeter, which is easy to add:

insert City {
  name := 'Exeter',
  population := 40000

That's the population of Exeter at the time of the book (it has 130,000 people today), and it doesn't have a modern_name that is different from the one in the book.

We can also update the city of Buda-Pesth to add the name of the hospital where Jonathan Harker was staying. In addition, one of the universities that Van Helsing contacted for information is in the same city. Let's add them both:

update City filter .name = 'Buda-Pesth' 
  set { important_places := [
    'Hospital of St. Joseph and Ste. Mary',
    'Buda-Pesth University'

Adding and accessing properties to links

One interesting thing about links is that they can hold properties too. Since a link doesn't exist without a connection between objects, properties on a link usually have something to do with the relationship between these objects as well. Or link properties may be a computed value that only makes sense when you have objects joined by a link.

We can add a link property to our schema too by thinking of some more vampire physics. We know that Vampire objects control MinorVampire objects, and are so powerful that MinorVampires are even deleted when their controlling Vampire dies. We represented this in our schema by adding a deletion policy:

type Vampire extending Person {
  multi slaves: MinorVampire {
    on source delete delete target;

Now let's add a link property as well. Both MinorVampires and Vampires have the property strength, and let's now say that a Vampire, with enough concentration, is able to give some of its own strength to the MinorVampires that it controls. We'll call this link property combined_strength, and define it as the combined strength of both divided by two. So if one Vampire has a strength of 16 and a MinorVampire has a strength of 10, their combined strength will be 13 (16 plus 10, then divided by 2).

Added to the Vampire type, the combined_strength link property looks like this:

type Vampire extending Person {
  multi slaves: MinorVampire {
    on source delete delete target;
    property combined_strength := (Vampire.strength + .strength) / 2;

Did you notice that we've written property combined_strength instead of just combined_strength? This is because, as of EdgeDB 4.0, the compiler is unable to determine whether a computable for a link property is a property or a link. In fact, this used to be the case for all computables even as recently as EdgeDB 3.0, but the compiler has become smarter over time and now link properties are the only case where a computable needs our help to know if we are computing a property or a link.

With this link property set up, we can now another interesting property to the Vampire type, called army_strength. This property will be the combined total of all the combined_strength link properties between a Vampire and the MinorVampires it controls. So this number will be the total strength of the Vampire's army when it is fully concentrating on giving as much strength as possible to its MinorVampires.

Here is what the Vampire type looks like after these changes. Notice anything in the syntax that looks different from what we've seen so far?

type Vampire extending Person {
  multi slaves: MinorVampire {
    on source delete delete target;
    property combined_strength := (Vampire.strength + .strength) / 2;
  army_strength := sum(.slaves@combined_strength);

That's right, there is an @ in there! EdgeDB uses @ to represent link properties, because using . would take us to the properties of the linked object, whereas we need to access the property of the link itself. If we had used .slaves.combined_strength, EdgeDB would look for a property or link called combined_strength on the MinorVampire type, which it doesn't have.

There are two things to keep in mind about link properties: they can only be single, and must always be optional.

And with those schema changes made, we can do a query on Count Dracula to see what his army looks like. Don't forget the @ when doing queries too!

select Vampire {
  slaves: {

The strength property of Dracula's vampire slaves is determined randomly so the query output will look different on your end, but it will be similar to the output below. You can see that the MinorVampire types that Dracula controls are significantly stronger when he concentrates to control them as directly as possible.

  default::Vampire {
    name: 'Count Dracula',
    age: 800,
    strength: 20,
    slaves: {
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 1', strength: 5, @combined_strength: {12.5}},
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 2', strength: 9, @combined_strength: {14.5}},
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 3', strength: 8, @combined_strength: {14}},
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Lucy', strength: 9, @combined_strength: {14.5}},
    army_strength: 55.5,

Adding annotations to types

Now that we know how to do introspection queries, we can start to give annotations to our types. An annotation is a string inside the type definition that gives us information about it when using an introspect query or when we put __type__ into a query on an object type. By default, annotations can use the names title, description, or deprecated.

Let's imagine that in our game a City needs at least 50 buildings, and we want the other developers to know this. Let's use an annotation description for this:

type City extending Place {
  annotation description := 'A place with 50 or more buildings. Anything else is an OtherPlace';
  population: int64;

After migrating our schema, we can now do an introspect query on it. We know how to do this from the last chapter - just add : {name} everywhere to get the inner details. Ready!

select (introspect City) {
  annotations: {name}
  properties: {name},

Uh oh, not quite. The annotations part of the introspect query just says std::description:

  schema::ObjectType {
    annotations: {schema::Annotation {name: 'std::description'}},
    name: 'default::City',
    properties: {
      schema::Property {name: 'name'},
      schema::Property {name: 'modern_name'},
      schema::Property {name: 'important_places'},
      schema::Property {name: 'id'},
      schema::Property {name: 'population'},

Let's do an introspect query on City again, but this time using the splat operator on the annotations to see what is inside.

select (introspect City) { annotations: {*}};

There it is!

  schema::ObjectType {
    annotations: {
      schema::Annotation {
        id: 6478af55-27fe-11ee-a636-8f86ec27644b,
        name: 'std::description',
        internal: false,
        builtin: true,
        computed_fields: [],
        inheritable: false,
        @is_owned: true,
        @owned: true,
        @value: 'A place with 50 or more buildings. Anything else is an OtherPlace',

Ah, of course: the annotations: {name} part returns the name of the type, which is std::description. In other words, it's a link, and the target of a link just tells us the kind of annotation that gets used. But we're looking for the value inside it. And we can see from the @ in the output above that the value of an annotation is a link property.

Let's try the query one more time:

select (introspect City) {
  annotations: {
  properties: {name},

And now the actual annotation shows up in the output.

  schema::ObjectType {
    annotations: {
      schema::Annotation {
        name: 'std::description',
        @value: 'A place with 50 or more buildings. Anything else is an OtherPlace',
    name: 'default::City',
    properties: {
      schema::Property {name: 'name'},
      schema::Property {name: 'modern_name'},
      schema::Property {name: 'important_places'},
      schema::Property {name: 'id'},
      schema::Property {name: 'population'},

What if we want an annotation with a different name besides title, description, or deprecated? Easy: just declare a new annotation by typing abstract annotation inside the schema and give it a name. We want to add a warning for other developers to read so that's what we'll call it:

abstract annotation warning;

Maybe it is important to use Castle instead of OtherPlace for not just castles, but castle towns too. Thanks to the new abstract annotation, now OtherPlace gives that information along with the other annotation. Here are the two annotations to add to OtherPlace:

type OtherPlace extending Place {
  annotation description := 'A place with under 50 buildings - hamlets, small villages, etc.';
  annotation warning := 'Castles and castle towns do not count! Use the Castle type for that';

Now let's migrate the schema again and do an introspect query on just its name and annotations:

select (introspect OtherPlace) {
  annotations: {name, @value}

And here it is:

  schema::ObjectType {
    name: 'default::OtherPlace',
    annotations: {
      schema::Annotation {
        name: 'std::description',
        @value: 'A place with under 50 buildings - hamlets, small villages, etc.',
      schema::Annotation {
        name: 'default::warning',
        @value: 'Castles and castle towns do not count! Use the Castle type for that',

Global scalars

Every game needs to be tested before it can be sold, and it's nice to have different possible modes when testing a game. Any game testers should be able to experience the game in the same way that a regular player would, but another mode with extra information would be helpful too.

Another global type could help here. We've had a global Time object in our database for some time now, which so far is our only global type. But globals can be scalar types too.

A global scalar isn't an object though, so changing its value is a bit different: instead, we use the set and unset keywords to work with it.

To try using a global scalar we can add an enum called Mode, and give it two values: Info or Debug. Info will be the default, while Debug will be the mode that provides extra information for the testers. After this we can make a global called tester_mode:

scalar type Mode extending enum<Info, Debug>;

required global tester_mode: Mode {
    default := Mode.Info;

A required global always needs a default value, which makes sense: a global is available across the entire database and is required so it must be present. The only way to ensure this is to add a default value. Fortunately, the EdgeDB compiler won't let a schema migration happen if we forget this. The error message would look like this:

error: required globals must have a default
  ┌─ c:\easy-edgedb\dbschema\default.esdl:9:3
9 │   required global tester_mode: Mode;
  │   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error

edgedb error: cannot proceed until .esdl files are fixed

With the migration done, let's make sure that the global value is there:

select global tester_mode;

The output is simple: just {Info}.

Changing a global scalar is easy too: just use the set keyword.

set global tester_mode := Mode.Debug;

The output here is simple too, just a message informing us that the value was successfully set:


The opposite of the set keyword is reset, which resets a global to its default value. In our case the default value is Mode.Info, but if we hadn't specified that tester_mode is required then the default value would have been {}, an empty set.

Pretty easy! The output below shows the sort of feedback you will see in the REPL when setting and resetting a global scalar value.

db> select global tester_mode;
db> set global tester_mode := Mode.Debug;
db> select global tester_mode;
db> reset global tester_mode;

And with this global value in place, we can now do queries that match on the tester_mode enum. Here is an example of a query that a tester using the PC named Emil Sinclair might use. During regular Info mode the query will only show the character's own info, but during Debug mode it will also show info on all the NPC objects as well. In a more complex schema we can imagine that this could be used to show a tester the health, location and so on of all the NPCs in a game, which could then be used to show them on a map or in a separate chart on the screen that is only visible during debug mode.

# Select all NPC objects in Debug mode
with info := NPC if global tester_mode = Mode.Debug 
             else <NPC>{},
  select PC {
    locations :=,
    npc_info := info { 
} filter .name = 'Emil Sinclair';

The output is pretty short during Info mode, which only provides the necessary info to play the game in the same way as every other player.

  default::PC {
    name: 'Emil Sinclair',
    class: Mystic,
    strength: 2,
    locations: {},
    npc_info: {},

But if you use set global tester_mode := Mode.Debug; then all of a sudden the same query will display all of the extra info!

  default::PC {
    name: 'Emil Sinclair',
    class: Mystic,
    strength: 2,
    locations: {},
    npc_info: {
      default::NPC {name: 'Jonathan Harker', strength: 5},
      default::NPC {name: 'Renfield', strength: 10},
      default::NPC {name: 'The innkeeper', strength: 1},
      default::NPC {name: 'Mina Murray', strength: 2},
      default::NPC {name: 'Quincey Morris', strength: 4},
      default::NPC {name: 'Arthur Holmwood', strength: 4},
      default::NPC {name: 'John Seward', strength: 3},
      default::NPC {name: 'Abraham Van Helsing', strength: 1},
      default::NPC {name: 'Lucy Westenra', strength: 0},

You could imagine some other combinations of global modes such as a "God Mode" that also makes the character invincible - because it's annoying to try to debug test a game when other PCs keep killing your character without knowing that you are just there to test the game mechanics.


It's finally time to learn one of EdgeDB's most powerful and useful features: backlinks. A backlink is like a regular link, except that it works in the other direction: instead of a link from your object to other objects, it's a computed property that shows the objects that link to you!

Understanding backlinks and the syntax can take a bit of effort, but it's well worth it.

First let's start by looking at some regular links. We know how to get Count Dracula's slaves by name with something like this:

select Vampire {
  slaves: {

That shows us the following:

  default::Vampire {
    name: 'Count Dracula',
    slaves: {
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 1'},
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 2'},
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 3'},
      default::MinorVampire {name: 'Lucy'},

But what if we are doing the opposite? Namely, starting from select MinorVampire and wanting to access the Vampire type connected to it. Because right now the MinorVampire type only gives us access to properties and links that belong to the MinorVampire and Person type. Imagine that we want to have a master link that shows the Vampire object that links to a do we do it?

select MinorVampire {
  # master... how do we get this?
  # There's no link to Vampire inside MinorVampire...

Since there's no master: Vampire link, how do we go backwards to see the Vampire type that links to it?

This is where backlinks come in, by doing the following:

  • Select the type that is being linked back to. Here that would be MinorVampire, because we want to see links to MinorVampire objects. If you are inside a type's schema, you don't need to write the type name.
  • Create a link that uses the .< syntax instead of .
  • Indicate the name of the link. We want to see slaves links from the Vampire type, so type slaves next.
  • Specify the type that we are looking for: [is Vampire]. This isn't strictly necessary, but helpful. We'll see why in a moment.

So let's follow these steps to make our first backlink query. We want:

  • A link to MinorVampire objects, so select MinorVampire
  • The link to be a backlink, so add .<: select MinorVampire.<
  • To look for links via a link called slaves, so add slaves: select MinorVampire.<slaves
  • The link to be from a Vampire object, so add Vampire: select MinorVampire.<slaves[is Vampire]

This will return us one or more Vampire objects, on which of course we can add a shape. So the query will now look like this:

select MinorVampire.<slaves[is Vampire] {

Because it goes in reverse order, it is selecting the Vampire objects that have a link called slaves that goes back .< to the type MinorVampire.

You can think of the human readable version of MinorVampire.<slaves[is Vampire] {name, age} as "Show the name and age of the Vampire objects with a link called slaves that are of type MinorVampire" - from right to left.

Here is the output:

{default::Vampire {name: 'Count Dracula', age: 800}}

So far that's the same as just select Vampire: {name, age}. But it becomes very useful in our query before, where we wanted to access multiple types. Now we can select all the MinorVampire objects and their master:

select MinorVampire {
  master := .<slaves[is Vampire] {name},

And here is the human-readable version of .<slaves[is Vampire] {name} to help it stick in your memory: "the Vampire objects and their names that link back to MinorVampire through the link slaves".

Here is the output:

  default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 1', 
    master: {default::Vampire {name: 'Count Dracula'}}},
  default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 2', 
    master: {default::Vampire {name: 'Count Dracula'}}},
  default::MinorVampire {name: 'Vampire Woman 3', 
    master: {default::Vampire {name: 'Count Dracula'}}},
  default::MinorVampire {name: 'Lucy', 
    master: {default::Vampire {name: 'Count Dracula'}}},

So why do we need [is Vampire] in the query anyway? We need this because there might be other objects of different types that link back to MinorVampire through a link called slaves. We can show this in a query on our Place type which is linked from quite a few types. What do you think this query will show?

select Place {
 visitors := .<places_visited

In this case, we are asking EdgeDB to show us each and every object that is linking to each Place object via a link called places_visited. The output is quite large, so here is just one part of it:

  default::Country {
    name: 'Romania',
    visitors: {
      default::Vampire {id: 41c0bdc4-fef1-11ed-a968-cb41382f27c2},
      default::NPC {id: e03f804e-f9b4-11ed-86c0-835ec28e5d08},
  default::City {
    name: 'Munich',
    visitors: {
      default::PC {id: dfd4e9dc-f9b4-11ed-86c0-b32fa282657d},
      default::NPC {id: e03f804e-f9b4-11ed-86c0-835ec28e5d08},

You can see that Romania has been visited by a Vampire object (that's Dracula) and an NPC object (that's Jonathan Harker), while Munich has been visited by a PC object (Emil Sinclair) and an NPC object (Jonthan Harker again).

So if we don't specify with [is Vampire] or [is NPC] then it will just return each and every object connected via a link called places_visited. This is fine, but it limits the shapes that we can make in the query. For example, there is no guarantee that any linking object will have the property name so this query won't work:

db> select Place {
.......  name,
.......  visitors := .<places_visited {name}
.......  };
error: InvalidReferenceError: object type 'std::BaseObject' has no link or property 'name'
  ┌─ <query>:3:32
3 │  visitors := .<places_visited {name}
  │                                ^^^^ error

But if we specify the type, EdgeDB will now be able to tell if it has a certain property or not.

select Place {
  vampire_visitors := .<places_visited[is Vampire] {name},
  npc_visitors := .<places_visited[is NPC] {name}

And with that we get a nice output that shows backlinks from multiple concrete types. Here is part of the output:

  default::Country {
    name: 'Romania',
    vampire_visitors: {default::Vampire {name: 'Count Dracula'}},
    npc_visitors: {default::NPC {name: 'Jonathan Harker'}},
  default::City {
    name: 'Munich',
    vampire_visitors: {},
    npc_visitors: {default::NPC {name: 'Jonathan Harker'}},

One final note: this is why backlinks in EdgeDB are multi by default, as opposed to regular links which are single by default. After all, there might be a lot of objects here and there in our database that link back and it makes sense to assume that there could be a lot of them. But you can declare a backlink in your schema to be single if you want to insist that there can only be one object in a backlink.

Here is all our code so far up to Chapter 14.

Time to practice

  1. How would you create a global str that tells you whether vampires are currently asleep or awake?

  2. Using a computed backlink, how would you display 1) all the Place objects (plus their names) that have an o in the name and 2) the names of the people that visited them?

  3. Using a computed backlink, how would you display all the Person objects that will later become MinorVampires?

    Hint: Remember, MinorVampire has a link back to the vampire's former self.

  4. How would you give the MinorVampire type an annotation called note that says 'first_appearance for MinorVampire should always match last_appearance for its matching NPC type'?

  5. How would you see this note annotation for MinorVampire in a query?

See the answers here.

Up next: Time to get revenge.