This endpoint returns all the FAQs for the given language provided by "Accept-Language".
URL : /api/v2.0/faqs
HTTP Header :
Accept-Language: [language code]
Method : GET
Auth required : NO
Condition : If the installation returns at least one FAQ.
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"id": "1",
"lang": "en",
"solution_id": "1000",
"revision_id": "0",
"active": "yes",
"sticky": "0",
"keywords": "",
"title": "Is there life after death?",
"content": "Maybe!",
"author": "phpMyFAQ User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"comment": "y",
"date": "2009-10-10 17:54:00",
"dateStart": "00000000000000",
"dateEnd": "99991231235959",
"created": "2008-09-03T21:30:17+02:00",
"notes": ""
"id": "1",
"lang": "en",
"solution_id": "1001",
"revision_id": "0",
"active": "yes",
"sticky": "0",
"keywords": "",
"title": "Is there really life after death?",
"content": "Maybe not!",
"author": "phpMyFAQ User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"comment": "y",
"date": "2009-10-10 17:54:00",
"dateStart": "00000000000000",
"dateEnd": "99991231235959",
"created": "2008-09-03T21:30:17+02:00",
"notes": ""
Condition : If there are no FAQs.
Code : 404 NOT FOUND
Content :