PHP-Apache with some mods to make a multi-puprose webserver in a single container.
Added components over PHP and Apache:
- msmtp (for sending mail)
- gd
- mysqli
- remoteip
Disabled at this time (but will work):
- gmagick
- ssh2
- exif
- imagick
- mbstring
- sockets
Don't forget to add a file in the mount /etc/msmtprc. This file configures the msmtp service to send outbound mail.
account default
port 25
from "[email protected]"
logfile /folder/msmtp.log
Other configuration paths to mount:
- /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
- /etc/apache2/sites-available/
- /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini You can mount these readonly if you'd like.
Last update: 27-01-23 How can I automatically update this image? Weekly pipeline does not seem push it to Docker Hub :/