Thanks for your interest in contributing to Horizon Launcher! We have a few guidelines to make sure that your pull request is accepted and merged.
Note that ALL pull requests must be opened on the 'dev' branch.
- Directories (folders), classes (as well as their source and header files), structs, and enumerators should be all formatted in PascalCase.
- Functions, methods, and variables should be formatted in mixedCase.
- Constant variables should be prepended with
- Global variables (avoid) should be prepended with
- Constant variables should be prepended with
- Exceptions to the above include standard overrides and conforming to existing C/C++ entities.
- Pointers should be formatted with the
operator aligned to the type:int* ptr
- We use the Allman indentation style:
void miracleSort(FancyArray<int> numGroup)
while (numGroup.isUnsorted())
- Include directives for both header and source files should be in the following order, with a line break after each grouping:
- Local headers (interface first, if applicable)
- Headers from third-party libraries (i.e. Qt, Navajo, etc.)
- C/C++ system headers
- Conditional / OS-dependent inclusions
- Conditional and iterative statements should include a space, and should always be bracketed:
while/if (a > 3)
// Logic
- Use only spaces, and indent 4 spaces at a time. We use spaces for indentation. Do not use tabs in your code. You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key.
Every header file must have a
#ifndef/#define <header>
include guard. -
Avoid multiple inheritance if at all possible, especially with Qt classes.
Keep your code well documented, but don't go overboard. Classes and involved functions should be described in the interface and explained in the implementation.
Try to keep functions short -- if a given function reaches 100 lines in length, consider splitting it up into smaller pieces.
For all else, refer to the Google C++ Style Guide
- Commit and push often - avoid committing huge amounts of code at one time.
- Make sure any upstream changes are merged with your branch before sumitting a pull request. Sort out as many conflicts as possible on your end.
- Each pull request will be reviewed by at least two members of the team. Be patient.
- If your changes are OS-dependent, or you suspect that there may be conflict in that regard, please make that clear.
- Please don’t open a pull request that adds entirely new features or aesthetic - most of this will be decided by the UI team. PRs should extend or complement existing functionality.
- Official releases will be reviewed by members of all teams, and confirmed to function properly on several different operating systems and desktop environments.
- Any pull requests relating to the localization of the client will be closed. The OneSky service must be used for localization.
- Any new functions must contain full Qt-style doxygen comments. See here and scroll down for an example.
- Any modifications to existing funtions, ie adding/removing parameters, adjusting return type, changing functionality, must also contain the relevant changes to the function at hand.
To automate this style, some of our team use clang-format with the below setup:
BasedOnStyle: "Google"
IndentWidth: 4
UseTab: Never
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
PointerAlignment: Left
ColumnLimit: 0