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70 lines (60 loc) · 3.76 KB

File metadata and controls

70 lines (60 loc) · 3.76 KB


Thanks for your interest in contributing to Horizon Launcher! We have a few guidelines to make sure that your pull request is accepted and merged.

Note that ALL pull requests must be opened on the 'dev' branch.

Official Coding Style

  • Directories (folders), classes (as well as their source and header files), structs, and enumerators should be all formatted in PascalCase.
  • Functions, methods, and variables should be formatted in mixedCase.
    • Constant variables should be prepended with c_: c_someValue
    • Global variables (avoid) should be prepended with g_: g_logCounter
  • Exceptions to the above include standard overrides and conforming to existing C/C++ entities.
  • Pointers should be formatted with the * operator aligned to the type: int* ptr
  • We use the Allman indentation style:
void miracleSort(FancyArray<int> numGroup)
    while (numGroup.isUnsorted())
  • Include directives for both header and source files should be in the following order, with a line break after each grouping:
    1. Local headers (interface first, if applicable)
    2. Headers from third-party libraries (i.e. Qt, Navajo, etc.)
    3. C/C++ system headers
    4. Conditional / OS-dependent inclusions
  • Conditional and iterative statements should include a space, and should always be bracketed:
while/if (a > 3)
    // Logic
  • Use only spaces, and indent 4 spaces at a time. We use spaces for indentation. Do not use tabs in your code. You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key.


  • Every header file must have a #ifndef/#define <header> include guard.

  • Avoid multiple inheritance if at all possible, especially with Qt classes.

  • Keep your code well documented, but don't go overboard. Classes and involved functions should be described in the interface and explained in the implementation.

  • Try to keep functions short -- if a given function reaches 100 lines in length, consider splitting it up into smaller pieces.

  • For all else, refer to the Google C++ Style Guide

Pull Requests

  • Commit and push often - avoid committing huge amounts of code at one time.
  • Make sure any upstream changes are merged with your branch before sumitting a pull request. Sort out as many conflicts as possible on your end.
  • Each pull request will be reviewed by at least two members of the team. Be patient.
    • If your changes are OS-dependent, or you suspect that there may be conflict in that regard, please make that clear.
    • Please don’t open a pull request that adds entirely new features or aesthetic - most of this will be decided by the UI team. PRs should extend or complement existing functionality.
  • Official releases will be reviewed by members of all teams, and confirmed to function properly on several different operating systems and desktop environments.
  • Any pull requests relating to the localization of the client will be closed. The OneSky service must be used for localization.


  • Any new functions must contain full Qt-style doxygen comments. See here and scroll down for an example.
  • Any modifications to existing funtions, ie adding/removing parameters, adjusting return type, changing functionality, must also contain the relevant changes to the function at hand.

Clang Format

To automate this style, some of our team use clang-format with the below setup:

BasedOnStyle: "Google"
IndentWidth: 4
UseTab: Never
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
PointerAlignment: Left
ColumnLimit: 0