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Pete Mueller edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 16 revisions

Starting in v1.15 mutations are introduced to add an extra layer of OP-ness to the mod, and an extra layer of grinding... Mutations start with the brewing of several potions in your newly created genetic lab.

Potion Basics

  • All combinations are preformed in a Brewing Stand or the new Incubator.
  • Genes are now categorized as "Genes" and "Mutations" Mutations are over-powered versions of standard genes, or certain traits that are OP by their nature (Flight, Invisibility, etc)
  • Potion of Cell Growth: Tier I potion, used as a base potion for this mod it will by default generate more cells for the player. Combining any cell with two potions of cell growth will create more of that type of cell.
  • Combining cell with a potion of cell growth, a cell, and another item will create a cell with a high chance to give you a specific gene, this can reduce a lot of grind to get a specific gene, this can also grant you a gene that normally would be from a mod. Note that the change of receiving a basic gene also increases with this process.
  • Potion of Mutation: Tier II potion, used as a base potion for changing one cell to another, or to get a overpowered version of a gene.
  • Combining cell with a potion of cell mutation and another item will create a cell with a possible chance for mutation. If the mutation fails, you will receive a Basic Mutated Helix, if the mutation succeeds, you will receive a specific mutated gene helix.
  • When building a Plasmid for a mutation you cannot uses a Basic Gene Helix, you Must use a Basic Mutated Helix
  • All mutations will require 50 plasmid "points" instead of the standard 24.
  • In hard mode, Basic Mutated Helix are not useable for making Plasmids
  • Bottle of Viral Agents: Tier III potion, used as a base splash potion for the negative effects to be transferred to mobs (and players if set in config)
  • Combining a DNA helix of a specific gene with two Viral Agents will give you 4 virus bottles that will create a powerful negative splash effect based on the original gene, these effects do not wear off until the entity dies.
  • Cure potion: Crafted with Viral Agents, removes all viral agents (negative effects) from players for those playing in a PVP environment.

New Machine -- The Incubator

The incubator has two functions, In high-temp mode it works as a Brewing stand that takes power instead of Blaze rods. It will process all standard brewing recipes, including the ones shown here. It will process potions about twice the speed of the brewing stand and can be automated with pipes from other mods. In low-temp mode The incubator and a mutation formula from this mod will create a cell with a significantly higher chance of producing a mutation. This process takes A LONG TIME, a full Minecraft day without over-clockers, but uses very low power. Overclockers can be used but lower the chance of a successful mutation unless chorus fruit is also added.

Without using the incubator at low-temp it is still possible to get mutations from a brewing stand (or the incubator on high-temp), but only at a very small percentage...

New Genes

The following changes to existing genes will be performed:

  • Current Resistance gene will drop from Resistance II to Resistance I
  • Resistance II: Now considered a mutation
  • Flight cannot be gotten from mobs directly, it is now a mutation

The following new genes/mutations are being added. Most are stronger versions of existing genes. Others are just new for fun. Mutations are in bold.

  • Lay Eggs: Player will drop eggs every 2-4 minutes
  • No Hunger: Your hunger never drops below 1/2
  • Climb Walls: Everything is a ladder
  • Scare Skeletons: like Creepers
  • Regeneration I/II: Like the Potion of the same name
  • Speed II/III: Same as existing Speed I, but more
  • Meaty I: Allows a player to be sheared for pork chops,
  • Meaty II: causes player to drop cooked pork chops
  • Invisibility: Like the potion
  • More Hearts II: Adds 20 hearts, instead of 10
  • Scare Zombies: like Creepers
  • Scare Spiders: like Creepers
  • Absorbtion I/IV
  • Haste I/II
  • Efficiency I/IV: Like the enchantment, but applies to every tool
  • Flight: is not considered a mutation
  • Luck: Like the potion

NOTE: that the player MUST have the previous level trait in their blood before they can add the mutation. Thus, you must have Speed I in your blood sample before you can add Speed II using the Plasmid Injector.

Basic Potions

  • Mundane Potion + Sugar = Substrate
  • Substrate + Basic Gene Helix = Potion of Cell Growth
  • Potion of Cell Growth + Fermented Spider Eye = Potion of Mutation
  • Potion of Mutation + Chorus Fruit = Bottle of Viral Agents

Cell Growth List

Formulas used with a Potion of Cell Growth (PCG). These can be performed at a brewing stand or incubator without penalty. All outputs are new cells with a high chance of success when placed in the DNA Decrypter. Failure in the DNA Decrypter generates a Basic Gene. Combining any of theses cells with a potion of cell growth will revert them to regular cells.

  • Substrate + Any Cell = 3 of same cell (Brewing stand)
  • Substrate + Any Cell = 21 of same cell (low-temp incubator)
  • PCG + Any Cell = Potion of Cell Growth(That Cell Type)
  • PCG(Blaze/magma cell) + Glowstone Dust = 50% Bioluminescence
  • PCG(Villager/Shulker cell) + Emerald = 50% Keep Inventory
  • PCG(Rabbit cell) + Redstone = 75% Speed
  • PCG(Iron Golem cell) + Apple = 75% More hearts
  • PCG(Chicken cell) + Egg = 75% Lay Egg
  • PCG(Pig cell) + Pork Chop = 75% Meaty
  • PCG(Enderman cell) + Ender Pearl = 75% Teleport
  • PCG(Enderman cell) + Iron Ingot = 50% Item Magnet
  • PCG(Enderman cell) + Golden Apple = 75% More hearts
  • PCG(Slime cell) + Glowstone Dust = 50% Photosynthesis
  • PCG(Creeper cell) + Spider Eye = 75% Scare Creeper
  • PCG(Skeleton cell) + Spider Eye = 75% Scare Skeleton

Cell Mutation List

Formulas used with a Potion of Cell Mutation (PCM). All outputs are new cells with a high chance of success when placed in the DNA Decrypter. Failure in the DNA Decrypter generates a Mutated Basic Gene unless noted. Combining any of theses cells with a potion of cell growth will revert them to regular cells. Output percentages assume incubator on low-temp with no overclockers. Success with brewing stand or high-temp incubator is 3%. Adding overclockers (max 2) will reduce the success chance by 13% for each overclocker unless a chorus fruit is supplied during incubation.

  • PCM + Any Cell = Potion of Cell Mutation(That Cell Type)
  • PCM(Any cell) + Sugar = 75% Basic Mutated Gene vs. Basic Gene
  • PCM(Bat/Parrot cell) + Feather = 75% Flight
  • PCM(Skeleton cell) + Coal = 75% Wither Skeleton Cell
  • PCM(Wither Skeleton cell) + Potion of Weakness = 75% Wither Cell
  • PCM(Bat/Parrot cell) + Notch apple = 50% Ender Dragon Cell vs Cell with 100% Flight
  • PCM(Bat cell) + Dragon's Breath = 100% Ender Dragon Cell
  • PCM(Shulker/Zombie cell) + Diamond = 50% Resistance II vs Resistance I
  • PCM(Bear/Llama cell) + Diamond = 50% Strength II vs Strength I
  • PCM(Rabbit cell) + Redstone = 50% Speed II vs. Speed I
  • PCM(Ocelot cell) + Redstone = 50% Speed III vs. Speed II
  • PCM(Rabbit cell) + Diamond = 50% Luck I
  • PCM(Rabbit cell) + Iron Ingot = 50% Haste II vs. Haste I
  • PCM(Silverfish cell) + Redstone = 50% Efficiency IV vs. Efficiency I
  • PCM(Zombie cell) + Spider Eye = 75% Scare Zombie
  • PCM(Spider cell) + Spider Eye = 75% Scare Spider
  • PCM(Ender Dragon cell) + Redstone = 50% Regeneration II vs Regeneration I
  • PCM(Pig cell) + Blaze Powder = 50% Meaty II vs. Meaty I
  • PCM(Skeleton/Bat cell) + Eye of Ender = 50% Invisibility
  • PCM(Enderman cell) + Golden Apple = 50% More Hearts II vs More hearts I

Virus list

Made with Bottles of Viral Agents (BVA). All outputs are splash potions

  • BVA + Poison Immunity Helix = Poison II
  • BVA + Absorbtion/Wither Hit Helix = Poison IV
  • BVA + Wither Proof Helix = Wither II
  • BVA + Strength Helix = Weakness
  • BVA + Night vision Helix = Blindness
  • BVA + Speed I Helix = Slowness I
  • BVA + Speed II Helix = Slowness IV
  • BVA + Speed III/Flight Helix = Slowness VI
  • BVA + Milky/Meaty/Lay Egg Helix = Nausea
  • BVA + No Hunger Helix = Hunger
  • BVA + Fire Proof Helix = Flambe
  • BVA + Luck Helix = Bad Luck
  • BVA + Haste Helix = Mining Fatigue
  • BVA + Emerald Heart Helix = Convert Villagers to Zombie
  • BVA + Scare Creeper Helix = Instant Death to Creepers (Green Death)
  • BVA + Scare Zombie/Skeleton Helix = Instant Death to Undead(Un-Death)
  • BVA + Resistance Helix = Instant Death to Passive Mobs (White Death)
  • BVA + Resistance II Helix = Instant Death to Hostile Mobs (White Death)
  • BVA + Dragon Breath Helix = Instant Death to ALL (Black Death)

Cure potion

Output is regular potion

  • VBA + Emerald Heart Helix = Cure

Fun Facts

  • The Black Death has a HUGH range, and will kill players, even those in creative mode
  • Using a Cure potion on a Zombie Villager with instantly cure it
  • Throwing a PCG on grass/dirt or crops works like super-bone-meal
  • throwing a PCM on grass will create Cursed Earth if the Extra Utilities mod is found
  • An achievement path has been added to the mod
  • Virus Potions will stack.
  • Placing any splash potion in a crafting table will create a stackable version
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