Direct Output Extension for EDDiscovery
For a quick introduction, please refer to the wiki secion.
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This is a plugin for EDDiscovery. It is written in C++ and relies on the DirectOutput.dll by Saitek. Purpose of the plugin is giving you the ability to extend the functionality of EDD with your X52 Pro Joystick through the Action language.
Current features include:
Setting the color of each LED (RED/GREEN/YELLOW/OFF) Setting the color of each LED component (excluding FIRE and THROTTLE) to ON/OFF Setting a blinking pattern individually on each LED component consisting of repeats, repeat Offset, flash duration, flash Offset Syncing all flash patterns Turning all LEDs off at once
Adding entries to the MFD Adding callbacks to the MFD entries Getting total amount of lines on the MFD Jumping to a line on the MFD Deleting all entries on the MFD
MFD is scrollable with right scrolling wheel MFD entries are selectable with right scrolling wheel click
Functionality for Saitek FiP (Flight Instrument Panel) is possible, including recieving callback from buttons, setting button illumination and possibly setting image on FiP