Precise simulation of electromagnetic calorimeter showers using a Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
Code for the training of a generative model that generates electron-induced, electromagnetic showers in the CMS HGCAL prototype that was tested in October 2017 at the CERN H2 beam line.
- Computing and Software for Big Science:
- preprint on arXiv:
- NVIDIDA GPU GTX 1080 or better
- 4GB RAM (for loading the training data)
The code has been tested with:
- Python 2.7
- numpy v 1.16 or newer
- ROOT 5 or 6
- Tensorflow v1.5 with keras and GPU support (recommended)
Input data files for the training are provided on the CERN computing infrastructure:
- Training command:
python --EpochStart 0 --Nepochs 150 --checkpoint_dir <directory where network files are stored> --input_dir <Directory where the input files are>
(training duration for 150 epochs with recommended hardware ~30h)