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File metadata and controls

157 lines (105 loc) · 5.02 KB

Piece Build Status

Built with 💛 and ☕ in San Francisco

Piece is built for managing access control (e.g. user privileges, feature toggles) of an application.

A rule engine for you

  1. Define access control rules
  2. Combine rules to construct new rules


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'piece'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install piece


You can find full example with running Rails application here.

Define rules config/privileges.yml

  posts: '*'
admin: '*'
author: writer + anonymous
  users: [login, logout, new, create]
  posts: [index, show]

Load rules from YAML file

rules = Piece.load('config', 'privileges.yml')))

Setup Rails controller:

before_action :authorize

def current_action
  [current_user.try(:role) || 'anonymous', controller_name, action_name]

def authorize
  seq = Rails.configuration.privileges[current_action]
  if seq.last == :mismatch[:error] = "You're not authorized to do this action."
    render "layouts/401", status: :unauthorized

Define rules

Basic Rules

  1. Wildcard char: *, matching everything.
  2. All rules can be defined in a YAML file.
  3. A rule is defined by multi-levels group names in YAML format.
  4. Too keep example simple, we also call root group name "role name".
  5. Use + to combine 2 roles.
  6. Use - to exclude rules defined by another role.
  7. Use Array (e.g. [login, logout, new, create]) to define multiple matchings at the lowest level.


A rule defined by multi-levels group names in YAML format:

# Anonymous is root group, users and posts are sub-groups of anonymous.
  users: [login, logout, new, create]
  posts: [index, show]

A rule can also be defined as the following format for role based access control:


For example, previous YAML format rules can be defined as:

rules = Piece.rules
rules << 'writer:posts:*'
rules << 'admin:*'
rules << 'author:writer + anonymous'
rules << 'anonymous:users:[login, logout, new, create]'
rules << 'anonymous:posts:[index, show]'

Combine multiple rules to define a new rule:

# union 2 rules
rules << 'author:writer + anonymous'

# subtract rules, the following 'user' role is defined by subtracting 'admin_only' role from 'admin' role
rules << 'user:admin - admin_only'

Rule matching and explanation

APIs for matching and explanation:

rules[user_access_string]        => an explanation Array with :match or :mismatch at last
rules.match?(user_access_string) => true or false


rules = Piece.load(<<-YAML)
    posts: '*'
  admin: '*'
  author: writer + anonymous
    users: [login, logout, new, create]
    posts: [index, show]

We defined rule 'admin: *', hence it will match anything start with 'admin:'

rules["admin:comments:destroy"]        => ['admin', 'comments', 'destroy', :match]
rules.match?('admin:comments:destroy') => true
rules["admin:anything"]                => ['admin', 'anything', :match]
rules.match?('admin:anything')         => true

We defined rule 'writer:posts:*', hence it will match anything start with 'writer:posts:'

rules["writer:comments:destroy"]         => ['admin', :mismatch]
rules.match?('writer:comments:destroy')  => false
rules["writer:posts:new"]                => ['admin', 'posts', 'new', :match]
rules.match?('writer:posts:new')         => true

We defined rule 'author: writer + anonymous', hence it will match anything matches writer or anonymous role.

rules["author:posts:new"]                => ['author', 'writer + anonymous', ['writer', 'posts', 'new', :match], :match]
rules.match?('author:posts:new')         => true

We don't have role 'terminator' defined, so anything start with 'terminator:' won't match anything:

rules["terminator:posts:new"]            => ['terminator', :mismatch]
rules.match?('terminator:posts:new')     => false


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at