flag is specifying the JSON file with configuration. It's more detailed than flags and allow to customize the application even more.
Config values will override flag values.
All config keys are case insensitive.
Key |
Type |
Description |
Default Values |
Verbose |
bool |
The same as -verbose or --v at flags |
see flags |
AppFolder |
string (path to directory) |
The same as -app-dir at flags |
see flags |
OutputFolder |
string (path to directory) |
The same as -output at flags |
see flags |
TempFolder |
string (path to directory) |
The same as -temp-dir at flags |
see flags |
InputFile |
string (path to file) |
The same as -model or --v at flags |
see flags |
RiskRulesPlugins |
string (comma separated array) |
The same as -custom-risk-rules-plugin at flags |
see flags |
SkipRiskRules |
string (comma separated array) |
The same as -skip-risk-rules or --v at flags |
see flags |
IgnoreOrphanedRiskTracking |
bool |
The same as -ignore-orphaned-risk-tracking at flags |
see flags |
TechnologyFilename |
string (path to file) |
Allow to override file with technologies file |
"" |
This config keys is used when application run in analyze mode
Key |
Type |
Description |
Default Values |
DataFlowDiagramFilenamePNG |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for data flow diagram image |
data-flow-diagram.png |
DataAssetDiagramFilenamePNG |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for data assets diagram image |
data-asset-diagram.png |
DataFlowDiagramFilenameDOT |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for data flow diagram dot file |
data-flow-diagram.gv |
DataAssetDiagramFilenameDOT |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for data assets diagram dot file |
data-asset-diagram.gv |
ReportFilename |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for PDF report |
report.pdf |
JsonRisksFilename |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for JSON with risks |
risks.json |
JsonTechnicalAssetsFilename |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for JSON with technical assets |
technical-assets.json |
JsonStatsFilename |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for JSON with risk statistics |
stats.json |
TemplateFilename |
string (path to file) |
The same as -background at flags |
see flags |
ReportLogoImagePath |
string (path to file) |
The same as -reportLogoImagePath or --v at flags |
see flags |
KeepDiagramSourceFiles |
bool |
If true dot files will not be removed after png generated |
false |
Key |
Type |
Description |
Default Values |
DiagramDPI |
int |
The same as -diagram-dpi flags |
see flags |
GraphvizDPI |
The same as -verbose or --v at flags |
see flags |
MaxGraphvizDPI |
The same as -verbose or --v at flags |
see flags |
AddModelTitle |
Identify if model title shall be added to diagram |
false |
AddLegend |
Identify if legend shall be added to diagram |
false |
Key |
Type |
Description |
Default Values |
ExcelRisksFilename |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for Excel with risks |
risks.xlsx |
ExcelTagsFilename |
string (path to file) |
The output file name for Excel with tags |
tags.xlsx |
RiskExcel.HideColumns |
array of string |
Specify which columns needs to be hidden |
RiskExcel.SortByColumns |
array of string |
Specify by which columns spreadsheet shall be sorted |
RiskExcel.WidthOfColumns |
object columnName:int |
Specify width of columns |
RiskExcel.ShrinkColumnsToFit |
bool |
Specify if ShrinksToFit shall be applied to cells |
true |
RiskExcel.WrapText |
bool |
Specify if WrapText shall be applied to cells |
false |
RiskExcel.ColorText |
bool |
Specify if text should be with color otherwise everything will be black |
true |
Key |
Type |
Description |
Default Values |
ReportConfiguration.HideChapter |
The same as -verbose or --v at flags |
see flags |
This config keys is used when application run in server mode
Key |
Type |
Description |
Default Values |
DataFolder |
string (path to directory) |
Folder with server data |
/data |
ServerFolder |
string (path to directory) |
The same as -server-dir at flags |
see flags |
ServerPort |
int |
The same as -verbose or --v at flags |
see flags |
KeyFolder |
string (path to directory) |
Settings on how to use keys used by server |
see flags |
BackupHistoryFilesToKeep |
int |
Define how many backup files from history to keep |
50 |
ExecuteModelMacro |
string |
Define which macro needs to be executed each time when server make a call to threagile executable |
"" |