Python 2.7.
Read API documentation (https://path5.elevenpaths.com/help/api).
To get the "API ID" and "Secret" (fundamental values for integrating Tacyt in any application) it’s necessary to have an account in Tacyt's website.
In order to use the upload method you need the Python request library (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/install/#install)
Include all SDK files and dependencies in your project.
Create a TacytApp object with the "Application ID" and "Secret" previously obtained.
api = tacytapp.TacytApp("APP_ID_HERE", "SECRET_KEY_HERE")
- Call to Tacyt Server to do searches, compare apps, list tags, create filters or get the RSS info ...
result_search = api.search_apps("title:\"5G Speed For Android\"")
list_app_key = ["com.linterna11GooglePlay", "com.sms.kat1aptoideapps"]
result_compare = api.compare_apps(list_app_key, "true")
result_tag = api.list_tags()
rule = filter.Filter.Rule('1', "contains(permissionName,\"SMS\")")
filter_structure = filter.Filter("Apps SMS Permissions", "Apps which has sms permissions", 1, filter.Filter.PUBLIC_VISIBILITY, rule)
result_filter = api.create_filter(filter_structure)
result_get_rss = api.get_RSS_info(filter_id)
- After every API call, get Tacyt response data and errors and handle them.
response_data = response.get_data()
response_error = response.get_error()