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Rich Signell edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 19 revisions


The USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center is working with the USGS Center for Integrated Data and Analytics (CIDA) and Axiom Data Science to create a distributed yet integrated [Model and Time Series Portal]. (

How to get your data connected

  • Find someone with a THREDDS Data Server or install your own. It should take your system admin about 1-2 hours.
  • Create an "all" catalog that includes a datasetScan aggregation that points to a top level folder under which will store your data files. See this GIS Stackexchange answer
  • For each simulation, drop your simulation files in a directory, and then just add an NcML file that starts with “00_dir” (e.g. “00_dir_roms.ncml”) to aggregate, standardize and describe the dataset: Here is a sample ROMS NcML file
  • If you want your data to end up in the portal, add “CMG_Portal” to the “project” attribute: . See example here
  • If you want your datasets in a particular directory to be discoverable, edit the list of thredds catalogs being harvested into the database, including the name and the URL of that directory catalog. When you finish editing, submit the pull request. Your data will appear after your modification to the catalog has been approved (your pull request has been accepted).