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105 lines (76 loc) · 2.63 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (76 loc) · 2.63 KB


JSON file parser for CMS data quality in SFrame


implementation (*.cxx)

This assumes that you have a variable called m_jsonName that contains the location of your JSON file and also a flag m_isData that tells whether you're running on data or not.

// External include(s):
#include "../../GoodRunsLists/include/TGoodRunsListReader.h"
void MyAnalysis::BeginCycle() throw( SError ) {

  // Load the GRL:
  if (m_isData) {
    m_logger << INFO << "Loading GoodRunsList from file: " << m_jsonName << SLogger::endmsg;
    Root::TGoodRunsListReader reader( TString( m_jsonName.c_str() ) );
    if( ! reader.Interpret() ) {
      m_logger << FATAL << "Couldn't read in the GRL!" << SLogger::endmsg;
      throw SError( ( "Couldn't read in file: " + m_jsonName ).c_str(), SError::SkipCycle );
    m_grl = reader.GetMergedGoodRunsList();
    m_grl.SetName( "MyGoodRunsList" );
    // Add it as a configuration object, so that the worker nodes will receive it:
    AddConfigObject( &m_grl );



void MyAnalysis::BeginInputData( const SInputData& ) throw( SError ) {

  if (m_isData) {
    TObject* grl;
    if( ! ( grl = GetConfigObject( "MyGoodRunsList" ) ) ) {
      m_logger << FATAL << "Can't access the GRL!" << SLogger::endmsg;
      throw SError( "Can't access the GRL!", SError::SkipCycle );
    m_grl = *( dynamic_cast< Root::TGoodRunsList* >( grl ) );



void MyAnalysis::ExecuteEvent( const SInputData&, Double_t ) throw( SError ) {
  // might be better in a separate function (e.g. bool MyAnalysis::isGoodEvent(runNumber, lumiSection))
  if (m_isData) {
    bool isGood = m_grl.HasRunLumiBlock( runNumber, lumiSection );
    if( !isGood ) {
      m_logger << DEBUG << "Bad event! Run: " << runNumber <<  " - Lumi Section: " << lumiSection << SLogger::endmsg;
      throw SError( SError::SkipEvent );
    else m_logger << DEBUG << "Good event! Run: " << runNumber <<  " - Lumi Section: " << lumiSection << SLogger::endmsg;

header file

// External include(s):
#include "../../GoodRunsLists/include/TGoodRunsList.h"
class MyAnalysis : public SCycleBase {




  // Further objects
  Root::TGoodRunsList m_grl;

XML config

In the JobConfiguration part, add before the Library of your analysis code: <Library Name="libGoodRunsLists" />


The JSON parser is taken from Most of the other code is taken from Max Baak and Attila Krasznahorkay, who developed this code for ATLAS analyses.