diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory.lagda.md
index 9b8b60665e..5ff89a2169 100644
--- a/src/synthetic-category-theory.lagda.md
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory.lagda.md
@@ -25,7 +25,13 @@ Some core principles of higher category theory include:
module synthetic-category-theory where
-open import synthetic-category-theory.equivalence-of-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.cone-diagrams-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.cospans-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.equivalences-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.invertible-functors-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.pullbacks-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.retractions-synthetic-categories public
+open import synthetic-category-theory.sections-synthetic-categories public
open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories public
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/cone-diagrams-synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/cone-diagrams-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b94a468b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/cone-diagrams-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+# Cone diagrams of synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.cone-diagrams-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.cospans-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+Consider a [cospan](synthetic-category-theory.cospans-synthetic-categories.md) S
+= D --g--> E <--f-- C of
+[synthetic categories](synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories.md) and
+let T be a synthetic category. A
+{{#concept "cone diagram" Disambiguation="Synthetic categories}} over S with an
+apex T is a pair of functors p : T → C and r : T → D that assemble into a
+commutative square of the form:
+T --p--> C
+| |
+r τ⇙ f
+| |
+v v
+D --g--> E.
+## Definition
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E)
+ (T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) → UU l
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ T (right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( λ tr →
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ T (left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( λ tl →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S) tr)
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S) tl)))
+### The components of a cospan of synthetic categories
+ apex-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ apex-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ {T = T} c = T
+ left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( apex-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c = pr1 (pr2 c)
+ right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( apex-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c = pr1 c
+ iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T) →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c = pr2 (pr2 c)
+### Isomorphisms of cone diagrams
+An isomorphism between cone diagrams c = (tl, tr, τ) and c' = (tl', tr', τ') is
+a pair of natural isomorphisms φl : tl ≅ tl' and φr : tr ≅ tr' together with an
+isomorphism of natural isomorphisms H : τ ≅ τ'.
+ iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T →
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T → UU l
+ iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ {S = S} c c' =
+ Σ ( isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c'))
+ ( λ φr →
+ Σ ( isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c'))
+ ( λ φl →
+ commuting-square-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( φl))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( φr))
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c')))
+### The components of an isomorphism of cone diagrams
+ right-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {c c' : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T} →
+ (iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ c c') →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c')
+ right-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ = pr1
+ left-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {c c' : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T} →
+ (iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ c c') →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c')
+ left-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ = pr1 (pr2 ϕ)
+ isomorphism-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {c c' : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T} →
+ (ϕ : iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ c c') →
+ commuting-square-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( left-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( right-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ))
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c')
+ isomorphism-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ = pr2 (pr2 ϕ)
+## Isomorphisms of isomorphisms of cone diagrams
+If ϕ = (φl, φr, H) and Ψ = (ψl, ψr, K) are two isomorphisms between cone
+diagrams c and c', an isomorphism between them is a pair of isomorphisms φl ≅ ψl
+and φr ≅ ψr under which H becomes isomorphic to K.
+ iso-of-isos-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Μ :
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ)
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E}
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {c c' : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T}
+ (ϕ ψ : iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ c c') → UU l
+ iso-of-isos-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Χ Μ {S = S} {c = c} {c' = c'} ϕ ψ =
+ Σ ( isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( _)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( right-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ)
+ ( right-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ψ))
+ ( λ α →
+ Σ ( isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( _)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( left-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ)
+ ( left-functor-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ψ))
+ ( λ β →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( _)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ c))
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ c')))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c'))
+ ( preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( Μ)
+ ( α)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ S)))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( isomorphism-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ϕ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( Μ)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( β))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ S))))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ c)))))
+ ( isomorphism-iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι Χ ψ)))
+## Induced cones
+Given a cone c = (tl, tr, τ) over S with apex T and a functor s : R → T we
+construct an induced cone over S with apex R, defined as s*(c) = (tl∘s, tr∘s,
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E)
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T)
+ {R : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (s : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ R T) →
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S R
+ induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ Α S c s =
+ comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s) ,
+ comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s) ,
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι s))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s))))
+## Induced isomorphisms of cone diagrams
+Given a cone over S with apex T and two functors s, t : R → T together with an
+isomorphism s ≅ t, we construct an isomorphism of cone diagrams between s*(c)
+and t*(c).
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ induced-iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ξ :
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ Α Χ)
+ (I : interchange-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ Χ)
+ (Μ :
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ)
+ (N :
+ preserves-identity-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ)
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E)
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T)
+ {R : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (s t : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ R T) →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ s t →
+ iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ
+ ( induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ Α S c s)
+ ( induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ Α S c t)
+ induced-iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ I M N S c s t α =
+ horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)) α ,
+ horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)) α ,
+ pasting-commuting-squares-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Α Χ
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( s)))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s))))
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( α)))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( α)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι t))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( t))))
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( t))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ (left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)))
+ ( α))
+ ( pasting-commuting-squares-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Α Χ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( s)))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι s))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)))
+ ( α))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( α)))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( t)))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι t))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)))
+ ( α))
+ ( preserves-associativity-comp-functor-horizontal-comp-iso-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ s t
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( α))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( interchange-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory I
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι t)
+ ( α))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( M)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( left-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Λ)
+ ( α)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( preserves-identity-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ N)))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( right-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Ρ)
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( M)
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( right-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Ρ)
+ ( α))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( left-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Λ)
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( preserves-identity-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ N)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)))))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( interchange-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory I
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ c)))
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c)
+ ( α)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι s)))))))
+ ( preserves-associativity-comp-functor-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( Ξ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ c))
+ ( α))
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/cospans-synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/cospans-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8051db1b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/cospans-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+# Cospans of synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.cospans-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.equivalences-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+A {{#concept "cospan" Disambiguation="Synthetic categories"}} of
+[synthetic categories](synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories.md) is a
+pair of functors f, g of synthetic categories with a common codomain:
+C --f--> E <--g-- D.
+## Definition
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) → UU l
+ cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E)
+ ( λ f → functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D E)
+### The components of a cospan of synthetic categories
+ left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ {C = C} S = C
+ right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ {D = D} S = D
+ target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ {E = E} S = E
+ left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ = pr1
+ right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ = pr2
+## Transformations of cospans of synthetic categories
+A transformation between cospans C --f--> E <--g-- D and C'--f'--> E' <--g'-- D'
+is commutative diagram of the form:
+C --f---> E <---g-- D
+| | |
+φ τ⇙ χ σ⇙ ψ
+| | |
+v v v
+C'--f'--> E' <--g'--D'.
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D)
+ (S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D') → UU l
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S' =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ φ →
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ χ →
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ ψ →
+ Σ ( commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( χ)
+ ( φ)
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ τ →
+ commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( χ)
+ ( ψ)
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')))))
+### The components of a transformation of cospans of synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ left-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ left-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H = pr1 H
+ right-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ right-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H =
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H))
+ middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H =
+ pr1 (pr2 H)
+ left-commuting-square-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'}
+ (H : transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S') →
+ commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( left-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ left-commuting-square-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H =
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H)))
+ right-commuting-square-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'}
+ (H : transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S') →
+ commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( right-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ right-commuting-square-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H =
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H)))
+### Equivalences of cospans
+An equivalence of cospans S and S' is a transformations between S and S' such
+that all three vertical functors are equivalences.
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D)
+ (S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D') → UU l
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' =
+ Σ ( equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ φ →
+ Σ ( equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ χ →
+ Σ ( equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ ψ →
+ Σ ( commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι χ)
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι φ)
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ ( λ τ →
+ commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι χ)
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ψ)
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')))))
+### The components of an equivalence of cospans of synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ left-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ left-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H = pr1 H
+ left-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ left-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( left-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ middle-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ middle-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ pr1 (pr2 H)
+ middle-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( target-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ middle-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( middle-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ right-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ right-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H))
+ right-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ right-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( right-equiv-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ left-commuting-square-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'}
+ (H : equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S') →
+ ( commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( middle-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ ( left-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ left-commuting-square-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H)))
+ right-commuting-square-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'}
+ (H : equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S') →
+ ( commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( middle-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ ( right-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S'))
+ right-commuting-square-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H)))
+ transformation-cospan-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι S S' →
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S'
+ pr1
+ ( transformation-cospan-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ left-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr1 (pr2
+ ( transformation-cospan-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)) =
+ middle-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2
+ (transformation-cospan-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H))) =
+ right-functor-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
+ ( transformation-cospan-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)))) =
+ left-commuting-square-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
+ ( transformation-cospan-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)))) =
+ right-commuting-square-equiv-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/equivalence-of-synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/equivalence-of-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cba83e234f..0000000000
--- a/src/synthetic-category-theory/equivalence-of-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-# Equivalence of synthetic categories
-{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
-module synthetic-category-theory.equivalence-of-synthetic-categories where
-open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
-open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
-open import foundation.universe-levels
-open import structured-types.globular-types
-open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
-## Definitions
-### Sections, retractions and equivalences
-Consider a functor f : C → D. A section of f is a functor s : D → C together
-with an isomorphism fs ≅ id_C. A retraction of f is a functor r : D → C together
-with an isomorphism rf ≅ id_D. The functor f is an equivalence if there is a
-functor g : D → C together with isomorphisms fg ≅ id_C and gf ≅ id_D.
-module _
- {l : Level}
- where
- is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (s : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C) → UU l
- is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f s =
- isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- ( κ)
- ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ f s)
- ( id-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι D)
- section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
- section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f =
- Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C)
- ( λ s → is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f s)
- map-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f →
- functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
- map-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f sec = pr1 sec
- is-section-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (sec : section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f (map-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f sec)
- is-section-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f sec = pr2 sec
- is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (r : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C) → UU l
- is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f r =
- isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- ( κ)
- ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ r f)
- ( id-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι C)
- retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
- retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f =
- Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C)
- ( λ r → is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f r)
- map-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- (functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C)
- map-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f ret = pr1 ret
- is-retraction-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (ret : retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f (map-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f ret)
- is-retraction-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f ret = pr2 ret
- is-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
- (g : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C) → UU l
- is-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f g =
- ( is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f g)
- ×
- ( is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f g)
- equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
- equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f =
- Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C)
- ( λ g → is-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f g)
- map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f →
- functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
- map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq = pr1 eq
- is-equivalence-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (eq : equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- is-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f (map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq)
- is-equivalence-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq = pr2 eq
- is-section-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (eq : equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f (map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq)
- is-section-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq =
- pr1 (is-equivalence-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq)
- is-retraction-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (eq : equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f (map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq)
- is-retraction-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq =
- pr2 (is-equivalence-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq)
-A functor f : C → D admits a section and a retraction iff it is an equivalence
-(Lemma 1.1.6. in the book.)
- is-equivalence-admits-section-admits-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f →
- (section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f)
- ×
- (retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f)
- is-equivalence-admits-section-admits-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f eq =
- ( map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq ,
- pr1
- (is-equivalence-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq)) ,
- ( map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq ,
- pr2
- (is-equivalence-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq))
- admits-section-admits-retraction-is-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) →
- (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ) →
- (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ) →
- (X : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ) →
- (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ) →
- (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f →
- retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f →
- equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f
- admits-section-admits-retraction-is-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α C D f sec ret =
- let
- s = map-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f sec
- Ξ = is-section-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f sec
- r = map-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f ret
- Ψ = is-retraction-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f ret
- α = comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ r)
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- (id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι r) Ξ))
- ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α r f s))
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν Ψ)
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι s)))
- ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
- ( left-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Λ s))
- β = comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( Ψ)
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( α)
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι f))
- in
- s , Ξ , β
-Equivalences are closed under composition (lemma 1.1.8.)
-module _
- {l : Level} {κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l}
- {μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
- {ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
- {ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
- {Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
- {Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
- {Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ}
- {Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ}
- where
- equiv-equiv-comp-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- (C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
- (f' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D E) →
- (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
- (eq-f' : equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι D E f') →
- (eq-f : equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f) →
- equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C E (comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ f' f)
- equiv-equiv-comp-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- C D E f' f eq-f' eq-f =
- let
- g = map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq-f
- g' = map-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι D E f' eq-f'
- in
- comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ g g' ,
- comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( is-section-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι D E f' eq-f')
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ f')
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι g'))
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι f')
- ( is-section-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι C D f eq-f))
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι g'))
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α f' f g)
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι g'))
- ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
- ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
- ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ f' f)
- ( g)
- ( g')))))) ,
- comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( is-retraction-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D f eq-f)
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ g)
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι f))
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι g)
- ( is-retraction-equivalence-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- κ μ ι D E f' eq-f'))
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι f))
- ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
- ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
- ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α g g' f')
- ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι f))
- ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
- ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
- ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ g g')
- ( f')
- ( f))))))
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e6f9d6866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/equivalences-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Equivalences between synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.equivalences-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.retractions-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.sections-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+A functor f: A → B of
+[synthetic categories](synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories.md) is an
+{{#concept "equivalence" Disambiguation="Synthetic categories}} if it has a
+[section](synthetic-category-theory.sections-synthetic-categories.md) and a
+### The predicate of being an equivalence
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f =
+ ( section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f)
+ ×
+ ( retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f)
+### The components of a proof of being an equivalence
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr1
+ retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr2
+### The type of equivalences between two given synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) → UU l
+ equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ ( is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+### The components of an equivalence of synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
+ equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D
+ functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr1
+ is-equiv-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) →
+ (H : equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D) →
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ is-equiv-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr2
+ section-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (H : equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D) →
+ section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ section-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( is-equiv-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ functor-section-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (H : equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
+ functor-section-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ retraction-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (H : equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D) →
+ retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ retraction-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( is-equiv-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ functor-retraction-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (H : equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
+ functor-retraction-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H =
+ functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-functor-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59b67d0c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/invertible-functors-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Invertible functors between synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.invertible-functors-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.equivalences-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.retractions-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.sections-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+A functor f: A → B of
+[synthetic categories](synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories.md) is
+{{#concept "invertible" Disambiguation="Synthetic categories"}} if it has an
+inverse, i.e. if there exists a functor g: B → A together with natural
+isomorphisms g∘f ≅ id and g∘f ≅ id.
+### The predicate of being an inverse to a functor f: A → B of synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ (g : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C) → UU l
+ is-inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f g =
+ ( is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f g)
+ ×
+ ( is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f g)
+### The predicate of being an invertible functor of synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ _ _)
+ ( is-inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f)
+### The type of invertible functors between two given synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) → UU l
+ invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ ( is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+### The components of an invertible functor of synthetic categories
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ functor-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι C D →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D
+ functor-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr1
+### The components of a proof of being an invertible functor of synthetic categories
+ inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
+ inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr1
+ is-inverse-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (H : is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f) →
+ is-inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ ( inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ is-inverse-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι =
+ pr2
+ is-section-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (H : is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f) →
+ is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ ( inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ is-section-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H =
+ pr1
+ ( is-inverse-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H)
+ is-retraction-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (H : is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f) →
+ is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ ( inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H)
+ is-retraction-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H =
+ pr2
+ ( is-inverse-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H)
+ section-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ pr1 (section-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr2 (section-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ is-section-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H
+ retraction-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ pr1 (retraction-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr2 (retraction-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ is-retraction-inverse-functor-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H
+### A functor f : C → D of synthetic categories is invertible iff it is an equivalence
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-equiv-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ pr1 (is-equiv-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ section-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ pr2 (is-equiv-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H) =
+ retraction-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H
+ is-invertible-functor-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (X : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ pr1
+ ( is-invertible-functor-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α B) =
+ functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)
+ pr1 (pr2
+ ( is-invertible-functor-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α B)) =
+ is-section-functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)
+ pr2 (pr2
+ ( is-invertible-functor-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α B)) =
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( is-retraction-functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ
+ ( functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)))
+ ( is-section-functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B))))
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B))
+ ( _)
+ ( functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B))))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( is-retraction-functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)))))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Λ
+ ( functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-equiv-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι B)))))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _))
+### Invertible functors of synthetic categories are closed under composition
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-invertible-functor-comp-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D E}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f' →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ f' f)
+ pr1
+ ( is-invertible-functor-comp-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α K H) =
+ comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ _ _
+ pr1 (pr2
+ ( is-invertible-functor-comp-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α K H)) =
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( is-section-functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι K))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ _)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( _)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _)
+ ( is-section-functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( section-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι H)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α _ _ _)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ _ _)
+ ( _)
+ ( _))))))
+ pr2 (pr2
+ ( is-invertible-functor-comp-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Λ Ρ Χ Α K H)) =
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( is-retraction-functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι H))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ _)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _)
+ ( is-retraction-functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι
+ ( retraction-is-invertible-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι K)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α _ _ _)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ _ _)
+ ( _)
+ ( _))))))
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/pullbacks-synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/pullbacks-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9da94176ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/pullbacks-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Pullbacks of synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.pullbacks-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.cone-diagrams-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.cospans-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.equivalences-synthetic-categories
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+Consider a
+[cospan diagram](synthetic-category-theory.cospans-synthetic-categories.md) S of
+[synthetic categories](synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories.md). The
+{{#concept "pullback" Disambiguation="Synthetic categories"}} of S is a cone
+diagram cᵤ = (pr₀, pr₁, τᵤ) over S with apex P that is universal in the sense
+1) for every cone diagram c = (t₀, t₁, τ) over S with apex T there exists a functor
+ (t₀, t₁) : T → P together with an isomorphism of cone diagrams c ≅ (t₀, t₁)*(cᵤ)
+2) given two functors f,g : T → P equipped with an isomorphism of cone diagrams
+ s*(cᵤ) ≅ t*(cᵤ), there exists a natural isomorphism s ≅ t that induces the said
+ isomorphism of cone diagrams.
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ record
+ pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ξ :
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ Α Χ)
+ (I : interchange-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ Χ)
+ (M :
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ)
+ (N :
+ preserves-identity-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ) : UU l
+ where
+ coinductive
+ field
+ apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E) →
+ cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ S ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S)
+ universality-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E)
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ T ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S)
+ universality-iso-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E)
+ (T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (c : cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S T) →
+ iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ
+ ( c)
+ ( induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ Α S
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S)
+ ( universality-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S c))
+ triviality-iso-of-cone-diagrams-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D E)
+ {T : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (s t :
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ T
+ ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S))
+ (H : iso-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι Χ
+ (induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ Α S
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S)
+ ( s))
+ (induced-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ Α S
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S)
+ ( t))) →
+ Σ ( isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ s t)
+ λ α →
+ iso-of-isos-of-cone-diagrams-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Χ M
+ ( induced-iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ I M N S
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory S)
+ s t α)
+ ( H)
+open pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory public
+### The left and right projection functors with domain the apex of the pullback cone
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ left-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι}
+ {Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ}
+ {Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ}
+ {Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
+ {Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
+ {Ξ :
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ Α Χ}
+ {I : interchange-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ Χ}
+ {Μ :
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ}
+ {Ν :
+ preserves-identity-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ}
+ (PB : pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ I Μ Ν)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S)
+ ( left-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ left-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S =
+ left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S)
+ right-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι}
+ {Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ}
+ {Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ}
+ {Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
+ {Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
+ {Ξ :
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ Α Χ}
+ {I : interchange-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ Χ}
+ {Μ :
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ}
+ {Ν :
+ preserves-identity-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ}
+ (PB : pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ I Μ Ν)
+ {C E D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S)
+ ( right-source-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ right-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S =
+ right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S)
+### Functoriality of pullbacks
+Taking pullbacks is functorial in the sense that given cospans S and S' and a
+transformations of cospans S → S', there exists a preffered functor between the
+pullback of S and the pullback of S'.
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
+ {Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ}
+ {Ξ :
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ Α Χ}
+ {I : interchange-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ Χ}
+ {M :
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ}
+ {N :
+ preserves-identity-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ ι μ Χ}
+ (PB : pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ I M N)
+ {C C' E E' D D' : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {S : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C E D}
+ {S' : cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C' E' D'} →
+ transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ S S' →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S)
+ ( apex-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S')
+ functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Α Χ PB {S = S} {S' = S'} H =
+ universality-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S'
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( right-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( right-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S) ,
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( left-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( left-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S)) ,
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ ( left-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ H)
+ ( left-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( left-commuting-square-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ H)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( left-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ H)
+ ( left-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( left-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ H))
+ ( iso-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB S)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( middle-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ H)
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S)
+ ( right-functor-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ PB S))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( right-commuting-square-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ H))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory PB
+ S))))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α
+ ( right-functor-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ S')
+ ( right-functor-transformation-cospan-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ H)
+ ( right-functor-cone-diagram-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( cone-diagram-pullback-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ PB S)))))))))))
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/retractions-synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/retractions-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf22e0f544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/retractions-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Retractions of functors between synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.retractions-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+A retraction of a functor f: A → B is a functor g: B → A equipped with a natural
+isomorphism g∘f ≅ id.
+### The predicate of being a retraction of a functor f: A → B
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C → UU l
+ is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f r =
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ r f)
+ ( id-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _)
+### The type of retractions of a functor f: A → B
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
+ retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ _ _)
+ ( is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f)
+### The components of a retraction
+ functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
+ functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr1
+ is-retraction-functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (r : retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f) →
+ is-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ ( functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι r)
+ is-retraction-functor-retraction-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr2
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/sections-synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/sections-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acd4f1c5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/sections-synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Sections of functor between synthetic categories
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+module synthetic-category-theory.sections-synthetic-categories where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.globular-types
+open import synthetic-category-theory.synthetic-categories
+## Idea
+A section of a functor f: A → B is a functor g: B → A equipped with a natural
+isomorphism f∘g ≅ id.
+### The predicate of being a section of a functor f: A → B
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C → UU l
+ is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f s =
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ f s)
+ ( id-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι _)
+### The type of sections of a funcor f: A → B
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D) → UU l
+ section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f =
+ Σ ( functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ _ _)
+ ( is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f)
+### The components of a section
+ functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D C
+ functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr1
+ is-section-functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (s : section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f) →
+ is-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι f
+ ( functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι s)
+ is-section-functor-section-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι = pr2
diff --git a/src/synthetic-category-theory/synthetic-categories.lagda.md b/src/synthetic-category-theory/synthetic-categories.lagda.md
index e161385fc9..80066da1ba 100644
--- a/src/synthetic-category-theory/synthetic-categories.lagda.md
+++ b/src/synthetic-category-theory/synthetic-categories.lagda.md
@@ -107,6 +107,28 @@ module _
functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory = 1-cell-Globular-Type
+#### The source and target of a functor
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ source-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ source-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ {C = C} f = C
+ target-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D →
+ category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ target-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ {D = D} f = D
#### The globular type of functors between categories
The globular type of functors from `C` to `D` in the language of synthetic
@@ -125,7 +147,7 @@ module _
-#### The sort of isomorphisms between functors in the language of synthetic category theory
+#### The sort of isomorphisms between functors in the language ofsynthetic category theory
The sort of isomorphisms between functors `F` and `G` in the language of
synthetic category theory is the type of `2`-cells between `F` and `G` in the
@@ -143,28 +165,19 @@ module _
isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory = 2-cell-Globular-Type
-#### Inverses of isomorphisms
-Isomorphisms between functors, as well as higher isomorphisms, are invertible.
+#### Isomorphism between isomorphisms between functors in the language of synthetic category theory
module _
{l : Level}
- record
- inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory
- (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l) : UU l
- where
- coinductive
- field
- inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
- {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
- {F G : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
- (isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F G) →
- (isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ G F)
- open inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory public
+ 3-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {F G : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (α β : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F G) → UU l
+ 3-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory = 3-cell-Globular-Type
#### The structure of identity morphisms in the language of synthetic category theory
@@ -249,6 +262,56 @@ module _
( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+#### Inverses of isomorphisms
+Isomorphisms between functors, as well as higher isomorphisms, are invertible.
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ record
+ inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ) : UU l
+ where
+ coinductive
+ field
+ inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ {F G : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ (isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F G) →
+ (isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ G F)
+ inv-iso-left-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ {F G : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ (α : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F G) →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory α) α)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι F)
+ inv-iso-right-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ {F G : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D} →
+ (α : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F G) →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ α ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory α))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι G)
+ inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ} →
+ inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ open inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory public
#### Left unit law operators in the language of synthetic category theory
@@ -378,6 +441,75 @@ module _
open horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory public
+#### We can prove that taking an inverse is an idempotent operation
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ inverse-idempotent-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {F G : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (α : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F G) →
+ isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α))
+ ( α)
+ inverse-idempotent-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ α =
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( left-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Λ)
+ ( α))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ)
+ ( inv-iso-left-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( α)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( associative-comp-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α)
+ ( α)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α)))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( inv-iso-left-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α)))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( right-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Ρ)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν α)))))))
#### Identity preservation operators for horizontal composition in the language of synthetic category theory
@@ -500,7 +632,54 @@ module _
( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ g i)
-#### Commuting squares of isomorphisms in the language of synthetic category theory
+#### Pasting of commutative squares of functors
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ pasting-commuting-squares-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {A B C X Y Z : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (f : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ A B)
+ (g : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ B C)
+ (h : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C Z)
+ (r : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ A X)
+ (s : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ X Y)
+ (t : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ Y Z)
+ (u : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ B Y) →
+ (commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ f u r s) →
+ (commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ g h u t) →
+ commuting-square-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ g f)
+ ( h)
+ ( r)
+ ( comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ t s)
+ pasting-commuting-squares-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν α Χ f g h r s t u τ σ =
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory α t s r))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ (id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι t) τ)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory α t u f)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( σ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι f))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory α h g f)))))
+#### Commutative squares of isomorphisms in the language of synthetic category theory
module _
@@ -522,6 +701,46 @@ module _
( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+#### Pasting commutative squares of isomorphisms
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ pasting-commuting-squares-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ {C D : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {f g h r s t : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ (α : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ f g)
+ (β : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ g h)
+ (γ : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ h t)
+ (δ : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ f r)
+ (ε : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ r s)
+ (φ : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ s t)
+ (ξ : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ g s) →
+ (commuting-square-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ α ξ δ ε) →
+ (commuting-square-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ β γ ξ φ) →
+ commuting-square-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ β α)
+ ( γ)
+ ( δ)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ φ ε)
+ pasting-commuting-squares-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι ν Α Χ =
+ pasting-commuting-squares-functors-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( functor-globular-type-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ _ _)
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( associative-comp-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α)
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ)
#### Left unit law preservation operators for horizontal composition
@@ -559,6 +778,10 @@ module _
( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
( left-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory η)
( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ preserves-left-unit-law-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ public
#### Right unit law preservation operators for horizontal composition
@@ -598,6 +821,10 @@ module _
( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
( right-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory η)
( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ preserves-right-unit-law-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ public
#### Associator preservation operators for horizontal composition
@@ -633,4 +860,226 @@ module _
( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν γ β)
( α))
( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory η H' G' F')
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ public
+#### We can prove that the inverse of the associator preservers horizontal composition
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ preserves-associativity-comp-functor-horizontal-comp-iso-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (ν : inverse-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ ι)
+ (Α : associative-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ)
+ (Λ : left-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ρ : right-unit-law-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ ι μ)
+ (Ξ :
+ preserves-associativity-composition-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ Α Χ)
+ {C1 C2 C3 C4 : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ (H H' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C3 C4)
+ (G G' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C2 C3)
+ (F F' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C1 C2)
+ (γ : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ H H')
+ (β : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ G G')
+ (α : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F F') →
+ commuting-square-isomorphisms-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α H G F))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ β)
+ ( α))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ β α))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α H' G' F'))
+ preserves-associativity-comp-functor-horizontal-comp-iso-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ κ μ ι ν Α Χ Λ Ρ Ξ H H' G G' F F' γ β α =
+ comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( right-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Ρ)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α H' G' F'))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( γ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ β α))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F'))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ β α))))
+ ( inv-iso-right-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α H G F)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( associative-comp-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α)
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F'))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( γ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ β α)))
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α H G F)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α H G F)))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( associative-comp-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F'))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( γ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ β α))
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H G F)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H G F))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F')))
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( preserves-associativity-comp-functor-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Ξ γ β α)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H G F))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( associative-comp-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory Α)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F'))
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F')
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ β)
+ ( α)))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H G F))))
+ ( comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory μ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( inv-iso-left-inv-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H' G' F')))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ β)
+ (α))))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H G F))))
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( horizontal-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Χ)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( inverse-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( left-unit-law-composition-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Λ)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ β)
+ ( α))))
+ ( id-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ ( identity-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory ι)
+ ( inv-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory ν
+ ( associative-comp-functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ Α H G F))))))))))
+#### Preservation of isomorphisms of natural isomorphisms by horizontal composition
+We have to assume as an additional axiom that given natural isomorphism α, α',
+β, β' with appropriate domains and codomains, together with isomorphisms α ≅ α'
+and β ≅ β', there exists an isomorphisms between the horizontal composites β _ α
+≅ β' _ α'.
+module _
+ {l : Level}
+ where
+ record
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ (κ : language-Synthetic-Category-Theory l)
+ (ι : identity-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (μ : composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ)
+ (Χ : horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ μ) : UU l
+ where
+ coinductive
+ field
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory :
+ {C D E : category-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ}
+ {F F' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ C D}
+ {G G' : functor-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ D E}
+ {α β : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ F F'}
+ {γ δ : isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ G G'} →
+ 3-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ α β →
+ 3-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ γ δ →
+ 3-isomorphism-Synthetic-Category-Theory κ
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ γ α)
+ ( horizontal-comp-iso-Synthetic-Category-Theory Χ δ β)
+ preserves-isomorphism-horizontal-composition-Synthetic-Category-Theory
+ public