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--- a/references.bib
+++ b/references.bib
@@ -28,6 +28,22 @@ @article{AKS15
langid = {english}
+ title = {Displayed Categories},
+ author = {Ahrens, Benedikt and {{LeFanu}} Lumsdaine, Peter},
+ doi = {10.23638/LMCS-15(1:20)2019},
+ journal = {{Logical Methods in Computer Science}},
+ volume = {15},
+ issue = {1},
+ year = {2019},
+ month = {03},
+ keywords = {Mathematics - Category Theory ; Mathematics - Logic ; 18A15, 03B15, 03B70 ; F.4.1},
+ eprint = {1705.04296},
+ eprinttype = {arxiv},
+ eprintclass = {math},
+ langid = {english}
title = {Free groups in HoTT/UF in Agda},
author = {Bezem, Marc and Coquand, Thierry and Dybjer, Peter and Escardó, Martín},
diff --git a/src/category-theory.lagda.md b/src/category-theory.lagda.md
index e4bb19aab7..4e0084b390 100644
--- a/src/category-theory.lagda.md
+++ b/src/category-theory.lagda.md
@@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ open import category-theory.coproducts-in-precategories public
open import category-theory.cores-categories public
open import category-theory.cores-precategories public
open import category-theory.coslice-precategories public
+open import category-theory.dependent-composition-operations-over-precategories public
open import category-theory.dependent-products-of-categories public
open import category-theory.dependent-products-of-large-categories public
open import category-theory.dependent-products-of-large-precategories public
open import category-theory.dependent-products-of-precategories public
open import category-theory.discrete-categories public
+open import category-theory.displayed-precategories public
open import category-theory.embedding-maps-precategories public
open import category-theory.embeddings-precategories public
open import category-theory.endomorphisms-in-categories public
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/category-theory/dependent-composition-operations-over-precategories.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Dependent composition operations over precategories
+module category-theory.dependent-composition-operations-over-precategories where
+open import category-theory.composition-operations-on-binary-families-of-sets
+open import category-theory.nonunital-precategories
+open import category-theory.precategories
+open import category-theory.set-magmoids
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-identifications
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.function-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.iterated-dependent-product-types
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.sets
+open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
+open import foundation.truncated-types
+open import foundation.truncation-levels
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Given a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `C`, a
+{{#concept "dependent composition structure" Disambiguation="over a precategory"}}
+`D` over `C` is a family of types `obj D` over `obj C` and a family of
+hom D : hom C x y → obj D x → obj D y → Set
+for every pair `x y : obj C`, equipped with a
+{{#concept "dependent composition operation" Disambiguation="over a precategory" Agda=dependent-composition-operation-Precategory}}
+ comp D : hom D g y' z' → hom D f x' y' → hom D (g ∘ f) x' z'.
+## Definitions
+### The type of dependent composition operations over a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ where
+ dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ { l3 l4 : Level}
+ ( obj-D : obj-Precategory C → UU l3) →
+ ( hom-set-D :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ (x' : obj-D x) (y' : obj-D y) → Set l4) →
+ UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ dependent-composition-operation-Precategory obj-D hom-set-D =
+ {x y z : obj-Precategory C}
+ (g : hom-Precategory C y z) (f : hom-Precategory C x y) →
+ {x' : obj-D x} {y' : obj-D y} {z' : obj-D z} →
+ (g' : type-Set (hom-set-D g y' z')) (f' : type-Set (hom-set-D f x' y')) →
+ type-Set (hom-set-D (comp-hom-Precategory C g f) x' z')
+### The predicate of being associative on dependent composition operations over a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ ( obj-D : obj-Precategory C → UU l3)
+ ( hom-set-D :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) (x' : obj-D x) (y' : obj-D y) → Set l4)
+ ( comp-hom-D : dependent-composition-operation-Precategory C obj-D hom-set-D)
+ where
+ is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ {x y z w : obj-Precategory C}
+ (h : hom-Precategory C z w)
+ (g : hom-Precategory C y z)
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ {x' : obj-D x} {y' : obj-D y} {z' : obj-D z} {w' : obj-D w}
+ (h' : type-Set (hom-set-D h z' w'))
+ (g' : type-Set (hom-set-D g y' z'))
+ (f' : type-Set (hom-set-D f x' y')) →
+ dependent-identification
+ ( λ i → type-Set (hom-set-D i x' w'))
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C h g f)
+ ( comp-hom-D (comp-hom-Precategory C h g) f (comp-hom-D h g h' g') f')
+ ( comp-hom-D h (comp-hom-Precategory C g f) h' (comp-hom-D g f g' f'))
+ is-prop-is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ is-prop is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ is-prop-is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-iterated-implicit-Π 4
+ ( λ x y z w →
+ is-prop-iterated-Π 3
+ ( λ h g f →
+ is-prop-iterated-implicit-Π 4
+ ( λ x' y' z' w' →
+ is-prop-iterated-Π 3
+ ( λ h' g' f' →
+ is-set-type-Set
+ ( hom-set-D
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C h (comp-hom-Precategory C g f))
+ ( x')
+ ( w'))
+ ( tr
+ ( λ i → type-Set (hom-set-D i x' w'))
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C h g f)
+ ( comp-hom-D
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C h g)
+ ( f)
+ ( comp-hom-D h g h' g')
+ ( f')))
+ ( comp-hom-D
+ ( h)
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f)
+ ( h')
+ ( comp-hom-D g f g' f'))))))
+ is-associative-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ Prop (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ pr1 is-associative-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ pr2 is-associative-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+### The predicate of being unital on dependent composition operations over a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ ( obj-D : obj-Precategory C → UU l3)
+ ( hom-set-D :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) (x' : obj-D x) (y' : obj-D y) → Set l4)
+ ( comp-hom-D : dependent-composition-operation-Precategory C obj-D hom-set-D)
+ ( id-hom-D :
+ {x : obj-Precategory C} (x' : obj-D x) →
+ type-Set (hom-set-D (id-hom-Precategory C {x}) x' x'))
+ where
+ is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ {x' : obj-D x} {y' : obj-D y} (f' : type-Set (hom-set-D f x' y')) →
+ dependent-identification
+ ( λ i → type-Set (hom-set-D i x' y'))
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( comp-hom-D (id-hom-Precategory C) f (id-hom-D y') f')
+ ( f')
+ is-prop-is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ is-prop is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ is-prop-is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-iterated-implicit-Π 2
+ ( λ x y →
+ is-prop-Π
+ ( λ f →
+ is-prop-iterated-implicit-Π 2
+ ( λ x' y' →
+ is-prop-Π
+ ( λ f' →
+ is-set-type-Set
+ ( hom-set-D f x' y')
+ ( tr
+ ( λ i → type-Set (hom-set-D i x' y'))
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( comp-hom-D (id-hom-Precategory C) f (id-hom-D y') f'))
+ ( f')))))
+ is-left-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ Prop (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ pr1 is-left-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ pr2 is-left-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ {x' : obj-D x} {y' : obj-D y} (f' : type-Set (hom-set-D f x' y')) →
+ dependent-identification
+ ( λ i → type-Set (hom-set-D i x' y'))
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( comp-hom-D f (id-hom-Precategory C) f' (id-hom-D x'))
+ ( f')
+ is-prop-is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ is-prop is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ is-prop-is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-iterated-implicit-Π 2
+ ( λ x y →
+ is-prop-Π
+ ( λ f →
+ is-prop-iterated-implicit-Π 2
+ ( λ x' y' →
+ is-prop-Π
+ ( λ f' →
+ is-set-type-Set
+ ( hom-set-D f x' y')
+ ( tr
+ ( λ i → type-Set (hom-set-D i x' y'))
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( comp-hom-D f (id-hom-Precategory C) f' (id-hom-D x')))
+ ( f')))))
+ is-right-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ Prop (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ pr1 is-right-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ pr2 is-right-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ ( is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory) ×
+ ( is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory)
+ is-prop-is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ is-prop is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ is-prop-is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-product
+ ( is-prop-is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory)
+ ( is-prop-is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory)
+ is-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory :
+ Prop (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ pr1 is-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+ pr2 is-unit-prop-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ is-prop-is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ ( obj-D : obj-Precategory C → UU l3)
+ ( hom-set-D :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) (x' : obj-D x) (y' : obj-D y) → Set l4)
+ ( comp-hom-D : dependent-composition-operation-Precategory C obj-D hom-set-D)
+ where
+ is-unital-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory : UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ is-unital-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory =
+ Σ ( {x : obj-Precategory C} (x' : obj-D x) →
+ type-Set (hom-set-D (id-hom-Precategory C {x}) x' x'))
+ ( is-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory C
+ obj-D hom-set-D comp-hom-D)
+## See also
+- [Displayed precategories](category-theory.displayed-precategories.md)
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+++ b/src/category-theory/displayed-precategories.lagda.md
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+# Displayed precategories
+module category-theory.displayed-precategories where
+open import category-theory.composition-operations-on-binary-families-of-sets
+open import category-theory.dependent-composition-operations-over-precategories
+open import category-theory.nonunital-precategories
+open import category-theory.precategories
+open import category-theory.set-magmoids
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-identifications
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.function-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.iterated-dependent-product-types
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.sets
+open import foundation.strictly-involutive-identity-types
+open import foundation.subsingleton-induction
+open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
+open import foundation.truncated-types
+open import foundation.truncation-levels
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Given a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `𝒞`, a
+{{#concept "displayed precategory" Agda=Displayed-Precategory}} over `𝒞` is an
+associative and unital
+[dependent composition structure](category-theory.dependent-composition-operations-over-precategories.md)
+over it.
+Thus, a displayed precategory `𝒟` over `𝒞` consists of
+- a family of objects `obj 𝒟` indexed by `obj 𝒞`,
+- a family of hom-[sets](foundation-core.sets.md)
+ ```text
+ hom 𝒟 : hom 𝒞 x y → obj 𝒟 x → obj 𝒟 y → Set,
+ ```
+ for every pair `x y : obj 𝒞`, and
+- a dependent composition operation
+ ```text
+ comp 𝒟 : hom 𝒟 g y' z' → hom 𝒟 f x' y' → hom 𝒟 (g ∘ f) x' z'
+ ```
+ such that
+- The dependent associativity condition
+ ```text
+ comp 𝒟 (comp 𝒟 h' g') f' = comp 𝒟 h' (comp 𝒟 g' f')
+ ```
+ over the associativity witness `(h ∘ g) ∘ f = h ∘ (g ∘ f)` in `𝒞` holds, and
+- the composition operation is dependent unital, meaning there is a family of
+ identity morphisms
+ ```text
+ id 𝒟 : (x : obj 𝒞) (x' : obj 𝒟 x) → hom 𝒟 (id 𝒞 x) x' x'
+ ```
+ which is a dependent left and right unit in the sense that the dependent
+ identities `comp 𝒟 (id 𝒟) f = f` and `comp 𝒟 f (id 𝒟) = f` hold over the
+ respective witnesses of left and right unitality in `𝒞`.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a displayed precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2)
+ ( obj-𝒟 : obj-Precategory 𝒞 → UU l3)
+ ( hom-set-𝒟 :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory 𝒞}
+ (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 x y) (x' : obj-𝒟 x) (y' : obj-𝒟 y) → Set l4)
+ ( comp-hom-𝒟 : dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞 obj-𝒟 hom-set-𝒟)
+ where
+ is-displayed-precategory : UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4)
+ is-displayed-precategory =
+ ( is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ obj-𝒟 hom-set-𝒟 comp-hom-𝒟) ×
+ ( is-unital-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ obj-𝒟 hom-set-𝒟 comp-hom-𝒟)
+### The type of displayed precategories over a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (l3 l4 : Level) (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2)
+ where
+ Displayed-Precategory : UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ lsuc l3 ⊔ lsuc l4)
+ Displayed-Precategory =
+ Σ ( obj-Precategory 𝒞 → UU l3)
+ ( λ obj-𝒟 →
+ Σ ( {x y : obj-Precategory 𝒞}
+ (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 x y) (x' : obj-𝒟 x) (y' : obj-𝒟 y) → Set l4)
+ ( λ hom-set-𝒟 →
+ Σ ( dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞 obj-𝒟 hom-set-𝒟)
+ ( is-displayed-precategory 𝒞 obj-𝒟 hom-set-𝒟)))
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
+ (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2) (𝒟 : Displayed-Precategory l3 l4 𝒞)
+ where
+ obj-Displayed-Precategory : obj-Precategory 𝒞 → UU l3
+ obj-Displayed-Precategory = pr1 𝒟
+ hom-set-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 x y)
+ (x' : obj-Displayed-Precategory x) (y' : obj-Displayed-Precategory y) →
+ Set l4
+ hom-set-Displayed-Precategory = pr1 (pr2 𝒟)
+ hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 x y)
+ (x' : obj-Displayed-Precategory x) (y' : obj-Displayed-Precategory y) →
+ UU l4
+ hom-Displayed-Precategory f x' y' =
+ type-Set (hom-set-Displayed-Precategory f x' y')
+ is-set-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 x y)
+ (x' : obj-Displayed-Precategory x) (y' : obj-Displayed-Precategory y) →
+ is-set (hom-Displayed-Precategory f x' y')
+ is-set-hom-Displayed-Precategory f x' y' =
+ is-set-type-Set (hom-set-Displayed-Precategory f x' y')
+ comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ ( obj-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( hom-set-Displayed-Precategory)
+ comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 𝒟))
+ associative-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ is-associative-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ ( obj-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( hom-set-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory)
+ associative-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 𝒟)))
+ is-unital-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ is-unital-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ ( obj-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( hom-set-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory)
+ is-unital-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 𝒟)))
+ id-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (x' : obj-Displayed-Precategory x) →
+ hom-Displayed-Precategory (id-hom-Precategory 𝒞) x' x'
+ id-hom-Displayed-Precategory = pr1 is-unital-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ is-left-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ obj-Displayed-Precategory
+ hom-set-Displayed-Precategory
+ comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory
+ id-hom-Displayed-Precategory
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory =
+ pr1 (pr2 is-unital-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory)
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory :
+ is-right-unit-dependent-composition-operation-Precategory 𝒞
+ obj-Displayed-Precategory
+ hom-set-Displayed-Precategory
+ comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory
+ id-hom-Displayed-Precategory
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory =
+ pr2 (pr2 is-unital-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory)
+### The total precategory associated to a displayed precategory
+Given a displayed precategory `𝒟` over `𝒞`, the total structure `∫D` whose
+objects are
+ obj ∫D := Σ (x : obj 𝒞) (obj 𝒟 x)
+and hom-sets are
+ hom ∫D (x , x') (y , y') := Σ (f : hom 𝒞 x y) (hom 𝒟 f x' y')
+form a precategory called the
+{{#concept "total precategory" Disambiguation="of a displayed precategory" Agda=total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory}}
+of `𝒟`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
+ (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2) (𝒟 : Displayed-Precategory l3 l4 𝒞)
+ where
+ obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory : UU (l1 ⊔ l3)
+ obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ Σ (obj-Precategory 𝒞) (obj-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟)
+ hom-set-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ (x y : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) → Set (l2 ⊔ l4)
+ hom-set-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory (x , x') (y , y') =
+ Σ-Set
+ ( hom-set-Precategory 𝒞 x y)
+ ( λ f → hom-set-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 f x' y')
+ hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ (x y : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) → UU (l2 ⊔ l4)
+ hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y =
+ type-Set (hom-set-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y)
+ comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y z : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory y z →
+ hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y →
+ hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x z
+ pr1 (comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory (g , g') (f , f')) =
+ comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 g f
+ pr2 (comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory (g , g') (f , f')) =
+ comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 g f g' f'
+ associative-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y z w : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory}
+ (h : hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory z w)
+ (g : hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory y z)
+ (f : hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y) →
+ ( comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory h g)
+ ( f)) =
+ ( comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( h)
+ ( comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory g f))
+ associative-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( h , h') (g , g') (f , f') =
+ eq-pair-Σ
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 h g f)
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 h g f h' g' f')
+ associative-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ associative-composition-operation-binary-family-Set
+ ( hom-set-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ associative-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ ( comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) ,
+ ( λ h g f →
+ involutive-eq-eq
+ ( associative-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory h g f))
+ id-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x x
+ pr1 (id-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory {x , x'}) =
+ id-hom-Precategory 𝒞
+ pr2 (id-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory {x , x'}) =
+ id-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 x'
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ (f : hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y) →
+ comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( id-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( f) =
+ f
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory (f , f') =
+ eq-pair-Σ
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 f f')
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ (f : hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y) →
+ comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( f)
+ ( id-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ f
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory (f , f') =
+ eq-pair-Σ
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f)
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 f f')
+ is-unital-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ is-unital-composition-operation-binary-family-Set
+ ( hom-set-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ pr1
+ is-unital-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x =
+ id-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr1
+ ( pr2
+ is-unital-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr2
+ ( pr2
+ is-unital-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory : Precategory (l1 ⊔ l3) (l2 ⊔ l4)
+ pr1 total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ obj-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr1 (pr2 total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ hom-set-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)) =
+ associative-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)) =
+ is-unital-composition-operation-total-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+### The fiber precategory of a displayed precategory over an object
+Given a displayed precategory `𝒟` over `𝒞`, the fiber of `𝒟` over `x : obj 𝒞`
+defines a precategory.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
+ (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2) (𝒟 : Displayed-Precategory l3 l4 𝒞)
+ (c : obj-Precategory 𝒞)
+ where
+ obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory : UU l3
+ obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory = obj-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 c
+ hom-set-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ (x y : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) → Set l4
+ hom-set-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ hom-set-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 (id-hom-Precategory 𝒞 {c})
+ hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ (x y : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) → UU l4
+ hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y =
+ type-Set (hom-set-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y)
+ comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y z : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory y z →
+ hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y →
+ hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x z
+ comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory {x} {y} {z} g f =
+ tr
+ ( λ i → hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 i x z)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 (id-hom-Precategory 𝒞))
+ ( comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟
+ ( id-hom-Precategory 𝒞) (id-hom-Precategory 𝒞) g f)
+By associativity in `𝒟`, composition in the fiber is dependently associative
+ f g h
+ x ----> y ----> z ----> w
+ c ===== c ===== c ===== c
+The proof remains to be formalized.
+ associative-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y z w : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory}
+ (h : hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory z w)
+ (g : hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory y z)
+ (f : hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y) →
+ ( comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory h g)
+ ( f)) =
+ ( comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( h)
+ ( comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory g f))
+ associative-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ {x} {y} {z} {w} h g f =
+ {! associative-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 _ _ _ h g f !}
+ associative-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ associative-composition-operation-binary-family-Set
+ ( hom-set-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ pr1
+ associative-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr2
+ associative-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ associative-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ id-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x x
+ id-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory {x} =
+ id-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 x
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ (f : hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y) →
+ comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( id-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( f) =
+ f
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 (id-hom-Precategory 𝒞 {c})
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory} →
+ (f : hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x y) →
+ comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ ( f)
+ ( id-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ f
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Displayed-Precategory 𝒞 𝒟 (id-hom-Precategory 𝒞 {c})
+ is-unital-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory :
+ is-unital-composition-operation-binary-family-Set
+ ( hom-set-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ ( comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)
+ pr1
+ is-unital-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory x =
+ id-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr1
+ ( pr2
+ is-unital-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr2
+ ( pr2
+ is-unital-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory : Precategory l3 l4
+ pr1 fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory =
+ obj-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr1 (pr2 fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory) =
+ hom-set-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)) =
+ associative-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory)) =
+ is-unital-composition-operation-fiber-precategory-Displayed-Precategory
+## References
+{{#bibliography}} {{#reference AL19}}
+## External links
+- [Displayed Categories](https://1lab.dev/Cat.Displayed.Base.html) at 1lab
+- [displayed category](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/displayed+category) at
+ $n$Lab
+- [Displayed categories](https://www.epatters.org/wiki/algebra/displayed-categories)
+ at Evan Patterson's blog
+A wikidata identifier was not available for this concept.
diff --git a/src/category-theory/precategories.lagda.md b/src/category-theory/precategories.lagda.md
index dc2e72e23a..1eb71cad75 100644
--- a/src/category-theory/precategories.lagda.md
+++ b/src/category-theory/precategories.lagda.md
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ open import category-theory.composition-operations-on-binary-families-of-sets
open import category-theory.nonunital-precategories
open import category-theory.set-magmoids
+open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-types
@@ -316,6 +317,71 @@ module _
( nonunital-precategory-Precategory C)
+### Coherence between the left and right unit law of a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ where
+ coh-unit-laws-comp-hom-Precategory :
+ {x : obj-Precategory C} →
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C {x = x}) =
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C {x = x})
+ coh-unit-laws-comp-hom-Precategory {x} =
+ eq-is-prop
+ ( is-set-hom-Precategory C x x
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C) (id-hom-Precategory C))
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C))
+### Coherence between the associativity law and the unit laws of a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ where
+ coh-associative-left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory :
+ {x y z : obj-Precategory C}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y} {g : hom-Precategory C y z} →
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C) g f) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (comp-hom-Precategory C g f)) =
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory' C f)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g))
+ coh-associative-left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory {x} {y} {z} {f} {g} =
+ eq-is-prop
+ ( is-set-hom-Precategory C x z
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C) g)
+ ( f))
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f))
+ coh-associative-left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory'' :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} {f : hom-Precategory C x y} →
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( f)) ∙
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C) f) ∙
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f =
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory' C f)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C))) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)
+ coh-associative-left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory'' {x} {y} {f} =
+ eq-is-prop
+ ( is-set-hom-Precategory C x y
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C))
+ ( f))
+ ( f))
## See also
- [Categories](category-theory.categories.md) are univalent precategories.
diff --git a/src/foundation/dependent-identifications.lagda.md b/src/foundation/dependent-identifications.lagda.md
index 0db1b41f3c..fa4dda4374 100644
--- a/src/foundation/dependent-identifications.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/dependent-identifications.lagda.md
@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ module _
(p' : dependent-identification B p x' y')
(q' : dependent-identification B q x' y') →
p' = tr² B α x' ∙ q' → dependent-identification² B α p' q'
- map-compute-dependent-identification² refl ._ refl refl =
- refl
+ map-compute-dependent-identification² refl q p' q' = q'
map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² :
{x y : A} {p q : x = y} (α : p = q)
@@ -55,8 +54,7 @@ module _
(p' : dependent-identification B p x' y')
(q' : dependent-identification B q x' y') →
dependent-identification² B α p' q' → p' = tr² B α x' ∙ q'
- map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² refl refl ._ refl =
- refl
+ map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² refl q p' q' = q'
is-section-map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² :
{x y : A} {p q : x = y} (α : p = q)
@@ -65,8 +63,7 @@ module _
(q' : dependent-identification B q x' y') →
( map-compute-dependent-identification² α p' q' ∘
map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² α p' q') ~ id
- is-section-map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² refl refl ._ refl =
- refl
+ is-section-map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² refl q p' q' = refl
is-retraction-map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² :
{x y : A} {p q : x = y} (α : p = q)
@@ -75,8 +72,7 @@ module _
(q' : dependent-identification B q x' y') →
( map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² α p' q' ∘
map-compute-dependent-identification² α p' q') ~ id
- is-retraction-map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² refl ._ refl refl =
- refl
+ is-retraction-map-inv-compute-dependent-identification² refl q p' q' = refl
is-equiv-map-compute-dependent-identification² :
{x y : A} {p q : x = y} (α : p = q)
@@ -104,9 +100,9 @@ module _
### The groupoidal structure of dependent identifications
-We show that there is groupoidal structure on the dependent identifications. The
-statement of the groupoid laws use dependent identifications, due to the
-dependent nature of dependent identifications.
+We show that there is a dependent groupoidal structure on the dependent
+identifications. The statement of the groupoid laws use dependent
+identifications, due to the dependent nature of dependent identifications.
#### Concatenation of dependent identifications
@@ -164,7 +160,7 @@ module _
{x y : A} (p : x = y) {x' : B x} {y' : B y} →
dependent-identification B p x' y' →
dependent-identification B (inv p) y' x'
- inv-dependent-identification refl refl = refl
+ inv-dependent-identification refl = inv
#### Associativity of concatenation of dependent identifications
@@ -276,7 +272,7 @@ module _
( inv p)
( inv-dependent-identification B p q))
( q)
- inv-inv-dependent-identification refl refl = refl
+ inv-inv-dependent-identification refl = inv-inv
### The inverse distributes over concatenation of dependent identifications
diff --git a/src/type-theories/simple-type-theories.lagda.md b/src/type-theories/simple-type-theories.lagda.md
index 98461a1a5e..b8e45f3112 100644
--- a/src/type-theories/simple-type-theories.lagda.md
+++ b/src/type-theories/simple-type-theories.lagda.md
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ module simple where
element :
- {X : T} (x : system.element A X) →
- fibered-system.element B (f X) x
- slice : (X : T) → section-system (fibered-system.slice B (f X)) f
+ {X : T} (x : system.element A X) → fibered-system.element B (f X) x
+ slice :
+ (X : T) → section-system (fibered-system.slice B (f X)) f