diff --git a/src/plugins/showMeYourName/index.tsx b/src/plugins/showMeYourName/index.tsx
index bbafb58d32..1de05201c5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/showMeYourName/index.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/showMeYourName/index.tsx
@@ -4,48 +4,152 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import "./styles.css";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
-import { Message, User } from "discord-types/general";
-interface UsernameProps {
- author: { nick: string; };
- message: Message;
- withMentionPrefix?: boolean;
- isRepliedMessage: boolean;
- userOverride?: User;
+import { findStoreLazy } from "@webpack";
+import { ChannelStore, GuildMemberStore, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
+import { GuildMember, User } from "discord-types/general";
+const StreamerModeStore = findStoreLazy("StreamerModeStore");
+const colorPattern = /^#(?:[\da-f]{3}){1,2}$|^#(?:[\da-f]{4}){1,2}$|(rgb|hsl)a?\((\s*-?\d+%?\s*,){2}(\s*-?\d+%?\s*)\)|(rgb|hsl)a?\((\s*-?\d+%?\s*,){3}\s*(0|(0?\.\d+)|1)\)$/iu;
+const roleColorPattern = /^role((?:\+|-)\d{0,4})?$/iu;
+const symbolPattern = /^[\p{S}\p{P}]{1,3}$/iu;
+function validColor(color: string) {
+ const trimmedColor = color.trim();
+ if (!trimmedColor) return color.length > 0;
+ if (trimmedColor.toLowerCase() === "role") return true;
+ if (color.toLowerCase().includes("role")) {
+ const percentage = parseInt(roleColorPattern.exec(color)?.[1] || "");
+ return !isNaN(percentage) && percentage <= 100 && percentage >= -100;
+ }
+ const colorTestDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ colorTestDiv.style.borderColor = color;
+ const isValid = colorTestDiv.style.borderColor !== "" && colorPattern.test(color);
+ colorTestDiv.remove();
+ return isValid;
+function resolveColor(user: User | GuildMember, savedColor: string, fallbackColor: string) {
+ if (!savedColor.trim()) return { color: fallbackColor };
+ if (savedColor.toLowerCase().includes("role")) {
+ const percentageText = roleColorPattern.exec(savedColor)?.[1] || "";
+ if (percentageText && isNaN(parseInt(percentageText))) return { color: fallbackColor };
+ const percentage = percentageText ? 1 + (parseInt(percentageText) / 100) : 1;
+ const roleColor = (user as GuildMember)?.colorString || null;
+ if (!roleColor) return { color: fallbackColor };
+ return { color: roleColor, filter: `brightness(${percentage})` };
+ } else {
+ return { color: savedColor };
+ }
+function validTemplate(value: string) {
+ const items = value.trim().split(/\s+/);
+ if (items.length > 3 || !items.length) return false;
+ const invalidItems = items.some(item => !/(?:\{(nick|display|user)\})/i.test(item));
+ if (invalidItems) return false;
+ const affixes = parseAffixes(value);
+ if (!affixes.order.length || affixes.order.length !== items.length) return false;
+ return ["nick", "display", "user"].every(name => {
+ const { prefix, suffix } = affixes[name];
+ return prefix.length <= 3 && suffix.length <= 3 && (!prefix || symbolPattern.test(prefix)) && (!suffix || symbolPattern.test(suffix));
+ });
+function parseAffixes(template: string) {
+ const affixes = {
+ order: [] as string[],
+ nick: { included: false, prefix: "", suffix: "" },
+ display: { included: false, prefix: "", suffix: "" },
+ user: { included: false, prefix: "", suffix: "" }
+ };
+ const types = ["nick", "display", "user"];
+ template.split(/\s+/).forEach(item => {
+ types.forEach(type => {
+ if (item.includes(`{${type}}`)) {
+ const [prefix, , suffix] = item.split(/(?:\{(nick|display|user)\})/i);
+ affixes.order.push(type);
+ affixes[type] = { included: true, prefix, suffix };
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ return affixes;
const settings = definePluginSettings({
- mode: {
- type: OptionType.SELECT,
- description: "How to display usernames and nicks",
- options: [
- { label: "Username then nickname", value: "user-nick", default: true },
- { label: "Nickname then username", value: "nick-user" },
- { label: "Username only", value: "user" },
- ],
+ replies: {
+ type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
+ default: false,
+ description: "Also display extra names in replies.",
- displayNames: {
+ mentions: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
- description: "Use display names in place of usernames",
- default: false
+ default: false,
+ description: "Also display extra names in mentions.",
+ restartNeeded: true
- inReplies: {
+ hideDefaultAtSign: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: false,
- description: "Also apply functionality to reply previews",
+ description: "Hide the default '@' symbol before the name in mentions and replies. Only applied if either feature is enabled.",
+ },
+ respectStreamerMode: {
+ type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
+ default: true,
+ description: "Truncate usernames in Streamer Mode as Discord does everywhere else.",
+ },
+ removeDuplicates: {
+ type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
+ default: true,
+ description: "If any of the names are equivalent, remove them, leaving only the unique names.",
+ },
+ includedNames: {
+ type: OptionType.STRING,
+ description: "The order to display usernames, nicknames, and display names. Use the following placeholders: {nick}, {display}, {user}. You can have up to three prefixes and three suffixes per name.",
+ default: "{nick} [{display}] (@{user})",
+ isValid: validTemplate,
+ },
+ nicknameColor: {
+ type: OptionType.STRING,
+ description: "The color to use for the nickname. Leave blank for default. Accepts hex(a), rgb(a), or hsl(a) input. Use \"Role\" to follow the user's top role color. Use \"Role+-#\" to adjust the brightness by that percentage (ex: \"Role+15\")",
+ default: "Role-25",
+ isValid: validColor,
+ displayNameColor: {
+ type: OptionType.STRING,
+ description: "The color to use for the display name. Leave blank for default. Accepts hex(a), rgb(a), or hsl(a) input. Use \"Role\" to follow the user's top role color. Use \"Role+-#\" to adjust the brightness by that percentage (ex: \"Role+15\")",
+ default: "Role-25",
+ isValid: validColor,
+ },
+ usernameColor: {
+ type: OptionType.STRING,
+ description: "The color to use for the username. Leave blank for default. Accepts hex(a), rgb(a), or hsl(a) input. Use \"Role\" to follow the user's top role color. Use \"Role+-#\" to adjust the brightness by that percentage (ex: \"Role+15\")",
+ default: "Role-25",
+ isValid: validColor,
+ }
export default definePlugin({
name: "ShowMeYourName",
- description: "Display usernames next to nicks, or no nicks at all",
- authors: [Devs.Rini, Devs.TheKodeToad],
+ description: "Display any permutation of nicknames, display names, and usernames in chat.",
+ authors: [Devs.Rini, Devs.TheKodeToad, Devs.Etorix, Devs.sadan],
patches: [
find: '?"@":""',
@@ -54,31 +158,126 @@ export default definePlugin({
replace: "$self.renderUsername(arguments[0])}"
+ {
+ find: "missing user\"",
+ predicate: () => settings.store.mentions,
+ replacement: {
+ match: /"@"\.concat\(null!=(\i)\?\i:(\i)\)/,
+ replace: "$self.renderUsername(arguments[0])"
+ }
+ },
- renderUsername: ErrorBoundary.wrap(({ author, message, isRepliedMessage, withMentionPrefix, userOverride }: UsernameProps) => {
+ renderUsername: ErrorBoundary.wrap((props: any) => {
+ const { replies, hideDefaultAtSign, respectStreamerMode, removeDuplicates, includedNames, nicknameColor, displayNameColor, usernameColor } = settings.use();
+ const renderType = props.className === "mention" ? "mention" : "message";
+ let author: any = null;
+ let isRepliedMessage = false;
+ let mentionSymbol = "";
+ if (renderType === "mention") {
+ const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(props.channelId) || {};
+ const usr = UserStore.getUser(props.userId) || {};
+ const mem = GuildMemberStore.getMember(channel.guild_id, props.userId) || {};
+ author = usr && mem ? { ...usr, ...mem } : usr || mem || null;
+ isRepliedMessage = false;
+ mentionSymbol = hideDefaultAtSign ? "" : "@";
+ } else if (renderType === "message") {
+ // props.message.author only has a globalName attribute.
+ // props.author only has a nick attribute, but it is overwritten by the globalName if no nickname is set.
+ // getUser only has a globalName attribute.
+ // getMember only has a nick attribute, and it is null if no nickname is set.
+ // Therefore just using the author props is not enough for an accurate result and we instead need to combine the results of getUser and getMember.
+ const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(props.message.channel_id) || {};
+ const athr = props.userOverride ? props.userOverride : props.message.author;
+ const usr = UserStore.getUser(athr.id) || {};
+ const mem = GuildMemberStore.getMember(channel.guild_id, athr.id) || {};
+ author = usr && mem ? { ...usr, ...mem } : usr || mem || null;
+ isRepliedMessage = props.isRepliedMessage;
+ mentionSymbol = hideDefaultAtSign ? "" : props.withMentionPrefix ? "@" : "";
+ }
+ if (!author) {
+ return <>{mentionSymbol}Unknown>;
+ }
+ const username = StreamerModeStore.enabled && respectStreamerMode ? author.username[0] + "..." : author.username;
+ const display = StreamerModeStore.enabled && respectStreamerMode && author.globalName?.toLowerCase() === author.username.toLowerCase() ? author.globalName[0] + "..." : author.globalName || "";
+ const nick = StreamerModeStore.enabled && respectStreamerMode && author.nick?.toLowerCase() === author.username.toLowerCase() ? author.nick[0] + "..." : author.nick || "";
try {
- const user = userOverride ?? message.author;
- let { username } = user;
- if (settings.store.displayNames)
- username = (user as any).globalName || username;
+ if (isRepliedMessage && !replies) {
+ return <>{mentionSymbol}{nick || display || username}>;
+ }
+ const textMutedValue = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement)?.getPropertyValue("--text-muted")?.trim() || "#72767d";
+ const affixes = parseAffixes(includedNames);
+ const resolvedUsernameColor = resolveColor(author, usernameColor.trim(), textMutedValue);
+ const resolvedNicknameColor = resolveColor(author, nicknameColor.trim(), textMutedValue);
+ const resolvedDisplayNameColor = resolveColor(author, displayNameColor.trim(), textMutedValue);
+ const affixColor = { color: getComputedStyle(document.documentElement)?.getPropertyValue("--text-muted")?.trim() || "#72767d" };
- const { nick } = author;
- const prefix = withMentionPrefix ? "@" : "";
+ const values = {
+ "user": { "value": username, "prefix": affixes.user.prefix, "suffix": affixes.user.suffix, "color": resolvedUsernameColor },
+ "display": { "value": display, "prefix": affixes.display.prefix, "suffix": affixes.display.suffix, "color": resolvedDisplayNameColor },
+ "nick": { "value": nick, "prefix": affixes.nick.prefix, "suffix": affixes.nick.suffix, "color": resolvedNicknameColor }
+ };
- if (isRepliedMessage && !settings.store.inReplies || username.toLowerCase() === nick.toLowerCase())
- return <>{prefix}{nick}>;
+ let { order } = affixes;
+ order.includes("nick") && !values.nick.value && !order.includes("display") && values.display.value ? order[order.indexOf("nick")] = "display" : null;
+ order.includes("display") && !values.display.value && !order.includes("user") && values.user.value ? order[order.indexOf("display")] = "user" : null;
+ order = order.filter((name: string) => values[name].value);
- if (settings.store.mode === "user-nick")
- return <>{prefix}{username} {nick}>;
+ const first = order.shift() || "user";
+ let second = order.shift() || null;
+ let third = order.shift() || null;
- if (settings.store.mode === "nick-user")
- return <>{prefix}{nick} {username}>;
+ if (removeDuplicates) {
+ // If third is the same as second, remove it, unless third is the username, then prioritize it.
+ second && third && values[third].value.toLowerCase() === values[second].value.toLowerCase() ? third === "user" ? second = null : third = null : null;
+ // If second is the same as first, remove it.
+ second && values[second].value.toLowerCase() === values[first].value.toLowerCase() ? second = null : null;
+ // If third is the same as first, remove it.
+ third && values[third].value.toLowerCase() === values[first].value.toLowerCase() ? third = null : null;
+ }
- return <>{prefix}{username}>;
- } catch {
- return <>{author?.nick}>;
+ return (
+ <>
+ {mentionSymbol && {mentionSymbol}}
+ {(
+ {values[first].value}
+ )}
+ {second && (
+ {values[second].prefix}
+ {values[second].value}
+ {values[second].suffix}
+ )}
+ {third && (
+ {values[third].prefix}
+ {values[third].value}
+ {values[third].suffix}
+ )}
+ >
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ return <>{mentionSymbol}{StreamerModeStore.enabled && respectStreamerMode ? ((nick || display || username)[0] + "...") : (nick || display || username)}>;
}, { noop: true }),
diff --git a/src/plugins/showMeYourName/styles.css b/src/plugins/showMeYourName/styles.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a1455d908..0000000000
--- a/src/plugins/showMeYourName/styles.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-.vc-smyn-suffix {
- color: var(--text-muted);
-.vc-smyn-suffix::before {
- content: "(";
-.vc-smyn-suffix::after {
- content: ")";
diff --git a/src/utils/constants.ts b/src/utils/constants.ts
index e758259125..2be25440c4 100644
--- a/src/utils/constants.ts
+++ b/src/utils/constants.ts
@@ -579,6 +579,10 @@ export const Devs = /* #__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
name: "jamesbt365",
id: 158567567487795200n,
+ Etorix: {
+ name: "Etorix",
+ id: 94597845868355584n,
+ },
} satisfies Record);
// iife so #__PURE__ works correctly