All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Introduce a Connect specific tag processor that will halt reading from stream if contact id changes OR end of stream tag encountered
- Upgrade the chat related dependencies in the agent portal
- Ability to stream audio that the customer hears
- Ability to chat with an agent
- Upgraded to NodeJS 10.x
- Upgraded the build system
- example-function-js sample microservice
- added unit tests for example-function-js
- example.template to yaml file example with JS.
- updated script to include soltion-name parameter
- updated script to include soltion-name parameter
- updated script to execute example-function-js unit tests
- deployment/buildspec files.
- helper function
- CHANGELOG templated file
- README templated file
- NOTICE file
- LICENSE file