A table that houses all of the places a user can check into
place_id: (Integer), Primary ID that preferably auto increments (if supported in chosen DB)
name: (String), Name of the place
address: (String), Address of the place
city: (String), City of the place
zip: (String), Not all zip/postal codes are numeric
tags: (String), Preferably a JSON encoded string of tags
latitude: (Decimal 9,6), The latitude of the place
longitude: (Decimal 9,6), The longitude of the place
checkin_id: (Integer), Primary ID that preferably auto increments (if supported in chosen DB)
user_id: (Integer), ID of the user who checked in
place_id: (Integer), ID of the place the user is checking into
datetime_added: (Datetime or Timestamp Integer), When did this checkin take place?
A table housing all tips left for a particular place by a user
tip_id: (Integer), Primary ID that preferably auto increments (if supported in chosen DB)
user_id: (Integer), ID of the user who left this tip
datetime_added: (Datetime or Timestamp Integer), When was this tip added?
tip: (String), Text description of the tip