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Tracking Dashboard for RISC-V Board Applications.

SN nickname or ID 设备描述 漂流进度 备注及其它信息
0001 LizzyLoong 1 TH1520 Delivered commit 41841e
0002 zhixiaogzhang 1 TH1520 w/ wifi Delivered commit 7638c6
0003 feifei 1 LicheePi 4A w/ Power adapter Delivered w/o Power adapter
0004 flyingcys 1 see commit 2099709527 Received (Nanjing dockbase) commit 209970
0005 chrithon 1 Milk-V Jupiter (M1 16GB) Cancelled. No board
0006 zevorn 1 MC3172最小系统板(MCU) Received (Nanjing dockbase)
0007 xieby1 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered
0008 wo1ow 1 SiFive Freedom U740 SoC Delivered
0009 sebastianhayashi 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered
0010 axiangyushanhaijing LicheePi 4A 16GB Duplicate. see SN0012
0011 revysr 1 "Milk-V Jupiter 16GB Memory" Waiting. No board.
0012 axiangyushanhaijing 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered
0013 Z8MAN8 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered
0014 puqns67 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered 手头有 vf2 用于置换漂流
0015 lucmann 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered
0016 imguoguo 1 LicheePi 4A 16+128 Cancelled
0017 liqi 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC" Cancelled
0018 lizaifang - Duplicate. SN0019
0019 lizaifang 1 BananaPi BPI-F3, 4G RAM,16G eMMC Received (Nanjing dockbase)
0020 mengzhuo 1 "3 MilkV Mars-CM (4G/8G) / 1 MilkV Mars (4G) / 1 Licheepi Console / 1 Visionfive / 2 Visionfive2 (坏了,但是应该SoC还是好的)" Received (Nanjing dockbase)
0021 SeasonMay 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered.
0022 ztjjj9 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered. ztjjj9
0023 mikice233 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. milkice233
0024 MrChenLearnSpace 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC" Delivered. N/A
0025 shuaidemeikan 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered. N/A
0026 hehenihaoQWQ 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered. N/A
0027 zihan-hub 1 Duo S基础版 Delivered. RISC-V中国峰会志愿者受赠
0028 wdwdhyk 1 duo256m Delivered. RISC-V中国峰会志愿者受赠
0029 DouPiChen 1 MilkV Duo S;可选板载 WI-FI6/BT5、eMMC、支持PoE Delivered. N/A
0030 xvyv99 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered. N/A
0031 wwwuxy Unmatched Duplicate. SN0035
0032 Yzgll 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. N/A
0033 Sherlockzhangjinge 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC" Delivered. 高校实验项目
0034 calacaly 1 适合 RISC-V 入门的板子即可 Delivered. N/A
0035 wwwuxy 1 Unmatched Delivered. N/A
0036 YunxiangLuo 1 Milk-V Duo S 和 Duo 256M Delivered. 用于 Duo 系列测试和 SDK 开发
0037 yjmstr 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. 用于 J137 Win-CE 项目测试需要
0038 lcean 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered. RISC-V enthusiast
0039 xeonds 1 licheepi 4A 或者只要能 run linux 的型号都可以( Delivered. details
0040 panglars 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Delivered. details
0041 RealFYang 1 BFI-F3 (16GB RAM + 128GBеMMC) Delivered. details
0042 sunmin89 1 k230/k230d 嘉楠 Delivered. 开发调试
0043 zhgggg 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC Duplicate. see SN0047
0044 燕十三 1 "BPI-F3, 4G RAM, 16G eMMC" Delivered. details
0045 apricity1212 1 Sipeed LicheePi Console Waiting. details
0046 LizzyLoong 1 荔枝派4a16+128 Delivered. 实习使用,替换手头的版本
0047 zhgggg 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. details
0048 WwWangGuan 1 Milk-V Mars (4G) Cancelled 尝试在riscv上开发RT Smart
0049 WwWangGuan 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. RTsmart开发
0050 Gekyume777 1 Milk-V Mars (4G) Duplicate. SN0055 details
0051 wold9168 1 内存4GiB及以上 Delivered. details
0052 ustcljh 1 bpif3 Delivered. details
0053 stydxm 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC Delivered. ruyisdk 支持矩阵
0054 kagura114 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. PLCT RevyOS小队测试实习生 实习用
0055 Gekyume777 1 Licheepi 4A 8G/16G Delivered. Support-matrix测试用
0056 acyanbird 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC" Delivered. details
0057 unicornx 1 "Milk-V Duo S" Delivered. 开发 RT-Thread
0058 Alphagocc 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC" Delivered. 想要为 Deepin RISC-V 做一些贡献
0059 SongYuSheng1216 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB + 显示屏 13.3 寸 Delivered LPi4A only. details
0060 Zpp027 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC 13.3 显示屏 " Delivered LPi4A only. details
0061 KamijoToma 1 Lichee Pi 4A,16GB版本最好, 8G也可以 Delivered. details
0062 Me3ue 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC Delivered. details
0063 victorzhangai 1 LicheePi 4A 16GB + 128GB eMMC Delivered. details
0064 - 1 "BananaPi F3 4GB RAM + 16GM eMMC" Duplicate.
0065 izhouliren 1 "赛昉 VisionFive 2" Waiting. 捐赠
0066 - 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB 希望能够有外壳" Duplicate. SN0068
0067 lhpqaq 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC" Delivered. details
0068 WhereIsYuuka 1 "LicheePi 4A 16GB RAM 希望能够有外壳" Delivered. 没有外壳 details
0069 NanQin555 1 LicheePi 3A 16GB RAM + 32GB eMMC Delivered. details
0070 TraceRecursion 1 LicheePi 4A Delivered. details
0071 superbugintime 1 01 studio 或者 庐山派K230-CanMV开发板 Delivered. details

Extra Notes


用于 仿生机器人 瓦力(动漫《机器人总动员》中的成员)的开发


用于甲辰计划实习工作(Box64 RISC-V wiki 编写)


学习RISCV,并完成PLCT Intern J146工作




添加rvv1.0支持,测试与bench plct实习项目: 个人兴趣项目:






PLCT Revy OS 测试小队需要。主要用于 RevyOS 上的软件Bug 复现、软件可用性测试。个人也想体验一下 RISC-V Linux




"LicheePi 4A 16GB Memory + 128GB eMMC 13.3 显示屏 13.3 寸,HDMI 接口" ysyx大致完了后,想接触一下具体的riscv开发板,试着将不同的os部署到板子上试试


申请认领 RISC-V 开发版,进行 deepin Linux 的相关开发


试着作为计算集群的第一个节点,和其他 RV 设备共同组成计算集群,做先导性的开发


内存4GiB及以上,其他方面无需求。希望附带必要的SD卡和电源。 我想用于学习RISC-V相关课程以及参与甲辰计划的实习。


进行RuyiDSK工程下的 support-matrix 的调研测试,包括操作系统测试,demo测试等




作为一个高校在读大三学生,目前正在学习操作系统课程。这门课程有个项目涉及嵌入式系统, 希望有一块微型Linux开发板进行一些小型化设计,同时也会学习RISC-V的相关课程。


移植rt-thread至 K1 开发板上,实现linux+rt-thread(rt-smart)双系统运行


用于OpenJDK RVV 1.0扩展测试目的


完善 ruyisdk/support-matrix

