FreeCAD scripts for cikoni
5xD < L < 8xD => Yellow
L >= 8xD => Orange
HOLE INCREMENTS holes with with diameter that are an increment of 0.1 mm for diameters up to 10 mm and 0.5 mm above that AND minimum D>2mm: Green or other color according to above criteria
All others: Yellow or red according to above criteria
So the hole would only be green if the L<=5xD AND the has a diameter that is an increment of 0,1 for example D=10,5 an L=30 -> Green D=10,4, L=30 -> Yellow D=10,5; L=60 -> Yellow
Total number of holes: Nt= z Number of green holes: Ng= y Number of yellow holes: Ny= x Number of orange holes: No= w Number of holes with off-standard diameter: Nn= v Number of holes with L <= 5d: L0= u Number of holes with 5d < L < 8d: L5= t Number of holes with L > 8d: L8= s
Detected holes: H1 Hole position (xyz) Diameter_1 length_1 L/D Y/N (right increment/std) Hi Hole position (xyz) Diameter_i length_i L/D Y/N (right increment/std) Hn Hole position (xyz) Diameter_n length_n L/D Y/N (right increment/std)