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Rendering lines

Lines are most certainly among the most important components in scientific visualization. They can be used to represents axis, frames, plots, error bars, contours, grids, etc. Lines and segments are among the most simple geometrical objects. And yet, they can become quite complex if we consider line thickness, cap, joint and pattern such as dotted, dashed, etc. In the end, rendering lines with perfect quality is a lot of work as you'll read below. But it's worth the effort as illustrated in the teaser image above. This comes from an interactive demo of glumpy (See the spiral demo).

As we've seen in the Quickstart_ chapter, OpenGL come with three different line primitives, namely gl.GL_LINES (segments), gl.GL_LINE_STRIP (polyline) and gl.GL_LINE_LOOP (closed polyline) and correspond to the hardware implementation of the Bresenham algorithm that can be written as:

def line(x0, y0, x1, y1, image, color):
    steep = False
    if abs(x0-x1) < abs(y0-y1):
        x0, y0 = y0, x0
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
        steep = True
    if x0 > x1:
        x0, x1 = x1, x0
        y0, y1 = y1, y0
    dx = x1-x0
    dy = y1-y0
    error2 = 0
    derror2 = abs(dy)*2
    y = y0
    for x in range(x0,x1+1):
        if steep:
            set_pixel(image, y, x, color)
            set_pixel(image, x, y, color)
        error2 += derror2;
        if error2 > dx:
            y += 1 if y1 > y0 else -1
            error2 -= dx*2

Rendering raw lines using OpenGL is incredibly fast. Really, really fast. This means that it can be used for the rendering of real-time signals as we'll see in the exercises section.

But as you may have guessed by now, the result is also really, really ugly because these lines are not antialiased and cannot be wider than 1 pixel. Click on the image on the right if you want to see it. But you've be warned. It makes my eyes bleed each time I look at it.



A thick line between A and B with round caps, thickness w and filter radius r. Using d = ceil(w + 2.5r), the domain of the (u, v) parameterization is given by −d ≤ u ≤ ∥AB∥ + d and −d ≤ v ≤ +d.

If we want to render nice lines, we'll have to draw triangles...

More precisely, we need two triangle for a thick (or thin it doesn't really matter) line segment. The idea is to compute the signed distance to the segment envelope like we did in the previous section for markers. However, we have a supplementary difficulty because we also need to draw segment caps as illustrated on the figure on the right. This means that when we generate our triangles, we have to take into account antialias area and the cap size (half the line thickness for one cap).

Let us consider a segment AB and let us name T the tangent to AB and O the normal to AB. We want to draw a segment of thickness w using an antialias area (filter radius) r. From these information, we can compute the 4 necesssary vertices (screen space (x,y)):

  • A₀ = A - (w/2 + r) * (T+O)
  • A₁ = A - (w/2 + r) * (T-O)
  • B₀ = B + (w/2 + r) * (T+O)
  • B₁ = B + (w/2 + r) * (T-O)

We can also parameterize these four vertices using a local frame reference where the origin is A and the direction is horizontal (see figure above):

  • A₀/(u,v) = ( -w/2-r, +w/2-r)
  • A₁/(u,v) = ( -w/2-r, -w/2-r)
  • B₀/(u,v) = (|AB| + w/2-r, +w/2-r)
  • B₁/(u,v) = (|AB| + w/2-r, -w/2-r)

This parameterization is very convenient because the distance to the segment body is given by the v component while the cap areas can be identified using u < 0 or x > |AB|.

The next question is where do we compute all these information? We could do it at the python level of course but it would be slower than computing directly within the shader. So let's do that instead. For this, we need to distinguish between each vertex and we need to compute T and O, meaning each vertex needs an access to A, B and a unique identifier to know wheter we're dealing with A₀, A₁, B₀ or B₁.

  • A₀: A, B, (u,v) = (0,1)
  • A₁: A, B, (u,v) = (0,0)
  • B₀: A, B, (u,v) = (1,1)
  • B₁: A, B, (u,v) = (1,0)

From this information, we can now compute each vertex position Pᵢ and parameterization UVᵢ;

$$T = (B-A)/|AB| O = (-T.y, T.x) Pᵢ = A + u*T*|AB| + (2*u-1)*T*(w/2 + r) + (2*v-1)*O*(w/2 + r) T = i O = j UVᵢ = u*T*|AB| + (2*u-1)*T*(w/2 + r) + (2*v-1)*O*(w/2 + r)$$

Translated in shader code, that gives us:

uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float antialias;
attribute float thickness;
attribute vec2 p0, p1, uv;
void main() {
    float t = thickness/2.0 + antialias;
    float l = length(p1-p0);
    float u = 2.0*uv.x - 1.0;
    float v = 2.0*uv.y - 1.0;

    // Screen space
    vec2 T = normalize(p1-p0);
    vec2 O = vec2(-T.y , T.x);
    vec2 p = p0 + uv.x*T*l + u*T*t + v*O*t;
    gl_Position = vec4(2.0*p/resolution-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    // Local space
    T = vec2(1.0, 0.0);
    O = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
    p = uv.x*T*l + u*T*t + v*O*t;

In the fragment shader, we can then use the local coordinate to decide on the color to be rendered by computing the signed distance to the envelope.

uniform float antialias;
varying float v_thickness;
varying vec2 v_p0, v_p1, v_p;
void main() {
    float d = 0;
    if( v_p.x < 0 )
        d = length(v_p - v_p0) - v_thickness/2.0 + antialias/2.0;
    else if ( v_p.x > length(v_p1-v_p0) )
        d = length(v_p - v_p1) - v_thickness/2.0 + antialias/2.0;
        d = abs(v_p.y) - v_thickness/2.0 + antialias/2.0;
    if( d < 0)
        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    else if (d < antialias) {
        d = exp(-d*d);
        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, d);

The actual shader is slightly more complicated because we have also to take care of lines whose thickness is below 1 pixel. In such a case, we consider the line to be one pixel wide and we use transparency level to suggest that the line is actually thiner. If you look at the result below (see, the first few lines have a thickness below 1 pixel.



100 antialiased slightly oblique segments whose thickness varies linearly from 0.1 pixel to 8 pixels. See

Concerning the segment caps, we have used a round cap, but you're free to use any cap you like. In fact, you could have used any marker we've seen in the previous chapter or no caps at all (just discard the fragment in such case).



The different line joints.

Polylines (i.e. line made of several segments) is much more difficult to render than segment because we have to take joints into account as illustrated on the image on the right. But, even if there appears to exist three different kind of joints, there are really only two cases to consider: the bevel joint and the others (round and miter). These cases are different because we can code a reasonably fast solution for the bevel case while the two others ask for more work. This is important because for smooth lines, such as Bézier curves (see below), the fast solution will do the job.



Two different line tesselations.

The reason the fast solution is fast compared to the other one comes from the number of vertices we need to generate to render a thick line. In the fast case, we'll need only 2×n vertices while in the other, we'll need 4×n vertices (and a lot of tests inside the shader).



Joint detail

In order to compute the final position of a vertex inside the vertex shader, we need to have access to the previous and the next vertex as shown on the figure on the right. To compute m at P₂ we need to have access to P₁ and P₃. Furthermore, each vertex needs to be doubled and we need to take care of line start and end. To do that, we'll use a single vertex buffer that is baked such that we each vertex is doubled and two extra vertices are put at start and end:

│ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 7 │

└──────────── prev ─────────────┘

    └──────────── curr ─────────────┘

        └──────────── next ─────────────┘

The goal of these two extra vertices is to use the same buffer for passing the prev, curr and next attributes to the vertex shader using the same underlying buffer. Their content will depend on whether the line is closed or not. It is to be noted that each vertex has four coordinates. The (x,y) gives the actual vertex coordinates, the z=+1/-1 coordinate identifies which vertex we're dealing with (Vᵢ or Uᵢ on the figure) and the last coordinate is the curvilinear coordinate along the line. This last one will be useful to know if we're within the start cap area, the end cap area or inside the body. Furthermore, it can be used for pattern or texturing (see section Patterns below).

Taking all these constraints into account, the line preparation reads:

def bake(P, closed=False):
    epsilon = 1e-10
    n = len(P)
    if closed and ((P[0]-P[-1])**2).sum() > epsilon:
        P = np.append(P, P[0])
        P = P.reshape(n+1,2)
        n = n+1
    V = np.zeros(((1+n+1),2,4), dtype=np.float32)
    V_prev, V_curr, V_next = V[:-2], V[1:-1], V[2:]
    V_curr[...,0] = P[:,np.newaxis,0]
    V_curr[...,1] = P[:,np.newaxis,1]
    V_curr[...,2] = 1,-1
    L = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(((P[1:]-P[:-1])**2).sum(axis=-1))).reshape(n-1,1)
    V_curr[1:,:,3] = L
    if closed:
        V[0], V[-1] = V[-3], V[2]
        V[0], V[-1] = V[1], V[-2]
    return V_prev, V_curr, V_next, L[-1]

Using this baking, it is now realtively easy to compute vertex position from within the vertex shader. The only difficulty being to parameterize properly the vertex such as to have all information to perform the antialiasing inside the fragment shader:

uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float antialias, thickness, linelength;
attribute vec4 prev, curr, next;
varying vec2 v_uv;

void main() {
    float w = thickness/2.0 + antialias;
    vec2 p;
    vec2 t0 = normalize(curr.xy - prev.xy);
    vec2 t1 = normalize(next.xy - curr.xy);
    vec2 n0 = vec2(-t0.y, t0.x);
    vec2 n1 = vec2(-t1.y, t1.x);

    // Cap at start
    if (prev.xy == curr.xy) {
        v_uv = vec2(-w, curr.z*w);
        p = curr.xy - w*t1 + curr.z*w*n1;
    // Cap at end
    } else if (curr.xy == next.xy) {
        v_uv = vec2(linelength+w, curr.z*w);
        p = curr.xy + w*t0 + curr.z*w*n0;
    // Body
    } else {
        vec2 miter = normalize(n0 + n1);
        float dy = w / dot(miter, n1);
        v_uv = vec2(curr.w, curr.z*w);
        p = curr.xy + dy*curr.z*miter;
    gl_Position = vec4(2.0*p/resolution-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

Adn the fragment shader reads:

uniform float antialias, thickness, linelength;
varying vec2 v_uv;

void main() {
    float d = 0;
    float w = thickness/2.0 - antialias;
    // Cap at start
    if (v_uv.x < 0)
        d = length(v_uv) - w;
    // Cap at end
    else if (v_uv.x >= linelength)
        d = length(v_uv - vec2(linelength,0)) - w;
    // Body
        d = abs(v_uv.y) - w;

    if( d < 0) {
        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    } else {
        d /= antialias;
        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, exp(-d*d));


Note that we'll be using the GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP even though it would be better to use GL_TRIANGLES and to compute the relevant indices. But I feel lazy right now.

Putting it all together, we can draw some nice and smooth lines (see Note that for closed lines such as the star below, first and last vertex needs to be the same (but it is taken care of in the bake function).



Smooth lines with bevel joints (see


A geometry shader can be used to generate four vertices at each stage and allows to tesselate and parameterize a line.

Broken lines are a bit more difficult because we need a different tesselation just to be able to handle miter and round joints properly in the fragment shader. To be able to do this, we need to know from within the fragment shader if a given fragment is inside the joint area or not. This requires a specific parameterization that relies on having a different tesselation with 4×n vertices instead of 2×n. I won't explain all the details here but only provide the final result that you can found in

If you look at the sources, you'll see I'm using a geometry shader, which is a new type of shader that is not officially available in GL ES 2.0 but which is nonetheless available on a wide number of implementations. This geometry shader offers the possibility to create new vertex which is quite convenient in our case because for each couple of vertices we send to the GPU, the geometry shader will actually create four vertices (see figure above). We thus save the CPU time of "quadrupling" vertices as we did in the previous section. To be able to this, we have to use gl.GL_LINES_ADJACENCY_EXT and indicate OpenGL we'll generate four vertices at each stage, just before the vertex shader:

geometry = gloo.GeometryShader(geometry, 4,

Inside the geometry shader, we now have access to four consecutive vertices (in the sense of the provided indices) that can be used to compute the actual position of a given segment of the line. During rendering, we also have to use the same primitives:

def on_draw(dt):
    program.draw(gl.GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_EXT, I)

I won't further describe the method that is a bit complicated but you can all the details in the provided demo script. See the caption of the image below.



Different line joints using a geometry shader. See


Bézier demo from the antigrain geometry library

There is a huge litterature on Bézier curves and a huge litterature on GPU Bézier curves as well (+ lot of patents). I won't explain everything here because it would require a whole book and I'm not sure I understand every aspect anyway. If you're interested in the topic, you can have a look at A Primer on Bézier curves by Mike Kamermans (Pomax) that explain pretty much everything but GPU implementation. For GPU implementation, you can have a look at shadertoy and do a search using the "Bézier" or "bezier" keyword (I even commited one myself).

For the time being, we'll use an approximation of Bézier curves using an adaptive subdivision as designed by Maxim Shemarev (and translated in Python by me, see You can see on the images below that this method provides a very good approximation in a reasonable number of segments (third figure on the right).



Approximation of a Bézier curves with too few vertices (n=52).


Approximation of a Bézier curves with too many vertices (n=210).


Adaptive subdivision of a Bézier curves (n=40).

Consequently, for drawing a Bézier curve, we just need to approximate as line segments, bake those segments and render them as shown below (using bevel joint, see









An animated dotted animated computed inside the fragment shader. See

Rendering a simple dotted pattern is surprinsingly simple. If you look at the fragmen code from the smooth line sections, the computation of the signed distance reads:

// Cap at start
if (v_uv.x < 0)
    d = length(v_uv) - w;
// Cap at end
else if (v_uv.x >= linelength)
    d = length(v_uv - vec2(linelength,0)) - w;
// Body
    d = abs(v_uv.y) - w;

We can slightly change this code in order to compute the signed distance to discs whose centers area spread over the whole. Do you remember that we took care of computing the line curvilinear coordinate? Having centers spread along this line is then just a matter of a modulo.

uniform float phase;
float spacing = 1.5;
float center = v_uv.x + spacing/2.0*thickness
             - mod(v_uv.x + phase + spacing/2.0*thickness, spacing*thickness);
// Discard uncomplete dot at the end of the line
if (linelength - center < thickness/2.0)
// Discard uncomplete dot at the start of the line
else if (center < thickness/2.0)
    d = length(v_uv - vec2(center,0.0)) - w;


An animated dotted animated computed inside the fragment shader. See

The animation is obtained by slowly increasing the phase that makes all dot centers to move along the lines.

By the way, you may have noticed that I've been using the simplest marker I could think of (disc) for the example above. But we could have used any of the marker from the previous chapter actually. For example, on the figure on the right, I use the spade marker and I've added a fading at line start and end to prevent the sudden apparition/disparition of a marker.

Having arbitrary dashed patterns with possibly very thick lines and arbitrary joints is quite a difficult problem if we want to have an (almost) pure GPU implementation. It is actually so hard that I had to write an article explaining how this can be done. If you want to know more, just read See "Shader-based Antialiased Dashed Stroke Polylines" for a full explanation as well as Python implementation. The result is illustrated on the movies below.







Unfortunately, at the time of writing, these arbitrary dash patterns lines have not yet been implemented in glumpy. You're thus more than welcome to make a PR. Contact me if you're interested.



A loxodrome (spherical spiral) with fixed line thickness. See

You certainly have noticed that until now, we've been dealing only with lines in the two-dimensional screen space, using two-dimensional coordinates (x,y) to describe positions. The thickness of such lines is rather intuitive because they live in the screen space.

In three dimensions however, the problem is different. Mathematically, a line has no thickness per se and the thick lines we've been drawing so far were actually ribbon. In 3D, we have the choice to consider a thick line to be a ribbon or a tube. But there is actually a third, and simpler option, which is to consider than the line is a ribbon that is always facing the camera.

For a fixed apparent thickness, the method is (almost) straighforward:

  1. Apply transformation and get NDC coordinates
  2. Convert NDC coordinates to viewport coordinates
  3. Thicken line in viewport space
  4. Transmit the resulting vertex

Let's start with the conversion from NDC (normalized device coordinates) to screen:

uniform vec2 viewport;
uniform mat4 model, view, projection;
attribute vec3 prev, curr, next;


// Normalized device coordinates
vec4 NDC_prev = projection * view * model * vec4(, 1.0);
vec4 NDC_curr = projection * view * model * vec4(, 1.0);
vec4 NDC_next = projection * view * model * vec4(, 1.0);

// Viewport (screen) coordinates
vec2 screen_prev = viewport * ((NDC_prev.xy/NDC_prev.w) + 1.0)/2.0;
vec2 screen_curr = viewport * ((NDC_curr.xy/NDC_curr.w) + 1.0)/2.0;
vec2 screen_next = viewport * ((NDC_next.xy/NDC_next.w) + 1.0)/2.0;

From these screen coordinates, we can compute the final position as we did previously with the noticeable difference that we also need to use z coordinate from the NDC coordinate.

vec2 position;
float w = thickness/2.0 + antialias;
vec2 t0 = normalize(screen_curr.xy - screen_prev.xy);
vec2 n0 = vec2(-t0.y, t0.x);
vec2 t1 = normalize(screen_next.xy - screen_curr.xy);
vec2 n1 = vec2(-t1.y, t1.x);
v_uv = vec2(uv.x, uv.y*w);
if (prev.xy == curr.xy) {
    v_uv.x = -w;
    position = screen_curr.xy - w*t1 + uv.y*w*n1;
} else if (curr.xy == next.xy) {
    v_uv.x = linelength+w;
    position = screen_curr.xy + w*t0 + uv.y*w*n0;
} else {
    vec2 miter = normalize(n0 + n1);
    // The max operator avoid glitches when miter is too large
    float dy = w / max(dot(miter, n1), 1.0);
    position = screen_curr.xy + dy*uv.y*miter;

// Back to NDC coordinates
gl_Position = vec4(2.0*position/viewport-1.0, NDC_curr.z/NDC_curr.w, 1.0);

And we'll use the fragment shader we've using for smooth lines. Have a look at for the full implementation.



A loxodrome (spherical spiral) with subtle varying colors and thickness. See

We can refine the rendering by considering the orientation of the line. This orientation is given by the normal to the surface, and because our spiral is drawn over the surface of a sphere, the normal to the surface is easy to compute because it is the same coordinate as the point. But, instead of applying the full transformation, we'll restict it to the model transformation (i.e. no view nor projection) resulting in a normal vector where the z coordinate indicates if the shape is orienting towards the camera. Then, depending on this, we can modulate the thickness or the color of the line as shown on the figure on the right. In this example, we modify the thickness in the vertex shader and the color in the fragment shader.

vec4 normal = model*vec4(, 1.0);
v_normal =;
if (normal.z < 0)
    v_thickness = thickness/2.0;
    v_thickness = thickness*(pow(normal.z,.5)+1)/2.;


20*15 signals of 1000 points each.

Let us consider a simple example where we have to display 300 (15*20) signals made of 1,000 points each (300,000 vertices). What could be the fastest way to display them using raw OpenGL lines?




Linestrip with varying thickness

We've seen in the Smooth lines section how to render smooth lines using bevel joints. The thickness of the resulting line was (implicitly) constant. How would you transform the shader to have a varying thickness as illustrated on the figure on the right?
