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Releases: Vuepic/vue-datepicker


06 Apr 20:01
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🚀 Features

  • Added support for iso format in model-type (#804)
  • Added top-extra slot (#806)
  • Added a second parameter in the internal-model-change event with a matching value in v-model (#808)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with disabled flag on wrapper div causing unwanted behavior in Quasar framework (#800)
  • Fixed wrong borders when hovering weeks in between on ranged week-picker (#807)
  • Fixed issue with wrong classes applied in range mode including missing start and end range classes (#809)

🔧 Refactor

  • Arrow position in the menu will now always match the center of the input or trigger slot (#802)
    • Can be overridden in config prop


01 Apr 21:09
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with collapsed [left/right]-sidebar slots (#790)
  • Fixed issue where the date is cleared with clearable="false" in text-input mode (#791)
  • Fixed issue with auto-apply not working in month-picker and year-picker range mode (#794)
  • Fixed teleport prop type order to fix boolean casting (#798) by @mcmimik

🔧 Refactor

  • Pass the format-locale prop when parsing custom model-type (#788) by @fanta759


17 Mar 20:18
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🐛 Bug fix

  • Resolved range selecting issue introduced in v8.3.0


17 Mar 19:55
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🚀 Features

  • Added support for dragging and selecting on multi-dates (#780)
    • multi-dates prop can now accept configuration object
  • timezone prop can now accept convertModel property (#773)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where format-locale is being ignored when parsing text-input (#768)
  • Fixed issue where filters are not being applied in month-picker mode (#769)
  • Fixed issue where year numbers are not formatted based on locale (#775)
  • Fixed issue where arrow-navigation does not jump to the next/previous row on left/right navigation (#776)
  • Fixed issue where the date hover effect is missing in different modes (#777)
  • Fixed issue where partial-range is not working with fixed-start/end (#781)
  • Fixed issue where selectOnFocus doesn't select the value with custom format on text-input (#782)

🔧 Refactor

  • Revert v-model to timezone conversion before v8.1.0 (can be opted out via config) (#773)
  • Deprecated prop multi-dates-limit


01 Mar 22:18
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🚀 Feature

  • Add weekDay property to aria-labels prop (#749)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed slow year update in text-input mode combined with range (#694)
  • Fixed issue with the aria-labels prop not being propagated to all components (#748)
  • Fixed issue with [min/max]-range not working in month-picker mode (#758)
  • Fixed hydration mismatch error in Nuxt (#762)
  • Fixed partial-flow with auto-apply not closing the menu (#764)
  • Fixed missing on role="dialog" (#765)
  • Fixed wrong seconds mapping in time-picker range mode (#766)


13 Feb 20:18
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with multi-dates in month-picker mode not being validated properly (#744)
  • Fixed issue where multiple dates are expanding the calendar


10 Feb 13:43
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🚀 Features

  • The timezone prop is extended with the configuration object
  • Added fixedStart and fixedEnd range support to month-picker (#742)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed slow year update in text-input mode combined with range (#694)
  • Fixed issue with time update on model-auto with pre-defined v-model (#719)
  • Fixed issue causing stretched menu after device rotation (#739)

🔧 Refactor

  • ⚠️ Timezone validation rewrite
    • (Pottentionaly breaking), make sure to check the updated configuration
  • Rewritten internal handling of props that provide date values
  • Deprecated prop emit-timezone


03 Feb 14:04
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⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • Default week-picker format is changed to week numbers
  • Tabbing out from the overlay will shift focus to the action row button if present
  • highlight prop types are changed to either a configuration object or a function
  • Removed deprecated props
  • id for cell days in the calendar is changed to format value instead ISO date
  • date-fns-tz dependency is removed
  • date-fns is updated to version v3 (#688)

For more info, take a look at the migration guide

🚀 Features

  • Added dp--past and dp--future classes in the calendar (#676)
  • Added range support for week-picker (#700, #665, #283)
  • Added loading prop that adds loading overlay in the menu (#722)
  • Added minMaxRawRange in the range configuration object (#732)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed slow year update in text-input mode combined with range (#694)
  • Fixed year 0 on the second solo calendar when the range is within the first calendar (#702)
  • Fixed issue with scroll jump when selecting year range (#705)
  • Fixed unhandled error when using flow with month-picker (#712)
  • Fixed issue where the @update-month-year event is not being triggered in year-picker (#716)
  • Fixed issue where the dp-input slot is not showing on :inline={ input: true } mode (#717)
  • Fixed issue with time update on model-auto with pre-defined v-model (#719)
  • Fixed select button style override by global CSS selectors (#721)
  • Fixed issue with partial-range and predefined v-model not highlighting hovered date and resetting selection (#726)
  • Fixed issue with bypassing [min/max]-time when selected boundary values (#727)
  • Fixed issue with vue compact warnings (#728)
  • Fixed issue with word break on Chinese action button labels (#733)
  • Fixed issue with duplicated calendars when using preset-dates and :multi-calendars="{ solo: true }" (#735)
  • Fixed issue with wrong month selection in month-picker mode when the current date is greater than the days on the selected month (#736, #738)
  • Fixed wrong transitions type (#740)

🔧 Refactor

  • Update the mobile layout if the calendar width is larger than the document width (#690)
  • When tabbing out from overlay, shift focus to the action row button (#695)
  • Debounce on month-change-on-scroll is changed to a variable rate throttle (#725) by @phillanier
  • Use format instead of ISO date split for day cell id (#729)
  • range prop can now accept configuration object
  • Deprecated the following props in favor of the range configuration object:
    • show-last-in-range
    • no-disabled-range
    • disable-time-range-validation
    • max-range
    • min-range
    • partial-range
    • auto-range
    • fixed-start
    • fixed-end


08 Jan 17:41
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with hide-navigation not working in month-picker mode (#674)
  • Fixed issue with year-picker in range mode not highlighting end year on re-open (#677)
  • Fixed issue with allowed-dates not properly mapped when timezone is provided (#680)
  • Fixed issue with :multi-calendars="{ solo: true }" not showing proper month/year on the second calendar (#681)
  • Fixed wrong icon on time-overlay when time-picker-inline is used (#686)
  • Fixed error when selecting January when using month-picker mode with multi-dates (#687)
  • Fixed issue where input loses focus when combining text-input with month-picker or year-picker (#693)
  • Fixed issue where disabled months are not highlighted properly (#698)
  • Fixed issue where filters are not working in year-picker mode (#701)

🔧 Refactor

  • Transition for menuAppear is now working with teleport (#703) @Robbe95


07 Dec 12:54
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🚀 Feature

  • Exposed openMenu, closeMenu and toggleMenu functions to the dp-input slot (#673)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing week-numbers prop object type definition (#667)
  • Fixed issue with focusing out from the input field and not focusing on the next/previous element (#668)
  • Fixed issue with flow not working in month-picker mode (#669)

🔧 Refactor

  • Added debounce on month-change-on-scroll (#671)
  • Added conditional operators on global event listeners (#672)