Open composer.json and adjust "vendor/name" that it fits your project. Add additional information or dependencies if needed.
First download all dependencies needed by this project. You can do this by executing the composer dependency manager for PHP
php /path/to/composer.phar composer.json
Composer will automatically download everything that is needed to run the project. Composer is light weighted and does not need to be installed. Simply download it from and run it.
Yii needs to paths to be set up in order to run without problems. Simply create them on the command line.
mkdir protected/runtime
mkdir htdocs/assets
In order for everyone having the proper access rights, configure you shell user and your web user to in the same group and set the access rights as followed:
chgrp www-data protected/runtime htdocs/assets
chmod 775 protected/runtime
chmod 775 htdocs/assets
If it is not possible to put both users in the same group, set permissions to 777 and skip chgrp.
Copy protected/config/console.local.tmpl.php to protected/config/console.local.php and protected/config/main.local.tmpl.php to protected/config/main.local.php and configure them to your needs. They will override the defaults set in protected/config/main.php and protected/config/console.php.
You can either install this on a real webserver environment or simply run the application with the PHP built-in webserver. Simply execute
sh bin/ {port}