Here we establish load path and default settings before we will use use-package
;;; .emacs.el --- Emacs Init File -S*- lexical-binding: t -*-
Follow Symlinks without prompting, so Git doesn’t have issues with my setup
(setq vc-follow-symlinks t)
(setq user-emacs-directory "~/emacs/.emacs.d/")
(require 'server)
(unless (server-running-p)
Set search to look for spaces literally
(setq isearch-lax-whitespace nil)
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; stop asking "yes"
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.service\\'" . conf-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.path\\'" . conf-mode))
(setq straight-cache-autoloads t
straight-check-for-modifications '(check-on-save find-when-checking)
straight-repository-branch "develop"
straight-use-package-by-default t
use-package-always-ensure nil)
(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let ((bootstrap-file
(expand-file-name "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" user-emacs-directory))
(bootstrap-version 5))
(unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
(goto-char (point-max))
(load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))
(straight-use-package 'use-package)
(defun straight-x-clean-unused-repos ()
(dolist (repo (straight--directory-files (straight--repos-dir)))
(unless (or (straight--checkhash repo straight--repo-cache)
(not (y-or-n-p (format "Delete repository %S?" repo))))
(delete-directory (straight--repos-dir repo) 'recursive 'trash))))
These “put” commands don’t have versions within customize-variables
(setq browse-pdf-generic-program (executable-find "emacsclient"))
(put 'list-timers 'disabled nil)
(put 'scroll-left 'disabled nil)
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'narrow-to-page 'disabled nil)
(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
Customizations not paired to a particular package
(use-package emacs
:straight (:type built-in)
(defun crm-indicator (args)
(cons (concat "[CRM] " (car args)) (cdr args)))
(advice-add #'completing-read-multiple :filter-args #'crm-indicator)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'cursor-intangible-mode)
(backup-directory-alist '((".*" . "~/emacs/.emacs.d/temporary_files")))
(blink-cursor-blinks 0)
(blink-cursor-mode t)
(case-fold-search t)
(create-lockfiles nil)
(cua-global-mark-cursor-color "#2aa198")
(cua-normal-cursor-color "#839496")
(cua-overwrite-cursor-color "#b58900")
(cua-read-only-cursor-color "#859900")
(custom-safe-themes t)
(current-language-environment "UTF-8")
(truncate-lines nil)
(debug-on-error nil)
(debug-on-quit nil)
(delete-old-versions t)
(electric-pair-mode nil)
(enable-local-variables t)
(fill-column 9999)
(frame-background-mode 'dark)
(global-hl-line-mode t)
(global-linum-mode t)
(help-at-pt-display-when-idle '(flymake-diagnostic) nil (help-at-pt))
(help-at-pt-timer-delay 1)
(history-delete-duplicates t)
'("#7B6000" "#8B2C02" "#990A1B" "#93115C" "#3F4D91" "#00629D" "#00736F" "#546E00"))
'("#002b36" "#002b36" "#002b36" "#002b36" "#002b36" "#002b36" "#002b36" "#002b36"))
(hl-paren-colors '("#B9F" "#B8D" "#B7B" "#B69" "#B57" "#B45" "#B33" "#B11"))
(hl-sexp-background-color "#efebe9")
(hscroll-margin 30)
(hscroll-step 3)
(inhibit-startup-screen t)
(initial-scratch-message "")
(large-file-warning-threshold nil)
(line-number-mode t)
(mark-even-if-inactive t)
(max-lisp-eval-depth 9000)
(max-mini-window-height 1.0)
(max-specpdl-size 10000)
(minibuffer-prompt-properties '(read-only t cursor-intangible t face minibuffer-prompt))
(password-cache-expiry 3600)
(pos-tip-background-color "#073642")
(pos-tip-foreground-color "#93a1a1")
(recentf-auto-cleanup 'mode)
(recentf-max-menu-items 100)
(recentf-max-saved-items 100)
(resize-mini-windows nil)
(save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)
(scroll-bar-mode nil)
(scroll-step 2)
(mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil)
(mouse-wheel-follow-mouse t)
(temporary-file-directory "~/emacs/.emacs.d/temporary_files")
(truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
(view-read-only t)
(visible-bell t)
(window-divider-default-bottom-width 1 nil nil "Customized with use-package window-divider")
(window-divider-default-places t nil nil "Customized with use-package window-divider")
(window-divider-default-right-width 1 nil nil "Customized with use-package window-divider")
(window-divider-mode t)
(word-wrap t)
(default ((t (:inherit nil :extend nil :stipple nil :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 150 :width normal :foundry "ADBO" :family "Source Code Pro"))))
(cursor ((t (:background "orange red"))))
(display-time-mail-face ((t (:background "red" :foreground "deep sky blue" :box (:line-width 2 :color "grey75" :style released-button)))))
; (helm-selection ((t (:inherit bold :extend t :background "#4169e1" :foreground "black"))))
(hl-line ((t (:extend t :background "#191970"))))
(mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:foreground "white smoke" :background "midnight blue"))))
(mode-line ((t (:background "gray4" :foreground "light sky blue"))))
(mode-line-inactive ((t (:background "#696969" :foreground "black" :box nil))))
(popup-scroll-bar-background-face ((t (:background "black"))))
(popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face ((t (:background "red"))))
(scroll-bar ((t (:background "DarkRed" :foreground "black"))))
(show-paren-match ((t (:background "#Ff4500" :foreground "black" :weight ultra-bold))))
(window-divider ((t (:inherit vertical-border :background "cyan" :foreground "cyan" :width normal))))
(global-hl-line-mode t)
(global-auto-revert-mode t)
) ;; use-package emacs
Using the straight-use-package macro to provide use-package functionality
See-as-you-go query-replace. Incremental query-replace.
(use-package anzu
:config (global-anzu-mode 1)
(setq anzu-minimum-input-length 4)) Ties in with Hydra binds for shell management
(use-package better-shell
:commands (tsa/hydra-shells shell better-shell-shell))
Bookmark+ is one of those must-have packages.
(use-package bookmark+
:straight (bookmark+ :type git :host github :repo "emacsmirror/bookmark-plus")
:demand t
(bmkp-last-as-first-bookmark-file "~/emacs/.emacs.d/bookmarks")
(bookmark-save-flag 0)
(bmkp-prompt-for-tags-flag nil)
(bookmark-version-control t)
'(("\\.pdf$" . find-file)
("\\.html$" . browse-url)
("^http" . browse-url)))
(bmkp-a-mark ((t (:background "cyan" :foreground "black"))))
(bmkp-file-handler ((t (:background "#FF8080" :foreground "black"))))
(defadvice bookmark-jump (after bookmark-jump activate)
(let ((latest (bookmark-get-bookmark bookmark)))
(setq bookmark-alist (delq latest bookmark-alist))
(add-to-list 'bookmark-alist latest)))
(use-package vertico
;; Optionally enable cycling for `vertico-next', `vertico-previous',
;; `vertico-next-group' and `vertico-previous-group'.
;; (setq vertico-cycle t)
) Recommended by Vertico. May work like prescient?
(use-package savehist
:straight (:type built-in)
Recommended by Vertico
(use-package orderless
(setq completion-styles '(orderless)
completion-category-defaults nil
completion-category-overrides '((file (styles . (partial-completion))))))
(use-package consult
:straight (consult :type git :host github :repo "minad/consult")
:demand t
:bind (("C-c s" . consult-outline)
("C-x j j" . consult-bookmark)
("M-s l" . consult-line)
("C-h k" . tsa/consult-descbinds)
("M-y" . consult-yank-pop)
("<help> a" . consult-apropos))
;; :custom
;; (consult-project-root-function 'projectile-project-root)
;; (consult--read-config `((consult-bookmark :preview-key nil)
;; (consult-buffer :preview-key ,(kbd "M-p"))))
consult-bookmark :preview-key nil
consult-buffer :preview-key (kbd "M-p"))
(fset 'multi-occur #'consult-multi-occur))
(defun consult-line-from-isearch ()
(consult-line isearch-string))
(defun tsa/consult-descbinds ()
(other-window 1)
(call-interactively #'consult-focus-lines)) I like this for the buffer-list, though not for switch-buffer.
Note that C-x C-b
will show only buffers in the currently focused group; if you U it with C-u C-x C-b
you will see all buffers.
For my Firefox buffler to display, I need global (case-fold-search t)
(use-package bufler
:delight '(:eval (if bufler-workspace-mode (concat "[buf:-" bufler-workspace-name "]") ""))
:bind (("C-x C-b" . bufler)
:map bufler-list-mode-map
("G" . tramp-cleanup-all-buffers))
:custom (bufler-columns '("Name" "Size" "Path"))
(bufler-column-name-max-length 30)
(bufler-buffer-special ((t (:inherit default :foreground "aqua" :slant italic))))
;(bufler-mode t)
(setf bufler-groups
;; Subgroup collecting all named workspaces.
(mode-match "*w3m*" (rx "w3m")))
(mode-match "*EXWM*" (rx bos "EXWM"))
(name-match "(Private) *Firefox*" (rx "(Private Browsing)" eos))
(name-match "*Firefox*" (rx bos "F :"))
(group-or "Chat"
(mode-match "Telega" (rx bos "telega-"))))
;; Subgroup collecting all `help-mode' and `info-mode' buffers.
(group-or "*Help/Info*"
(mode-match "*Help*" (rx bos "help-"))
(mode-match "*Info*" (rx bos "info-"))))
;; Subgroup collecting all special buffers (i.e. ones that are not
;; file-backed), except `magit-status-mode' buffers (which are allowed to fall
;; through to other groups, so they end up grouped with their project buffers).
(group-and "*Special*"
(lambda (buffer)
(unless (or (funcall (mode-match "Magit" (rx bos "magit-status"))
(funcall (mode-match "Dired" (rx bos "dired"))
(funcall (auto-file) buffer))
;; Subgroup collecting these "special special" buffers
;; separately for convenience.
(name-match "**Special**"
(rx bos "*" (or "Messages" "Warnings" "scratch" "Backtrace") "*")))
;; Subgroup collecting all other Magit buffers, grouped by directory.
(mode-match "*Magit* (non-status)" (rx bos (or "magit" "forge") "-"))
;; Remaining special buffers are grouped automatically by mode.
;; All buffers under "~/.emacs.d" (or wherever it is).
(dir user-emacs-directory)
;; Subgroup collecting buffers in `org-directory' (or "~/org" if
;; `org-directory' is not yet defined).
(dir (if (bound-and-true-p org-directory)
;; Subgroup collecting indirect Org buffers, grouping them by file.
;; This is very useful when used with `org-tree-to-indirect-buffer'.
;; Group remaining buffers by whether they're file backed, then by mode.
(group-not "*special*" (auto-file))
;; Subgroup collecting buffers in a projectile project.
;; Subgroup collecting buffers in a version-control project,
;; grouping them by directory.
;; Group remaining buffers by directory, then major mode.
(use-package iflipb
:bind ((("M-TAB" . iflipb-next-buffer))
("M-S-TAB" . iflipb-previous-buffer))
(iflipb-ignore-buffers nil)
(iflipb-permissive-flip-back t))
(use-package marginalia
:straight (marginalia :type git :host github :repo "minad/marginalia")
:bind (:map minibuffer-local-map
("C-M-a" . marginalia-cycle)
;; When using the Embark package, you can bind `marginalia-cycle' as an Embark action!
;;:map embark-general-map
;; ("A" . marginalia-cycle)
;; When using Selectrum, ensure that Selectrum is refreshed when cycling annotations.
;; (advice-add #'marginalia-cycle :after
;; (lambda () (when (bound-and-true-p selectrum-mode) (selectrum-exhibit))))
;(setq marginalia-annotators '(marginalia-annotators-heavy marginalia-annotators-light nil))
(use-package embark
:straight (embark :type git :host github :repo "oantolin/embark")
(("M-." . embark-dwim)
("C-h B" . embark-bindings)
("C-." . embark-act)) ; pick some comfortable binding
(setq embark-action-indicator
(lambda (map _target)
(which-key--show-keymap "Embark" map nil nil 'no-paging)
embark-become-indicator embark-action-indicator)
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
'("\\`\\*Embark Collect \\(Live\\|Completions\\)\\*"
(window-parameters (mode-line-format . none)))))
(use-package embark-consult
:after (embark consult)
:demand t ; only necessary if you have the hook below
;; if you want to have consult previews as you move around an
;; auto-updating embark collect buffer
(embark-collect-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode))
(use-package lsp-mode
(clojure-mode . lsp)
(clojurescript-mode . lsp)
(clojurec-mode . lsp)
(help-at-pt-timer-delay 1)
(help-at-pt-display-when-idle '(flymake-diagnostic))
(lsp-lens-enable t)
(lsp-signature-auto-activate nil)
:commands lsp)
(use-package lsp-ui :commands lsp-ui-mode)
(use-package company-lsp :commands company-lsp)
(use-package cider
:bind (:map cider-mode-map
("C-c M-;" . cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment)
("C-c TAB" . clojure-align))
(cider-inject-dependencies-at-jack-in t)
(setq cider-repl-use-clojure-font-lock t
cider-font-lock-dynamically '(macro core function var)
cider-default-cljs-repl 'figwheel
cider-repl-display-help-banner nil
cider-repl-use-pretty-printing t)
(fset 'tsa/clojure-letvar-to-def
(lambda (&optional arg)
"with cursor at a let-var, def it so you can proceed with repl debugging."
(interactive "p") (kmacro-exec-ring-item (quote ([40 100 101 102 32 C-right C-right 134217734 134217734 134217734 24 5 67108911 67108911] 0 "%d")) arg)))
(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "M-L") 'tsa/clojure-letvar-to-def))
(use-package flycheck-joker)
(use-package clojure-mode
:after flycheck-joker
:hook ((clojure-mode . my-clojure-mode-hook)
(clojure-mode . flycheck-mode))
'("#dc322f" "#cb4b16" "#b58900" "#546E00" "#B4C342" "#00629D" "#2aa198" "#d33682" "#6c71c4"))
(clj-todo-face ((t (:box (:line-width 2 :color "dim gray" :style released-button) :weight ultra-bold))))
(cider-auto-test-mode t)
(defun my-clojure-mode-hook ()
(highlight-phrase "TODO" 'clj-todo-face)
(yas-minor-mode 1)
(and buffer-file-name
(string-match "/\\(?:style\\|css\\)/" buffer-file-name)
(rainbow-mode 1)))
(use-package flycheck-clj-kondo
(dolist (checkers '((clj-kondo-clj . clojure-joker)
(clj-kondo-cljs . clojurescript-joker)
(clj-kondo-cljc . clojure-joker)))
(flycheck-add-next-checker (car checkers) (cons 'error (cdr checkers))))))
Better display
(use-package clojure-mode-extra-font-locking
:requires clojure-mode)
(use-package company
:delight company-mode
(company-quickhelp-color-background "#4F4F4F")
(company-quickhelp-color-foreground "#DCDCCC")
(company-idle-delay 0.3)
:defer t
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'company-mode-on)
(setq company-idle-delay 0.3))
(use-package company-quickhelp
:demand t
(company-quickhelp-mode 1)
(setq company-quickhelp-delay 0.5)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.md\\'" . markdown-mode)))
Workhorse dir-navigation. Refer to dired hacks and dired+
(use-package dired
:straight (:type built-in)
(dired-dwim-target t)
(dired-guess-shell-alist-user '(("\\.*$" "xdg-open")))
(dired-listing-switches "-alh")
(diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip 300)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda () (auto-revert-mode)))
Inimitable Drew Adams.
(use-package dired+
(dired-listing-switches "-alh")
(delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
:bind (:map dired-mode-map
("C-c C-r" . dired-toggle-read-only))
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<return>")
'dired-find-alternate-file) ; was dired-advertised-find-file
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "^")
(lambda () (interactive) (find-alternate-file "..")))
; was dired-up-directory
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
(list (list "\\.*$" "xdg-open");; fixed rule
;; possibly more rules...
(put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil))
settings, advanced sorting.
(defun dired-sort-toggle ()
"This is a redefinition of the fn from dired.el. Normally,
dired sorts on either name or time, and you can swap between them
with the s key. This function one sets sorting on name, size,
time, and extension. Cycling works the same.
(setq dired-actual-switches
(let (case-fold-search)
((string-match " " dired-actual-switches) ;; contains a space
;; New toggle scheme: add/remove a trailing " -t" " -S",
;; or " -U"
;; -t = sort by time (date)
;; -S = sort by size
;; -X = sort by extension
((string-match " -t\\'" dired-actual-switches)
(substring dired-actual-switches 0 (match-beginning 0))
" -X"))
((string-match " -X\\'" dired-actual-switches)
(substring dired-actual-switches 0 (match-beginning 0))
" -S"))
((string-match " -S\\'" dired-actual-switches)
(substring dired-actual-switches 0 (match-beginning 0)))
(concat dired-actual-switches " -t"))))
;; old toggle scheme: look for a sorting switch, one of [tUXS]
;; and switch between them. Assume there is only ONE present.
(let* ((old-sorting-switch
(if (string-match (concat "[t" dired-ls-sorting-switches "]")
(substring dired-actual-switches (match-beginning 0)
(match-end 0))
((string= old-sorting-switch "t") "X")
((string= old-sorting-switch "X") "S")
((string= old-sorting-switch "S") "")
(t "t"))))
;; strip -l and any sorting switches
(dired-replace-in-string (concat "[-lt"
dired-ls-sorting-switches "]")
(defun dired-sort-set-modeline ()
"This is a redefinition of the fn from `dired.el'. This one
properly provides the modeline in dired mode, supporting the new
search modes defined in the new `dired-sort-toggle'.
;; Set modeline display according to dired-actual-switches.
;; Modeline display of "by name" or "by date" guarantees the user a
;; match with the corresponding regexps. Non-matching switches are
;; shown literally.
(when (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(setq mode-name
(let (case-fold-search)
(cond ((string-match "^-[^t]*t[^t]*$" dired-actual-switches)
"Dired by time")
((string-match "^-[^X]*X[^X]*$" dired-actual-switches)
"Dired by ext")
((string-match "^-[^S]*S[^S]*$" dired-actual-switches)
"Dired by sz")
((string-match "^-[^SXUt]*$" dired-actual-switches)
"Dired by name")
(concat "Dired " dired-actual-switches)))))
Trying to ensure chmod coloring
(use-package diredfl
:demand t
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'diredfl-mode)
(diredfl-dir-name ((t (:foreground "#3679D8" :box (:line-width 2 :color "grey75" :style released-button)))))
(diredfl-dir-priv ((t (:foreground "#3679D8" :underline t))))
(diredfl-exec-priv ((t (:background "#79D836" :foreground "black"))))
(diredfl-read-priv ((t (:background "#D8B941" :foreground "black"))))
(diredfl-write-priv ((t (:background "#D83441" :foreground "black")))))
(use-package dired-rainbow
(dired-rainbow-directory-face ((t (:foreground "#6cb2eb" :box (:line-width 2 :color "deep sky blue" :style released-button)))))
(dired-rainbow-define-chmod directory "#6cb2eb" "d.*")
(dired-rainbow-define html "#eb5286" ("css" "less" "sass" "scss" "htm" "html" "jhtm" "mht" "eml" "mustache" "xhtml"))
(dired-rainbow-define xml "#f2d024" ("xml" "xsd" "xsl" "xslt" "wsdl" "bib" "json" "msg" "pgn" "rss" "yaml" "yml" "rdata"))
(dired-rainbow-define document "#9561e2" ("docm" "doc" "docx" "odb" "odt" "pdb" "pdf" "ps" "rtf" "djvu" "epub" "odp" "ppt" "pptx"))
(dired-rainbow-define markdown "#ffed4a" ("org" "etx" "info" "markdown" "md" "mkd" "nfo" "pod" "rst" "tex" "textfile" "txt"))
(dired-rainbow-define database "#6574cd" ("xlsx" "xls" "csv" "accdb" "db" "mdb" "sqlite" "nc"))
(dired-rainbow-define media "#de751f" ("mp3" "mp4" "MP3" "MP4" "avi" "mpeg" "mpg" "flv" "ogg" "mov" "mid" "midi" "wav" "aiff" "flac"))
(dired-rainbow-define image "#f66d9b" ("tiff" "tif" "cdr" "gif" "ico" "jpeg" "jpg" "png" "psd" "eps" "svg"))
(dired-rainbow-define log "#c17d11" ("log"))
(dired-rainbow-define shell "#f6993f" ("awk" "bash" "bat" "sed" "sh" "zsh" "vim"))
(dired-rainbow-define interpreted "#38c172" ("py" "ipynb" "rb" "pl" "t" "msql" "mysql" "pgsql" "sql" "r" "clj" "cljs" "scala" "js"))
(dired-rainbow-define compiled "#4dc0b5" ("asm" "cl" "lisp" "el" "c" "h" "c++" "h++" "hpp" "hxx" "m" "cc" "cs" "cp" "cpp" "go" "f" "for" "ftn" "f90" "f95" "f03" "f08" "s" "rs" "hi" "hs" "pyc" ".java"))
(dired-rainbow-define executable "#8cc4ff" ("exe" "msi"))
(dired-rainbow-define compressed "#51d88a" ("7z" "zip" "bz2" "tgz" "txz" "gz" "xz" "z" "Z" "jar" "war" "ear" "rar" "sar" "xpi" "apk" "xz" "tar"))
(dired-rainbow-define packaged "#faad63" ("deb" "rpm" "apk" "jad" "jar" "cab" "pak" "pk3" "vdf" "vpk" "bsp"))
(dired-rainbow-define encrypted "#ffed4a" ("gpg" "pgp" "asc" "bfe" "enc" "signature" "sig" "p12" "pem"))
(dired-rainbow-define fonts "#6cb2eb" ("afm" "fon" "fnt" "pfb" "pfm" "ttf" "otf"))
(dired-rainbow-define partition "#e3342f" ("dmg" "iso" "bin" "nrg" "qcow" "toast" "vcd" "vmdk" "bak"))
(dired-rainbow-define vc "#0074d9" ("git" "gitignore" "gitattributes" "gitmodules"))
(dired-rainbow-define-chmod executable-unix "#38c172" "-.*x.*")
;; Ibuffer-style filtering and saved filter groups (persistent, unlike narrow)
(use-package dired-filter) Live filtering of dired
(use-package dired-narrow
(:map dired-mode-map
("C-c n" . dired-narrow)))
Needed for magit diff comparisons, among other things.
(use-package ediff
(diff-command "wdiff")
(diff-switches "")
(ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
(use-package helpful)
(use-package which-key
Golden package.
(use-package magit
(vc-annotate-background nil)
'((20 . "#cc6666")
(40 . "#de935f")
(60 . "#f0c674")
(80 . "#b5bd68")
(100 . "#8abeb7")
(120 . "#81a2be")
(140 . "#b294bb")
(160 . "#cc6666")
(180 . "#de935f")
(200 . "#f0c674")
(220 . "#b5bd68")
(240 . "#8abeb7")
(260 . "#81a2be")
(280 . "#b294bb")
(300 . "#cc6666")
(320 . "#de935f")
(340 . "#f0c674")
(360 . "#b5bd68")))
(vcannotate-very-old-color nil)
(vc-follow-symlinks t)
(vc-handled-backends nil) ;; disable built-in vc
;(vc-handled-backends '(Git))
; (global-magit-file-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'magit-status)
(setq magit-diff-use-overlays nil))
(use-package markdown-mode
:mode "\\.md\\'") Another package that suggests power not had in GUI editors
(use-package multiple-cursors
:bind (("C-M-n" . mc/mark-next-lines))
(mc/always-run-for-all t)) The new parinfer for structural editing.
(use-package smartparens
:demand t
:bind (("C-<f5>" . smartparens-mode))
(sp-show-pair-enclosing ((t (:inherit highlight :background "orange red"))))
(sp-show-pair-match-face ((t (:background "#Ff4500" :foreground "black" :weight ultra-bold))))
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode)
(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook #'turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode)
(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'turn-off-smartparens-mode)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-off-smartparens-mode)
:map smartparens-strict-mode-map
(";" . sp-comment)
("M-[" . sp-backward-barf-sexp)
("M-]" . sp-forward-slurp-sexp)
("M-f" . sp-forward-symbol)
("M-b" . sp-backward-symbol)
("M-a" . sp-beginning-of-sexp)
("M-e" . sp-end-of-sexp)))
Setup that makes Clojure/Elisp not double ’
(use-package smartparens-config
:straight (:type built-in))
Turn on paren showing
(use-package paren
(show-paren-mode 1))
[#A] Projectile
Must have for project navigation.
(use-package projectile
:delight '(:eval (concat " [P: " (projectile-project-name) "]"))
(projectile-completion-system 'default)
(projectile-switch-project-action 'projectile-find-file)
(define-key projectile-command-map (kbd "s g") 'consult-git-grep))
Excellent paren highlighting for lisp modes (or others).
(use-package rainbow-delimiters
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode))
Highlight variables with a rainbow
(use-package rainbow-identifiers
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'rainbow-identifiers-mode))
Display CSS colors. Where is the .el for this actually obtained?
(use-package rainbow-mode
:mode "\\.css") Recent files
(use-package recentf
:straight (:type built-in)
:bind (("C-x C-r" . consult-recent-file))
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 100)
(recentf-mode 1))
(use-package shell
:straight (:type built-in)
(shell-command-prompt-show-cwd t)
(comint-completion-addsuffix nil)
'[default bold shadow italic underline bold bold-italic bold])
'[unspecified "#1F1611" "#660000" "#144212" "#EFC232" "#5798AE" "#BE73FD" "#93C1BC" "#E6E1DC"] t)
(async-shell-command-buffer 'new-buffer)
:config ;
(autoload 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on "ansi-color" nil t)
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on)
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
'("^\\*shell\\*$" . (display-buffer-same-window)))) ;; don't open shell in a new window
(use-package ace-link
:bind (:map gnus-summary-mode-map
("M-o" . ace-link-gnus)
:map gnus-article-mode-map
("M-o" . ace-link-gnus)
:map org-mode-map
("M-o" . ace-link-org)
:map w3m-mode-map
("M-o" . ace-link-w3m)
[2020-08-29 Sat] Still necessary for swap-windows [2020-05-26 Tue] Using winum instead Multi-screen window-hopping made easy
(use-package ace-window
:bind (("s-<tab>" . ace-window)))
For extendedace navigation.
Replace GUI popup menu in Emacs with something more efficient
(use-package ace-popup-menu
(ace-popup-menu-mode 1)) Rapid hopping around by line on screen. wrap-ins for work with ace-isearch.
(use-package ace-jump-mode
:bind (("C-c SPC" . ace-jump-mode))
(ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-char-mode)
(setq ace-jump-mode-case-fold nil)
(setq ace-jump-mode-submode-list '(ace-jump-line-mode ace-jump-char-mode ace-jump-word-mode)
ace-jump-mode-scope 'frame))
(use-package avy
:demand t
(avy-all-windows 'all-frames)
(avy-background t)
(avy-case-fold-search nil)
(avy-highlight-first t)
(avy-lead-face ((t (:background "#F5f5f5" :foreground "#1E1C31" :weight bold))))
(avy-lead-face-0 ((t (:inherit avy-lead-face :background "#Ff0000"))))
(avy-lead-face-1 ((t (:inherit avy-lead-face :background "#32cd32"))))
(avy-lead-face-2 ((t (:inherit avy-lead-face :background "#1e90ff")))))
The ivy isearch.
(use-package swiper)
One-button hop-arounds. Char nav with avy-goto-char.
(use-package ace-isearch
:demand t
:bind (:map isearch-mode-map
("M-i" . consult-line-from-isearch) ;; doesn't quite work; doesn't know search string
;("M-i" . ace-isearch-swiper-from-isearch)
(ace-isearch-function 'avy-goto-char)
(ace-isearch-2-switch-function 'avy-goto-char-2)
;(ace-isearch-function-from-isearch 'ace-isearch-swiper-from-isearch)
(ace-isearch-input-idle-delay 0.2)
;(ace-isearch-input-length 9)
(ace-isearch-use-ace-jump (quote printing-char))
(ace-isearch-use-function-from-isearch nil) ;; don't make long searches into fancy stuff
(ace-isearch-use-jump (quote printing-char))
(global-ace-isearch-mode t)
(add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-h" 'isearch-mode-help)
(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-t" 'isearch-toggle-regexp)
(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-c" 'isearch-toggle-case-fold)
(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-j" 'isearch-edit-string))))) Zapping is a very fast selective cut option.
(use-package ace-jump-zap
:bind (("M-z" . ace-jump-zap-to-char))
(setq ajz/zap-function 'kill-region)) Navigating windows.
(use-package windmove
(setq windmove-default-keybindings t))
(use-package windresize
:defer t
:bind ("C-c w" . windresize)) Undo screen settings.
Can factor in ignored buffers (or regexp) like (add-to-list 'winner-boring-buffers "*helm M-x*")
(use-package winner
:straight (:type built-in)
(winner-mode 1))
(use-package telephone-line
:after winum
(telephone-line-mode t)
(default-tab-width 3 t)
(telephone-line-primary-left-separator 'telephone-line-cubed-left)
(telephone-line-secondary-left-separator 'telephone-line-cubed-hollow-left)
(telephone-line-primary-right-separator 'telephone-line-cubed-right)
(telephone-line-secondary-right-separator 'telephone-line-cubed-hollow-right)
(telephone-line-height 24)
(telephone-line-evil-use-short-tag t)
(setq telephone-line-faces '((evil . telephone-line-modal-face)
(modal . telephone-line-modal-face)
(ryo . telephone-line-ryo-modal-face)
(accent telephone-line-accent-active . telephone-line-accent-inactive)
(nil mode-line . mode-line-inactive)
(winum . (winum-face . winum-face))))
(telephone-line-defsegment telephone-line-org-clock-segment ()
(when (telephone-line-selected-window-active)
(if (and (functionp 'org-clocking-p) (org-clocking-p))
(telephone-line-defsegment telephone-line-pdf-segment ()
(when (eq major-mode 'pdf-view-mode)
(propertize (pdf-view-page-number)
'face '(:inherit)
'display '(raise 0.0)
'mouse-face '(:box 1))))
(telephone-line-defsegment telephone-line-winum-segment ()
(propertize (eval (cadr winum--mode-line-segment))
'face '(:box (:line-width 2 :color "cyan" :style released-button))
'display '(raise 0.0)
'mouse-face '(:box 1)))
(setq telephone-line-lhs '((winum . (telephone-line-winum-segment))
(accent . (telephone-line-pdf-segment
(nil . (telephone-line-projectile-segment
;(setq telephone-line-center-rhs '((evil . (telephone-line-battery-segment))))
(setq telephone-line-rhs '((nil . (telephone-line-flycheck-segment
(accent . (telephone-line-major-mode-segment))
(evil . (telephone-line-airline-position-segment))))
(telephone-line-mode t)) Highly customizable, avoids some of the problems Doom caused my buffer-completion.
(use-package modus-themes
:straight (modus-themes :type git :host gitlab :repo "protesilaos/modus-themes")
'((t . rainbow-line)))
(modus-themes-slanted-constructs t)
(modus-themes-bold-constructs nil)
(modus-theme-mode-line '3d)
(modus-themes-intense-hl-line t)
(modus-themes-completions 'opinionated)
(modus-themes-lang-checkers 'intense-foreground)
;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
:bind (("C-c T" . modus-themes-toggle))
SSH and remote-file editing easily
;; comes with emacs, but still GOLDEN PACKAGE for anyone who works on multiple servers
(use-package tramp
:straight (:type built-in)
:defer t
(tramp-default-method "ssh")
(tramp-completion-reread-directory-timeout nil)
(tramp-default-remote-shell "/bin/bash")
(tramp-encoding-shell "/bin/bash")
;(vc-handled-backends nil)
(add-to-list 'tramp-default-proxies-alist
'(nil "\\`root\\'" "/ssh:%h:"))
(add-to-list 'tramp-default-proxies-alist
'((regexp-quote (system-name)) nil nil)))
Alternative to Hydra?
(use-package transient
:after org
;; comes installed with Magit, no need to install
:straight nil
;; Anything not in a binding below needs to be called-out as a command
:commands (transient-define-prefix)
(autoload 'org-store-link "org")
;("C-M-o" . tsa/transient-window)
;("C-c o" . tsa/transient-global-org)
("C-z" . tsa/transient-shell)
;("C-;" . tsa/transient-multiplecursors)
("C-h" . tsa/transient-help) ;; risky over-writing help?
;("M-g" . tsa/transient-goto)
("M-s h" . tsa/transient-highlight)
("C-c b" . tsa/transient-bbdb)
("C-x M-e" . tsa/transient-w3m)
;("<f1>" . tsa/hydra-fkeys/body)
("<f12>" . tsa-transient-spelling))
The Transient commands I use.
Ace-window but go back to the Transient
;;; Usage Functions
(defun transient-ace-cmd ()
(ace-window 1)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
(defun tsa/split-vertical ()
(defun tsa/split-horizontal ()
(defun tsa/screen-swap ()
(ace-window 4)
;; (add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
;; 'transient-window)
(defun tsa/del-window ()
(ace-window 16)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
(defun tsa/split-window-4 ()
"Split into 4 windows"
(when (= 1 (length (window-list)))
(other-window 2)
(defun tsa/correct-all ()
(setq current-prefix-arg '(4))
(call-interactively 'flyspell-correct-wrapper))
) choose projects.
(defun tsa/projectile (&optional choose-project)
"Open the scratch buffer. With c-u, in other window."
(interactive "P")
(let ((scratch "*scratch*"))
(if choose-project (projectile-switch-project)
(defun tsa/open-scratch (&optional same-window)
"Open the scratch buffer. With c-u, in other window."
(interactive "P")
(let ((scratch "*scratch*"))
(if same-window (switch-to-buffer scratch)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window scratch))))
instead of hydra
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-highlight ()
"Persistent Highlights"
("r" "Highlight regexp" highlight-lines-matching-regexp)
;("c" "Column Highlight Mode" column-highlight-mode)
("X" "highlight changes (global)" global-highlight-changes-mode)
("x" "Highlight changes (local)" highlight-changes-mode)
;("e" "Global highlight edits" global-semantic-highlight-edits-mode)
("l" "Highlight lines" highlight-lines-matching-regexp)
("b" "Compare buffers" highlight-compare-buffers)
("f" "Compare file" highlight-compare-with-file)
("p" "Highlight Phrase" highlight-phrase)
("r" "Highlight regexp" highlight-regexp)
("." "Highlight symbol at point" highlight-symbol-at-point)
("u" "Unhighlight" unhighlight-regexp)
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-multiplecursors ()
:transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay
[["Multiple Cursors"
("n" "next~" mc/mark-next-lines)
("N" "un next~" mc/unmark-next-like-this)
("p" "prev~" mc/mark-previous-like-this)
("P" "un prev~" mc/unmark-previous-like-this)
("a" "all~" mc/mark-all-like-this)
("r" "all-region" mc/mark-all-in-region)
("d" "all-dwim" mc/mark-all-dwim)
("." "mark-pop" mc/mark-pop)
("w" "words" mc/mark-all-words-like-this)
("#" "numbers" mc/insert-numbers)]])
eww helpers
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-w3m ()
("e" "🔍 search" w3m-search)
("n" "🏠 new" w3m)
("h" "history" w3m-db-history)
("b" "buffers" w3m-select-buffer)
Spell check convenience.
(transient-define-prefix tsa-transient-spelling ()
("<f12>" "spell buffer" flyspell-buffer :transient t)
("<f11>" "spell correct" tsa/correct-all)
("<f10>" "one correct" flyspell-correct-wrapper)]
Having the variety of shell-types available at fingertip. better-shell is easily the most common, though.
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-shell
"Shell commands to be used"
["Shell Commands"
[("z" "bettersh" better-shell-shell)
("r" "remote" better-shell-remote-open)
("e" "eshell" eshell)
("t" "term" term)
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-help ()
"Help commands that I use. A subset of C-h with others thrown in."
["Help Commands"
["Mode & Bindings"
("m" "Mode" describe-mode)
("b" "Major Bindings" which-key-show-full-major-mode)
("B" "Minor Bindings" which-key-show-full-minor-mode-keymap)
("d" "Descbinds" tsa/consult-descbinds)
("D" "Descbinds" Helper-describe-bindings)
("t" "Top Bindings " which-key-show-top-level)]
("C" "Command" helpful-command)
("f" "Function" helpful-callable)
("v" "Variable" helpful-variable)
("k" "Key" helpful-key)
("c" "Key Briefly" describe-key-briefly)
["Info on"
("C-m" "Linux Manual" man)
("C-c" "Emacs Command" Info-goto-emacs-command-node)
("C-f" "Function" describe-function)
("C-v" "Variable" describe-variable)
("C-k" "Emacs Key" Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node)
["Goto Source"
("L" "Library" find-library-other-frame)
("F" "Function" find-function-other-frame)
("V" "Variable" find-variable-other-frame)
("K" "Key" find-function-on-key-other-frame)
("u" "Insert Unicode Char" insert-char)
("I" "Input Method" describe-input-method)
("G" "Language Env" describe-language-environment)
("S" "Syntax" describe-syntax)
("O" "Coding System" describe-coding-system)
("C-o" "Coding Brief" describe-current-coding-system-briefly)
("T" "Display Table" describe-current-display-table)
("e" "Echo Messages" view-echo-area-messages)
("l" "Lossage" view-lossage)
("s" "Symbol" helpful-symbol)
("." "At Point " helpful-at-point)
("C-f" "Face" describe-face)
("w" "Where Is" where-is)
("=" "Position" what-cursor-position)
["Info Manuals"
("C-i" "Info" info)
("C-4" "Other Window " info-other-window)
("C-e" "Emacs" info-emacs-manual)
("C-m" "Linux Man" man)
The giant org transient, intended to be used everwhere, including in exwm windows.
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-global-org
"Orgmode Master Transient"
;; (:color blue
;; :hint nil
;; :body-pre (setq exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough ''t)
;; :post (setq exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough nil))
("C-t" "timer start" org-timer-start)
("C-s" "timer stop" org-timer-stop)
("w" "clock-in to recent task" org-mru-clock-in)
("W" "Clock in the last task" org-clock-in-last)
("o" "Clock Out" org-clock-out)
("j" "goto clock" org-clock-goto)
("J" "Go to a clock" (lambda () (interactive) (org-clock-goto '(4))))]
("r" "Set Timer" org-timer-set-timer)
("p" "Print org timer" org-timer)]
["Hugo Blogging"
("h" "export to hugo" hugo)
("u" "upload" hugo-publish-up)
("t" "publish and upload" hugo-total)
("g" "Export as Markdown" org-gfm-export-as-markdown)
("\\" "toggle pretty entities" org-toggle-pretty-entities)
("l" "go to last stored capture" org-capture-goto-last-stored)
("," "set org priority" org-priority)]])
(defun tsa/move-splitter-left (arg)
"Move window splitter left."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'right))
(shrink-window-horizontally arg)
(enlarge-window-horizontally arg)))
(defun tsa/move-splitter-right (arg)
"Move window splitter right."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'left))
(enlarge-window-horizontally arg)
(shrink-window-horizontally arg)))
(defun tsa/move-splitter-up (arg)
"Move window splitter up."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'up))
(enlarge-window arg)
(shrink-window arg)))
(defun tsa/exwm-workspace-swap ()
"Swap workspaces, querying for which to swap if there are more than 2"
(if (= 2 (exwm-workspace--count))
(let ((w1 (first exwm-workspace--list))
(w2 (second exwm-workspace--list)))
(exwm-workspace-swap w1 w2))
(call-interactively 'exwm-workspace-swap)))
(defun tsa/move-splitter-down (arg)
"Move window splitter down."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'up))
(shrink-window arg)
(enlarge-window arg)))
(global-set-key [C-up] 'enlarge-window)
(global-set-key [C-down] (lambda () (interactive)
(enlarge-window -1)))
in-buffer navigation shortcuts.
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-scroll ()
"WIP Navigate screen repeatably. but suffix or infix don't seem to do it"
[["Navigate Viewport"
("," "scroll leftward" scroll-right)
("." "scroll rightward" scroll-left)
("[" "backward a page" backward-page)
("]" "forward a page" forward-page)]])
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-goto ()
"Buffer nav"
[["Go To in Buffer"
("g" "line" goto-line)
("TAB" "column" move-to-column)
("l" "jump to visible line" ace-jump-line-mode)
("c" "char" goto-char)
("o" "ace" ace-link)
["Navigate Viewport"
("[" "Navigate Viewport" tsa/transient-scroll)
("n" "next err" next-error)
("p" "prev err" previous-error)]
("r" "query replace simple" anzu-query-replace)
("R" "query replace regexp" anzu-query-replace-regexp)
("t" "query replace thing at cursor" anzu-query-replace-at-cursor)
("T" "clobber-replace thing at cursor" anzu-query-replace-at-cursor-thing)
Transient for helping with bbdb.
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-bbdb ()
"BBDB Commands"
("b" "Ivy BBDB" tsa/bbdb-list)
("B" "BBDB" bbdb)
("c" "Create" bbdb-create)
("x" "X-Field" bbdb-search-xfields)
("s" "Snarf" bbdb-snarf)]
(defun tsa/toggle-ace-mode ()
"Toggle whether to search by word or char"
(if (function-equal ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-char-mode)
(setq ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-word-mode)
(message "Jump-Word Mode"))
(setq ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-char-mode)
(message "Jump-Char Mode"))))
or downloading mail
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-fkeys
"Transient for the <f#> keys"
("<f1>" "hide modeline" tsa/hide-mode-line)
("<C-f1>" "show filename" tsa/show-file-name)
("<f2>" "prev msg" tsa/insert-previous-message)
("<f3>" "Toggle search word//char" tsa/toggle-ace-mode)
("<f4>" "shorturl" tsa/yourls-shorten-at-point)
("<f5>" "truncate lines" toggle-truncate-lines)
("<f6>" "hl-line mode" global-hl-line-mode)
("<S-f6>" "hicol" column-highlight-mode )
("<f7>" "line num mode" display-line-numbers-mode)
("<C-f7" "scrollbar" toggle-scroll-bar)
("r" "revert buffer" revert-buffer)])
(defun tsa/hide-mode-line (arg)
"Hide or global hide-modeline for a transient. Doesn't work, though."
(interactive "p")
(message (format "Arg is: %d" arg))
((equal arg 1)
((lambda () (interactive) (hide-mode-line-mode))))
((equal arg 4)
((lambda () (interactive) (global-hide-mode-line-mode))))))
How to compensate for transient colors? And “cancel” button?
(transient-define-prefix tsa/transient-window ()
"Window navigation transient"
:transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay
("h" "focus ←" windmove-left)
("j" "focus ↓" windmove-down)
("k" "focus ↑" windmove-up)
("l" "focus →" windmove-right)]
("q" "X←" tsa/move-splitter-left)
("w" "X↓" tsa/move-splitter-down)
("e" "X↑" tsa/move-splitter-up)
("r" "X→" tsa/move-splitter-right)]
("b" "buffer" switch-to-buffer)
("f" "find-file" find-file)
("g" "git-grep" consult-git-grep)
("p" "projectile" tsa/projectile)
("F" "follow" follow-mode)
("a" "ace 1" transient-ace-cmd)]
("v" "vertical" tsa/split-vertical)
("x" "horizontal" tsa/split-horizontal)
("`" "exwm swap" tsa/exwm-workspace-swap)
("s" "swap" tsa/screen-swap)
("S" "split" toggle-window-split)
("d" "delete window" delete-window)
("D" "delete other" tsa/del-window)
("o" "delete other2" delete-other-windows)
;; ("z" (lambda ()
;; (winner-undo)
;; (setq this-command 'winner-undo)))
("Z" "winner redo" winner-redo)
;("SPC" "" nil)
("." "left" scroll-left)
("," "right" scroll-right)
("4" "quad view" tsa/split-window-4)
("=" "Scratch" tsa/open-scratch)
; (";TODO: " "" projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test "test<>imp")
) Nice visual, sometimes great for when undo history gets messed up
(use-package undo-tree
:delight undo-tree-mode
:bind (("C-x /" . undo-tree-visualize))
(global-undo-tree-mode t))
polyglot mode for php, javascript, html, css
(let ((ext '(".html"
(regexp-opt ext))
;; "\\(?:\\.\\(?:aspx?\\|djhtml\\|erb\\|html\\|jsp\\|mustache\\|ph\\(?:p\\|tml\\)\\|tpl\\)\\)"
(use-package web-mode
:mode "\\(?:\\.\\(?:aspx?\\|djhtml\\|erb\\|html\\|jsp\\|mustache\\|ph\\(?:p\\|tml\\)\\|tpl\\)\\)")
(use-package winum
:demand t
;:bind (("s-<tab>" . tsa/winum-or-switch))
(winum-face ((t (:background "cyan" :foreground "black" :weight ultra-bold :width extra-condensed))))
(winum-auto-setup-mode-line nil)
(winum-set-keymap-prefix (kbd "s-`"))
(winum-mode t)
(add-hook 'window-state-change-hook 'winum--update) ;; this hook is too early
(defun tsa/winum-or-switch (&optional p)
(interactive "p")
(if (= 2 winum--window-count)
(other-frame p)
(call-interactively 'winum-select-window-by-number)))) Snippets anywhere.
(use-package yasnippet
:delight yas-minor-mode
(yas-indent-line 'fixed)
(yas-field-highlight-face ((t (:inherit secondary-selection))))
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/emacs/Snippets")
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "snippets/yasnippet-snippets/snippets")
(use-package clojure-snippets )
Files under emacs/lisp representing customizations and functions I’ve written
The Hydra commands I use.
Ace-window but go back to the Hydra
;;; Usage Functions
(defun tsa/hydra-ace-cmd ()
(ace-window 1)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
Split window vertically and move to the split
(defun hydra-split-vertical ()
Split window horizontally and move to the split
(defun hydra-split-horizontal ()
Swap two screens (windows) with eachother, then back to hydra.
(defun tsa/hydra-screen-swap ()
(ace-window 4)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
Kill a window
(defun hydra-del-window ()
(ace-window 16)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
For large screens (like my TV), make the screen into a quad. Do nothing if we already have any splits.
(defun tsa/split-window-4 ()
"Split into 4 windows"
(if (= 1 (length (window-list)))
(progn (split-window-vertically)
(other-window 2)
(defun tsa/correct-all ()
(setq current-prefix-arg '(4))
(call-interactively 'flyspell-correct-wrapper))
Choose files from this project or (C-u
) choose projects.
(defun tsa/projectile (&optional choose-project)
"Open the scratch buffer. With c-u, in other window."
(interactive "P")
(let ((scratch "*scratch*"))
(if choose-project (projectile-switch-project)
open or switch to scratch buffer.
(defun tsa/open-scratch (&optional same-window)
"Open the scratch buffer. With c-u, in other window."
(interactive "P")
(let ((scratch "*scratch*"))
(if same-window (switch-to-buffer scratch)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window scratch))))
This is where the difference between key-bindings and hydra function calls really comes into play.
Some of these break because they are a hydra. E.g. the dwim.
(defhydra tsa/hydra-multiplecursors (global-map "C-;"
:color red)
("n" mc/mark-next-lines "next~")
("N" mc/unmark-next-lines "un next~")
("p" mc/mark-previous-lines "prev~")
("P" mc/unmark-previous-lines "un prev~")
("a" mc/mark-all-like-this "all~")
("r" mc/mark-all-in-region "all-region")
("d" mc/mark-all-dwim "all-dwim")
("." mc/mark-pop "mark-pop")
("w" mc/mark-all-words-like-this "words")
("#" mc/insert-numbers "numbers")
("SPC" nil) )
eww helpers
(defhydra tsa/hydra-w3m (:color blue)
("e" w3m-search "w3m 🔍")
("E" w3m "w3m 🏠")
("h" w3m-db-history "history")
("b" w3m-select-buffer "buffers")
;; "Eww"
;; ("e" eww "eww")
;; ("b" eww-switch-to-buffer "switch")
;; ("B" eww-list-buffers "buffers")
;;"h" eww-list-histories "history")
Spell check convenience.
(kbd "<f12>")
(defhydra tsa/hydra-spelling (:color red)
("<f12>" flyspell-buffer "spell buffer")
("<f11>" tsa/correct-all "spell correct" :color blue)
("<f10>" flyspell-correct-wrapper "one correct")))
Having the variety of shell-types available at fingertip. better-shell is easily the most common, though.
(kbd "C-z")
(defhydra tsa/hydra-shells (:color blue)
("z" better-shell-shell "bettersh")
("C-z" better-shell-shell "bettersh")
("Z" better-shell-remote-open "better-remote")
("e" eshell "eshell")
("t" term "term")))
The giant org hydra, intended to be used everwhere, including in exwm windows.
(kbd "C-c o")
(defhydra tsa/hydra-global-org (:color blue
:hint nil
:body-pre (setq exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough ''t)
:post (setq exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough nil))
("C-t" org-timer-start "⏰ start")
("C-s" org-timer-stop "⏰ stop")
("C-S" org-timer-stop)
;; Need to be at timer
("r" org-timer-set-timer "⏰ set")
("C-r" org-timer-set-timer)
;; Print timer value to buffer0:00:00
("p" org-timer "⏲ stat")
("C-p" org-timer)
("w" (org-mru-clock-in ;org-clock-in '(4)
) "🕑 clock-in")
("C-w" (org-clock-in '(4)))
("o" org-clock-out "🕕 out")
("C-o" org-clock-out)
;; Visit the clocked task from any buffer
("j" org-clock-goto "⮏")
("C-j" org-clock-goto)
("l" org-capture-goto-last-stored "⮰")
("C-l" org-capture-goto-last-stored)
("," org-priority "orgp⤴")
("C-," org-priority)
("h" hugo "✍ hugo")
("u" hugo-publish-up "✍ pub")
("t" hugo-total "✍ total")
("g" org-gfm-export-as-markdown "as🅫")
("\\" org-toggle-pretty-entities "λ")
("W" org-clock-in-last "Clock in the last task")
("J" (lambda () (interactive) (org-clock-goto '(4))) "Go to a clock")))
(require 'windmove) ; also already added in my emacs-el
(defun tsa/hydra-move-splitter-left (arg)
"Move window splitter left."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'right))
(shrink-window-horizontally arg)
(enlarge-window-horizontally arg)))
(defun tsa/hydra-move-splitter-left (arg)
"Move window splitter right."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'right))
(enlarge-window-horizontally arg)
(shrink-window-horizontally arg)))
(defun tsa/hydra-move-splitter-up (arg)
"Move window splitter up."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'up))
(enlarge-window arg)
(shrink-window arg)))
(defun tsa/exwm-workspace-swap ()
"Swap workspaces, querying for which to swap if there are more than 2"
(if (= 2 (exwm-workspace--count))
(let ((w1 (first exwm-workspace--list))
(w2 (second exwm-workspace--list)))
(exwm-workspace-swap w1 w2))
(call-interactively 'exwm-workspace-swap)))
(defun tsa/hydra-move-splitter-down (arg)
"Move window splitter down."
(interactive "p")
(if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
(windmove-find-other-window 'up))
(shrink-window arg)
(enlarge-window arg)))
(global-set-key [C-up] 'enlarge-window)
(global-set-key [C-down] (lambda () (interactive)
(enlarge-window -1)))
(bind-key* "C-M-o"
(defhydra tsa/hydra-window (:body-pre (setq exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough ''t)
:post (setq exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough nil))
Movement^^ ^Split^ ^Switch^ ^Resize^
_h_ ← _v_ertical _b_uffer _q_ X←
_j_ ↓ _x_ horizontal _f_ind files _w_ X↓
_k_ ↑ _z_ undo _a_ce 1 _e_ X↑
_l_ → _Z_ redo _s_wap _r_ X→
_F_ollow _S_witch _D_lt Other max_i_mize
_SPC_ cancel _o_nly this _d_elete
_,_ Scroll← _p_roject
_._ Scroll→ _g_rep
("h" windmove-left )
("C-h" windmove-left )
("j" windmove-down )
("C-j" windmove-down )
("k" windmove-up )
("C-k" windmove-up )
("l" windmove-right )
("C-l" windmove-right )
("q" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-left)
("C-q" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-left)
("w" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-down)
("C-w" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-down)
("e" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-up)
("C-e" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-up)
("r" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-right)
("C-r" tsa/hydra-move-splitter-right)
("b" switch-to-buffer)
("C-b" switch-to-buffer)
("f" find-file)
("C-f" find-file)
("g" consult-git-grep :color blue)
("p" tsa/projectile)
("C-p" tsa/projectile)
("F" follow-mode)
("C-F" follow-mode)
("a" tsa/hydra-ace-cmd)
("C-a" tsa/hydra-ace-cmd)
("v" tsa/split-vertical)
("C-v" tsa/split-vertical)
("x" tsa/split-horizontal)
("C-x" tsa/split-horizontal)
("s" tsa/screen-swap)
("C-s" tsa/screen-swap)
("S" toggle-window-split)
("C-S" toggle-window-split)
("d" delete-window)
("C-d" delete-window)
("D" tsa/del-window)
("C-D" tsa/del-window)
("o" delete-other-windows)
("C-o" delete-other-windows)
("i" ace-maximize-window)
("C-i" ace-maximize-window)
("z" (progn
(setq this-command 'winner-undo)))
("C-z" (progn
(setq this-command 'winner-undo)))
("Z" winner-redo)
("C-Z" winner-redo)
("SPC" nil)
("C-SPC" nil)
("." scroll-left)
("," scroll-right)
("4" tsa/split-window-4)
("=" tsa/open-scratch "Scratch")
("t" projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test "test<>imp")
("`" tsa/exwm-workspace-swap "exwm swap")))
in-buffer navigation shortcuts.
(kbd "M-g")
(defhydra tsa/hydra-goto ()
"Go To"
("g" goto-line "line") ; reserve for normal M-g g function (may be different in some modes)
("M-g" goto-line "line")
("TAB" move-to-column "col")
("l" ace-jump-line-mode "ace line" :color blue)
("c" goto-char "char")
("n" next-error "next err")
("o" ace-link "ace" :color blue)
("p" previous-error "prev err")
("r" anzu-query-replace "qrep")
("R" anzu-query-replace-regexp "rep regex")
("t" anzu-query-replace-at-cursor "rep cursor")
("T" anzu-query-replace-at-cursor-thing "rep cursor thing")
("," scroll-right "scroll leftward")
("." scroll-left "scroll rightward")
("[" backward-page "back page")
("]" forward-page "forward page")
("SPC" nil "cancel")))
Not specifically bound, but a shortcut for dealing with gnus
(defhydra tsa/hydra-gnus-group ()
"Gnus Group"
; ("TAB" gnus-topic-indent "indent")
; ("<tab>" gnus-topic-indent "indent")
("#" gnus-topic-mark-topic "mark")
("u" gnus-topic-unmark-topic "unmark")
("C" gnus-topic-copy-matching "Copy-m")
("D" gnus-topic-remove-group "DLT")
("H" gnus-topic-toggle-display-empty-topics "Hide Empty")
("M" gnus-topic-move-matching "Move-m")
("S" gnus-topic-sort-map "sort")
("c" gnus-topic-copy-group "copy")
("h" gnus-topic-hide-topic "hide")
("j" gnus-topic-jump-to-topic "jump")
("m" gnus-topic-move-group "move")
("N" gnus-topic-create-topic "new")
("n" gnus-topic-goto-next-topic "→")
; ("TAB" gnus-topic-goto-next-topic "→")
("<tab>" gnus-topic-goto-next-topic "→")
("p" gnus-topic-goto-previous-topic "←")
; ("BACKTAB" gnus-topic-goto-previous-topic "←")
("<backtab>" gnus-topic-goto-previous-topic "←")
("r" gnus-topic-rename "rename")
("s" gnus-topic-fold-this-topic "show")
("DEL" gnus-topic-delete "delete")
("SPC" nil "cancel"))
Hydra for helping with bbdb.
(kbd "C-c b")
(defhydra tsa/hydra-bbdb ()
"Go To"
("b" tsa/bbdb-list "Ivy BBDB")
("B" bbdb "BBDB")
("c" bbdb-create "Create")
("x" bbdb-search-xfields "X-Field")
("s" bbdb-snarf "Snarf")
("SPC" nil "cancel")
Determine whether to ace-search by char or word.
(defun tsa/toggle-ace-mode ()
"Toggle whether to search by word or char"
(if (function-equal ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-char-mode)
(setq ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-word-mode)
(message "Jump-Word Mode"))
(setq ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-char-mode)
(message "Jump-Char Mode"))))
(defun tsa/hide-mode-line (arg)
"Hide or global hide-modeline for a hydra. Doesn't work, though."
(interactive "p")
(message (format "Arg is: %d" arg))
((equal arg 1)
((lambda () (interactive) (hide-mode-line-mode))))
((equal arg 4)
((lambda () (interactive) (global-hide-mode-line-mode))))))
Extends the f-keys to be documented and to concerve space. f-kays that aren’t used super-frequently go here (ie. not quick-org
or downloading mail
(defhydra tsa/hydra-fkeys
(:color red)
"F Keys"
("<f1>" tsa/hide-mode-line "modeline" :color blue)
("<C-f1" tsa/show-file-name "filename" :color blue)
("<f2>" tsa/insert-previous-message "prev msg")
("<f3>" tsa/toggle-ace-mode "Search w//c")
("<f4>" tsa/yourls-shorten-at-point "shorturl")
("<f5>" toggle-truncate-lines "truncate" :color blue)
("<f6>" global-hl-line-mode "hlline")
("<S-f6>" column-highlight-mode "hicol")
("<f7>" display-line-numbers-mode "lnum")
("<C-f7" toggle-scroll-bar "scrollbar")
("r" revert-buffer "revert")
("SPC" nil "cancel" :color blue))