A Simple Todo API built with Rust and Axum
- Register
- Login
- Upload Avatar
- Update Email
- Update Password
- Forget and Recover Password
- Delete Account
- Add Todo List
- Update Todo List
- Delete Todo List
- Fetch All & Single Todo List(s)
- health checker (GET) -------- /api/health_checker
- register endpoint (POST) -------- /api/user/register
- login endpoint (POST) -------- /api/user/login
- verify email endpoint (POST) --------- /api/user/verify_email
- upload/update profile image (PATCH) --------- /api/user/update/img
- change password (PATCH) --------- /api/user/update/password
- get user (GET) --------- /api/user/:username
- add list item (POST) ----------- /api/lists/list
- get user's todo lists (GET) ----------- /api/lists/:id
- update todo list (PATCH) --------------- /api/lists/list
- delete todo list (DELETE) -------------- /api/lists/list:id
Note: I'm done, it's a simple API for frontend devs to use for practice. If you are following, I'll soon deploy and provide postman documentation.
make install
to install dependencies -
make dev
to start the docker container based on the config in the docker-compose.yml file -
make migrate-up
to run migrations -
make start-server
to start the server in watch mode
- Rust
- Cargo
- Docker
Tip: might build a desktop app for it using rust too !! 😀😀 Tip: I said might cause I am yet to complete the dolph-sso elixir & phoenix project I was working on... 👀